

beyond the physical

what is the ethical life?

Kant deontology.


how we know what we know

who lived the ethical life?



study of value

what does the ethical life say?

Care about duty. put on your roots. the opposite of the beautiful Life.

Virtue Ethics

Right thing at the right time for the right reason

who wrote sickness unto death and concept of an anxiety?


Who defined Western culture?


When did Nietzsche die?


What were virtuous in Homer's time?

Wisdom, strength, honor, wealth, and beauty

Who wrote Death of God?


We should not ourselves do what we blame others for.


Who is the ubermensch?


It is not good for a man to get all he wants


What can the lion do?

Roar no, conquer, fight master, be it's own master, and create freedom.

A man's character is his destiny


What can the child do?

Say yes, be innocent, will own will, conquer own world, become god, and create own values.

Cause of sinning is ignorance of what is better


What does beyond good and evil mean?

to be beyond them. write own standards.

It is better to be wronged than do wrong


what is the will to power?

The desire to create one's own meaning and purpose, and impose this on others

A good person not only refrain from wrong action but does not want to do it


what is the eternal recurrence of the

the same stuff happening over and over again.

maybe you think that the body is no more a tool used by the soul; well and good, but if a tool is in bad shape you blame not the tool but the owner


who wrote the genealogy of morals?

Friedrich Nietzsche

happiness is in riches but in goods of the soul


who wrote the disquieting suggestion?



Factual, related to reality or physical objects; not influenced by emotions, unbiased

when was The Iliad written in what was it about?

950 BCE. The war of Troy and Arte.


based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions

what was the Odyssey about and when was it written?

returning from the war. 900 BCE


considered in relation or in proportion to something else.

who wrote the Aeneid and when?

Virgil. 19 BC.

Man is the measure of all things


who died in 399 BC?


who died in 348 BC?


who died in 377 BC?


who was pre to our court and made the question answer question answer method?


what are hints that a book is an early Socratic book?

short, one topic, end at an impasse

Is it pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious therefore it is loved by the gods?


what the strongest says it is" (justice)


Justice is helping your friends and harming your enemies.


Justice is honoring the gods and paying your debts


What do books 2 and 3 of the republic focus on?

The City/Soul Analogy

what are the three different kinds of souls in the City soul analogy?

rational and spirited and appetite part

what are the three citizens of the city in the City soul analogy?

the rulers, the military, and the commoners

what are the three parts of the body?

The head, the chest, and the belly.

what are the three virtues of The City soul analogy?

wisdom, courage, and moderation.

what does book 6 of the republic cover?

the types of government

he who believes that new benefits will forget old injuries is deceived.


who wrote nicomachean ethics?


it is necessary for a man to learn how to not be good.


what does the good mean?

that at which all things aim" Aristotle

I consider myself to be a man of principle but occasionally I must go against those principles to do what's right.


What does eudaimonia mean?

the permanent good spirit

everyone wins when you have a good Prince.


What is telos?

a goal or purpose

who says it is better to be feared but not hated?


what is Arte?


Fear is held together by dread of punishment that will never leave you.


will you achieve eudaimonia without Arte?


who says it is better to be feared than loved?


can you have Arte without eudaimonia?


what is fortuna?

fortune or luck and according to Machiavelli the greatest enemy.

what is prudence?

knowing to do the right thing at the right time for the right reason.

what is virtu?

foresight, ingenuity, or virility.

what is the golden mean?

the mean between two extremes.

what is voljairse?

to turn and turn again when the storm comes.

what are the three types of friendship?

pleasure, utility, and morally.

what are the goals of the prince?

1 to stay in power
2 to receive Glory and Honor.

what did Machiavelli say the purpose of politics was?

to make the city thrive

to take the office you must become the most virtuous and ethical of all of us


what is anthopalogical?

where we are at war for physical things or locked in a state of nature.

what does the centaur say?

to be the perfect human but also turn into the sneaky Snake and The Sly Fox to get info. to be virtuous when it suits you

who wrote The Prince?


when did Mill die?


what were chapters 1 through 5 of The Prince about?

the five types of government: Democratic, liberal, Pope King, etc.

who made the hedonistic calculus?

Jeremy Bentham

what were chapters 6 through 10 of The Prince about?

the pros and cons of those government types and how to gain power or fall apart in those types.

what is a Hedon and what is a Dolor?

Eden one unit of pleasure.
Dolor one unit of pain

What were chapters 12 through 14 of The Prince about?

a summary of The art of war. Always have army trained, equipped, and eady to go fight and defend. Never hire mercenaries.

what are the higher faculties of utilitarianism?

education when the rational part of the brain is in charge.

which chapters are the heart of the prince?

chapters 15 and 16

who says it is better to be human being dissatisfied than an uneducated satisfied?


morality is based on utility, in other words the greatest happiness principle actions are right as they tend to print out promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. bye happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pa


utilitarian morality does recognize and human beings the power of sacrificing their own greatest good for the good of others. It only refuses to admit that the sacrifice itself it's good. A sacrifice which does not increase, or 10 to increase, the sum tot


utilitarianism requires in partiality, like that of a disinterested spectator. The assailants of utilitarianism seldom have the Justice to acknowledge, but the happiness which forms the utilitarian standard of what is right and conduct is not the agent's


as a means of making the nearest approach to this ideal, utility would enjoin, first, that laws and social arrangements should place the happiness already interest of every individual as nearly as possible in harmony with the interest of whole and secondl


Noble feelings in a person can be killed very easily (like a plant) in life through bad experiences.


men lose their high aspirations as they lose their intellectual taste, because they have not time or opportunity for indulging them, and they addicted themselves to inferior pleasures, not because they deliberately prefer them, but they are either the onl


what are the pros of utilitarianism?

it is the only ethical system that makes you think of how your actions affect others. It is the Right theory for that time it was published.

what are the cons of utilitarianism?

it is not as realistic for today. It is the evil equivalent to dang I suck at math. it is too simplistic psychologically. It doesn't stop pleasure like the other systems.

when did Kant die?


what is the Good will?

acts for the sake of duty / for good itself.

what is duty?

to act out of respect or reverence for the law.

what is a maxim?

A subjective piece of advice.

what is the best example of a maxim?

what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

what is the hypothetical imperative?

do A in order to achieve X

what is the categorical imperative?

Kant's statement of the basic moral principle by which we determine what we ought and ought not to do. Do X

what are the pros of deontology?

it is an ethical system we might be able to teach a kid. It has to appendices for groundwork for metaphysics of morals.

what are the cons of deontology?

we got a formula without context leaving it abstract. it justifies some bad things. Does pure motive even exist?

what is nihilism?

nothing has a meaning or purpose.

what is existentialism?

how we define our existence.

who wrote existentialism is a humanism?

Jean-Paul Sartre

by the age of 50 you have the face that you deserve.


what are the three steps to existentialist?

abandonment, anxiety, and despair.

is suicide okay according to existentialism?

no, it is never okay.

who says truth is subjectivity?


who sells the crowd is untruth?


who wrote either and who edited either?

a wrote either and Victor eremita edited either

who wrote the book or?

judge vilhelm

what is the book either written about?

The beautiful life

what is the book or written about?

be ethical life.

who published fear and trembling?

Johannes de silencio.

what is the book fear and trembling about?

the religious life.

what are the main points of the beautiful Life?

avoiding commitment and imagination.