Social Statistics: Chapters 4-8


the appropriate measure of central tendency for nominal variables

Probability Sampling

method of sampling that enables researchers to specify, for each case in the population, the probability of its inclusion in the sample


In a normal distribution, the 95th percentile is how many standard deviations from the mean?

Population, standard deviation and sample size

What is standard error of the mean calculated using?

Area below the Z-Score

To find the percentile rank of a given score, what is it necessary to determine?

Difference between the areas beyond each Z-Score

In order to find the proportion of the area under the normal curve, between two z-scores that are both above the mean, it is necessary to examine what?

Cumulative Percentage Column

Which column is most useful when using frequency distribution to identify the interval containing the mean?

Area under the curve between any score and the mean

With normal curves, if you know the mean and the standard deviation, what are you able to calculate?

Measures of Central Tendency

categories or scores that describe what is average or typical of the distribution


the category or score with the highest frequency (or percentage) in the distribution

Type of scale used for mode

nominal scales


a score below which a specific percentage of the distribution fall


the score that divides the distribution into two equal parts so that half the cases are above it and half are below it

Type of scale used for mode

ordinal scales


a measure of central tendency that is obtained by adding up all of the scores and dividing by the total number of scores. It is the arithmetic average.

Scale type for Mean

interval-ratio measurement scales

Skewed Distribution

the mean may give misleading information on the central tendency because its value is affected by extreme scores in the distribution

General rule with Skewed Distribution

the mean, median and mode do not coincide

Measures of Variability

numbers that describe diversity or variability in the distribution of a variable

Normal Distribution

a bell-shaped and symmetrical theoretical distribution with the mean, median and mode all coinciding at its peak

Standard Z Score

the number of standard deviations that a given raw score is above or below the mean

Standard Normal Table

a table showing the area (as a proportion, which can be translated into a percentage) under the standard normal curve corresponding to any Z score or its fraction


group that includes all the cases in which a researcher is interested


a subset of cases selected from a population

Symmetrical Distribution

when the distribution is symmetrical - any of the three values can be used

Positive Distribution

right tail is longer, has extreme high scores ("outliers"), mean is greater than median because it is influenced by high outliers

Negative Distribution

left tail is longer, has extreme low scores ("outliers"), mean is less than median because it is influenced by low outliers


a measure used to describe the population distribution

Index of Qualitative Variation

a measure of variability for nominal variables - it is based on the ratio of the total number of differences in the distribution to the maximum number of possible differences within the same distribution


a measure of variation in interval-ratio variables - it is the difference between highest (maximum) and the lowest (minimum) scores in the distribution

Interquartile range (IQR)

the width of the middle 50% of the distribution. - it is defined as the difference between the lower and upper quartile ranges (Q1 and Q3)

Box Plot

can visually represent the range, the IQR, the median, the lowest and the highest score - provides a way to visually examine the center, the variation and the shape of distributions of interval ratio variables


measure of variation for interval-ratio variables - it is the average of the squared deviations from the mean

Standard Deviation

measure of variation for interval-ratio variables - it is equal to the square root of the variance


a measure used to describe the sample distribution

Probability Sampling

a method of sampling that enables the researcher to specify for each case in the population, the probability of is inclusion in the sample

Standard Normal Distribution

a normal distribution represented in standard Z scores - with the mean=0 and standard deviation=1

Simple Random Sample is a sample designed in such a way as to ensure what?

That every member of the population has an equal chance at being chosen and that every combination of N members has an equal chance of being chosen


population size/sample size

Stratified Random Sample is a method of sampling obtained by what?

Dividing the population into subgroups based on one or more variables central to the analysis and then drawing a simple random sample from each of the subgroups

Proportionate Stratified Sample

the size of the sample selected from each subgroup is proportional to the size of that subgroup in the entire population

Disproportionate Stratified Sample

the size of the sample selected from each subgroup is disproportional to the size of the subgroup in the population

Sampling Distribution

theoretical probability distribution of all possible sample values for the statistics in which we are interested

Sampling Distribution of the Mean

theoretical probability distribution of sample means that would be obtained by drawing from the population all possible samples of the same size

Standard deviation of the sampling distribution is also called what?

Standard error of the mean


a process whereby you select a random sample from a population and use a sample statistic to estimate a population parameter

Point Estimate

a sample statistic used to estimate the exact value of a population parameter

Confidence Interval

a range of values defined by the confidence level within which the population parameter is estimated to fall. Sometimes the confidence intervals are referred to as margin of error

Confidence Level

the likelihood, expressed as a percentage or probability, that a specified interval will contain the population parameter

Margin of Error

The radius of the confidence interval