American History: Chapter 9 and 10

What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions declare?

It was a secret resolution made by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It stated that the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the constitution and that the states could nullify any federal laws that were unconstitutional.

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were 4 bills passed by Congress. They were made because America was on the close to war with France, and Adams did not want any french spies in the US. He also wanted to silence the criticism that was coming upon him. First Bill: Immigrants coming to

Explain the concept of states' rights

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used this theory to fight the Alien and Sedition Acts. It stated that states has rights that the federal government could not violate.

What is a person who lives in the United States but is not a citizen?

An alien.

What were the first two political parties?

Federalists and Democratic-Republicans.

Why were the political parties created?

Washington did not want political parties because if there were differences between groups of people, it could weaken the nation. Thomas Jefferson/James Madison and Alexander Hamilton disagreed on how to interpret the Constitution, how to run the governme

What is meant by foreign policy?

Relations with governments of other countries. Washington urged the future government to not have close alliances with countries or agreements with foreign nations may go against the US's interests.

What act of Congress set up the federal court system?

Judiciary Act of 1789. Supreme Court could have 6 justices, 1 chief, 5 associates.

Why did Alexander Hamilton believe it was important to pay the nation's debt?

It would assure other nations that the US is responsible about it's money. These nations would do business with the US.

What was Hamilton's plan to make the nation stronger?

1. Pay off all war debts, many southern states had paid, northern hadn't. For the south's support of the plan, the nation's capital would be in the South. 2. Raise government revenues. He wanted to have tariffs which would increase government money and en

Why did Alexander Hamilton's plan make the national government more powerful?

It would bring more money to the government and would gain respect from the citizens and other nations.

What are the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson?

JEFFERSON: - From wealthy family in the south.
- Inform citizens on issues
- Faith in common people [democracy]
- Strong state governments and weaker central governments
- Promoted agriculture and farms.
- National bank was dangerous and would trample aut

Why did Washington advise the nation to remain neutral in world affairs?

If there were any agreements/alliances with other nations, those agreements may work against US interests.

Who had the belief that the nation's future success lay in manufacturing and trade instead of agriculture?

Alexander Hamilton

To solve the challenges the new nation faced, President Washington depended on what?

On his departments and cabinets.

What was the XYZ affairs?

Adams sent Charles Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry and John Marshall to Paris so they could meet with the French minister of foreign affairs to restore calmness from French's seizures of American ships. The 3 diplomats met with 3 french agents - X,Y, and Z -. Th

Why did Washington send 13,000 troops against the farmers in the Whiskey Rebellion?

If there wasn't any action on this, the rebellion might've undermined the government and weakened its authority.

Who were the candidates in the election of 1800 and what party did each represent?

John Adams, federalists, and Thomas Jefferson, democratic-republicans.
Aaron Burr ran for vice president.

In the Election of 1800, who were the two candidates that tied?

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr with 73 votes.

Who ultimately determined the winner in the election of 1800?

House of Representatives. House had majority of federalists, some feared TJ and voted for AB. Others thought AB was unreliable and voted for TJ. Thomas Jefferson won election, Aaron Burr was vice president.

Give examples of Federalist programs Jefferson eliminated; which significant one did he keep?

- Ended Alien and Sedition Acts.
- Ended many taxes, like Whiskey Tax.
- Reduced # of federal employees.
- Reduced size of military.
Jefferson kept the revenues from tariffs and land sales to reduce money owed by the government.

Explain the principle of judicial review.

Created during Marbury v. Madison. S.C has final say in interpreting the Constitution [to say what the law is]. If law violates Constitution, it cannot be put into effect. Helped to balance power of the three branches.

What did the Supreme Court decide in the case of Marbury v. Madison?

Marbury sued Madison for refusing to not give him his job. The Supreme Court ruled that the law which Marbury sued under was unconstitutional.

What problem troubled Jefferson about his purchase of Louisiana?

Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. The Constitution never said anything about the president's right to buy new land.

What were some reasons behind the US purchase of Louisiana from France?

