Latin Phrases

anno Domin? (A.D.)

in the year of the Lord

ante meridiem (a.m.)

before noon

post meridiem (p.m.)


ad infinitum

to infinity, endlessly

alter ego

the other I, the other self

circa (c.)

about (N.B. used with dates)

de facto

from, or according to, fact; actually

de jure

according to right, by lawful title

bona fide

in good faith, genuine, without decite

sui generis

of its own kind, unique

deo volente

with God willing

per se

by itself

nolens volens

willingly or unwillingly (willy nilly)

ex libris

from the books of (used on bookplates in the front of books to indicate owner)

ex officio

from the office of, because of his office

caveat emptor

let the buyer beware, he buys for his own risk


under punishment

quod est demonstrandum (Q.E.D)

(the thing) which must be shown

lapsus linguae

a slip of the lounge

mirabile dictu

strange to say, wonderful to relate

(N.B.) nota bene

note well

ne plus ultra

(no more beyond) perfection

per capita

(by heads) for each individual

prima facie

(at first appearance) before investigation

quid pro quo

(something for something) one thing for, or in place of another

pro tem. (pro tempore)

(for the time) temporary


(according to the time) without preparation


(so!) used in parentheses right after some mistake in a direct quotation (shows that one recognizes the mistake)

sine qua non

(without which not) a necessity

sub rosa

(under the rose) in secret (from the ancient use of the rose at meetings as a symbol of the sworn confidence of the participants


(I forbid) an official's way of stopping the action of a bill

status quo

(the condition in which) the situation in which it was before

vice versa

(with the order changed) reversed

viva voce

(the live voice) orally


(videlicet for videre licet: it is permitted to see) namely (abbreviation was once v.i. but the z was used after the invention for the printing press, as the symbol for the period.)


(versus -- turned) against


Senatus Populusque Romanus; The Senate and The Roman People (not only on all official Roman inscriptions, but on all offical documents of the Italian government today.)

annuit coeptis

(God) has approved [nodded to] the things (we have) begun

novus ordo seclorum

a new order of the ages

e pluribus unum

out of many (is made) one


exepli gratia - for (the sake of) example


confer - compare; look up


et cetera - and other things; and so forth


ibidem - in the same place (as the precious foot note)

et al.

et alia - and other things
et alii - and other people

op. cit.

opere citato - in the work already cited


quod vide - which see (used to suggest consulting another source)


vide - see


id est - that is


above (referring to something discussed earlier in the book)


below (referring to something later in the book)


post scriptum - written after (used at the end of a letter)