- Alarmed by America's determination to keep the New Orleans port.
- Enthusiasm for an American colony lessened by colonies in West Indies.
- Needed money for war with Britain.
- He wanted a republic of small farme

How did Native Americans aid the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

The Shoshone tribe gave horses to Lewis and Clark, and helped them cross the Rocky Mountains.

Why was Sacagawea so important to American history?

She guided Lewis and Clark through the unknown region and translated the language of the Indian tribes. Lewis and Clark would not have survived if it weren't for her.

What knowledge was gained from expeditions to the Louisiana Territory?

- Scientific and geographic information of the land, like different plants and animals etc.
- An all-water route across the continent didn't exist.
- Descriptions of the Great Plains, how it was treeless and wouldn't be very good for farming. This was ina

Explain the Embargo Act.

France and Britain were seizing US ships, and instead of declaring war, Jefferson passed this act. American ships could not sail to any foreign ports, and closed American ports to Britain.

Why did Jefferson send the Corps of Discovery into the Louisiana Territory?

- To find a water route across America
- Get good relations with the Native Americans
- Describe the landscape, plants and animals they saw

How did the Napoleonic Wars affect the United States?

Britain and France both wanted the US's help. Britain didn't want the US to supply France with food and supplies, so they created a partial blockade. 1.) France and Britain enacted laws to control foreign shipping. If US obeyed French rules, Britain would

Why were calls for war with Britain stronger in the Trans-Appalachian West then they were in other regions of the nation?

Britain was stirring up a Native American Resistance to frontier settlers or so was though by Northwestern settlers. Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief, united different Native American tribes to prevent the US from taking their land. After the NAs loss at the bat

Describe the US military at the start of the War of 1812.

It was very weak because Thomas Jefferson cut down the size for the national debt. >7,000 men. Navy only had about 16 ships. Inexperienced and ignorant officers had poorly trained and equipped men.

Why was Oliver Hazard Perry's victory over a Britain fleet in 1813 so important?

In a battle at Lake Erie, he refused to give up the ship. His ship was then demolished, and him and four men rowed to another ship. 2nd ship, the destroyed 2 Brit. ships and forced them to surrender. This protected many of the Northern states, increased A

Who was the commander that was victorious at both the Battle of Tippecanoe and the Battle of the Thames?

General William Henry Harrison.

Who saved the Lansdowne Portrait when the British burned Washington DC?

Dolley Madison.

What inspired Francis Scott Key to write the "Star Spangled Banner"?

He was held in British ship and watched the battle at Fort McHenry. At dawn, he saw the American flag still flying and he expressed his pride in what is now the national anthem.

What was significant of the Battle of New Orleans?

Led by Andrew Jackson, his American soldiers of 71 defeated 2,000 British troops. This battle made him a hero, but 2 weeks earlier due to slow mails, the Treaty of Ghent ended the war.

What treaty ended the War of 1812?

Treaty of Ghent

What did the Judiciary Act of 1801 allow President Adams to do?

It increased the number of federal judges, which allowed Adams to appoint as many Federalist judges as he could between the election of 1800 and Jefferson's inauguration.

What does the label radical mean?

A person who takes extreme political positions.

Which Native American leader died while fighting for the British in the War of 1812 in the Battle of the Thames?


Who did Washington appoint as chief justice?

John Jay

What do the Federalists believe in?

A strong central government and weaker state governments. A loose interpretation of the Constitution.

What do the Democratic-Republicans believe in?

A weaker central government and stronger state governments. A strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Where was the capital located?

On the Potomac river, between Virginia and Maryland.

What were the departments and who were their cabinets?

1. Secretary of War - Henry Knox.
2. Secretary of State - Thomas Jefferson
3. Secretary of Treasury - Alexander Hamilton.

What did America do after the XYZ affairs?

Congress cancelled all treaties with France, allowed US ships to seize French ships and spent money to expand the navy/army.

What was the case of Marbury v. Madison?

William Marbury, one of Adams's appointments, was to be given his job as justice of peace by James Madison [secretary of state]. Madison refused, Marbury sued. Court ruled against Marbury, the law which Marbury sued under was unconstitutional.