History 1B

giving in to some of a competitors demands


home vegetable gardens that added to the home food supply

victory gardens

trade policy with fighting nations for non-military supplies

cash and carry

Japanese suicide bombers


deliberate destruction of an entire ethnic group


lightning war" waged by Germany with tanks and airplanes


French citizens who secretly fought Nazi control of France

resistance movement

Mexican farm laborers brought to the United States to work the fields


Night of the Broken Glass


American Japanese prison camps located far from the Pacific Coast

internment camps

Who began the Great Purge?

Joseph Stallin

What event led Japan to invade China in 1937?

the Marco Polo Bridge incident

When did Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?


In what year did Italy invade and conquer Ethiopia?


What was the United States Neutrality Act?

it banned the sale of arms to countries at war

In what year was the Munich Conference held?


Why did President Roosevelt propose the Lend-Lease Program in 1941?

to send aid to the Allies in Europe

Under what circumstances did Harry S. Truman become President of the United States?

FDR died

In what year did World War II begin?


How many years were there between Japan's invasion of Manchuria and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

10 years

What became of Adolf Hitler after the German surrender in 1945?

Hitler committed suicide

In what year did the United States declare war on Japan, Italy, and Germany?


What was the result of the Battle of Midway in 1942?

The US defeated the Japanese

In what year did the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto rebel?


In addition to the Pacific and Europe, what other region of the world became a battlefield in WWII?

North Africa

When was Mussolini overthrown in Italy?


Where did the United States drop atomic bombs?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

When did Hitler invade the Soviet Union?


In what year did the Unites States begin its island-hopping strategy in the Pacific?


Where did the D-Day invasion take place in 1944?


During WWII, many Japanese Americans in California were

rounded up and placed in government internment camps.

During Hitler's rule in Germany, anti-Semitism became the

official government policy.

Women made significant contributions to the war effort by

serving as radio operators, mechanics, and pilots.

D-Day marked the

allied invasion of France.

The American decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan

may have prevented thousands of American deaths in the invasion of Japan.

The United States government issued ration cards

to limit the amount of goods individuals could buy.

The government of the Unites States paid for the war effort by

raising taxes.
issuing war bonds.
borrowing from banks.

To help defeat the Japanese in the Pacific, the Marines experimented with

Navajo code talkers.

In 1936, Hitler and Mussolini joined in what would become known as the Correct between Rome and Berlin.


Under General Henri-Philippe P�tain, Vichy France adopted a policy of Correct with Hitler's Germany.


By 1940, Hitler seemed to be on the verge of destroying the Correct.


Manchuria became a Correct under the authority of the Japanese Empire.

puppet state

The British RAF began to use Correct techniques to target German cities.

carpet bombing

By 1939, the Schutzstaffel, known as the SS, was formed as a secret Nazi police to guard political prisoners in the Correct.

concentration camps

A pesticide known as Zyklon B proved to be successful in the Nazi Correct.

death camps

The Japanese admiral who designed the attack at Pearl Harbor also planned a battle at Correct to defeat the remainder of the American Pacific fleet.


President Roosevelt authorized the Correct in order to beat the Germans in developing an atomic weapon.

Manhattan Project

Thousands of Correct volunteered to fight in the United States military despite their Japanese ancestry.


carry hydrogen bombs to their targets


the ability to get to the verge of war without getting into actual war


an effort to prohibit further Communist expansion into Europe


investigated disloyalty and Communist infiltration in the U.S.


mutual military assistance among allies

collective security

Hollywood studio effort to suppress actors, writers, and producers suspected of subversive activities


efforts to make the U.S. and its allies so militarily powerful that no one would attack


U.S., Canadian, and western European plan for mutual defense


discriminated against potential immigrants from Asia, Southern Europe, and Central Europe

McCarthy Walter Act

Communist domination and oppression in Europe

iron curtain

Why was NATO formed in 1949?

to defend against communism

When was the Warsaw Pact is formed?


Who were the United States Presidents during this Cold War period?

Truman Eisenhower

Who led American anti-Communist activities in the U.S. Congress?

Joseph McCarthy

Why did the WWII allies meet in Potsdam in 1945?

plan the post war world

What did the Truman Doctrine promise?

to support nations resisting communist aggression

How many years passed between the Soviet development of the atomic bomb and the Sputnik launch?

8 years

What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?

a plan to defend middle eastern nations against communist aggression

In what year did the Soviets test their first hydrogen bomb?


In what year were the Rosenbergs executed for spying for the Soviets?


In what year did the Korea War begin?


When did the Truman presidency end?


What did Soviet leader Joseph Stalin predict in 1946?

the worldwide triumph of communism

What did the Berlin airlift do?

brought supplies to people trapped in West Berlin

What evidence shows that the United States feared the rise of Communism?

Eisenhower Doctrine, execution of the Rosenbergs, Joseph McCarthy investigations

When did President Roosevelt die?


When was the United Nations founded?


When did the Senate censure Senator McCarthy?


When did the Communists win control of China?


What was the main cause of the Cold War

Communist control of China and the Soviet atomic weapon test in 1949

The U.S. gave aid to war-damaged countries in Europe under the

Marshall Plan.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was designed to

check the aggressive policies of the Soviet Union

The United States entered the Korean War

without a declaration of war by Congress.

In 1956, the United States supported Egypt's demand that

NATO remove troops from the Suez Canal

Eisenhower warned Americans about the military-industrial complex because he thought

weapons manufacturers were too powerful.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

were executed for supposedly giving the Russians the secret to the atomic bomb.

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first space satellite, called the

Sputnik I

Brinkmanship" is associated with

John Foster Dulles

The Berlin Airlift was designed to

bring needed supplies to the people of West Berlin.

The Korean War was an example of

an effort at containment.

North and South Correct was divided by the 38th parallel.


Smear tactics were used by Correct to bring suspects before the HUAC on charges of supporting Communism.

Joseph McCarthy

Cited by Congress for contempt, the Correct chose not to respond to the questions of Senator McCarthy.

Hollywood Ten

The Soviet Union established a military defense treaty with the countries of Eastern Europe called the Correct.

Warsaw Pact

The Soviet Union planned to establish Correct on its western borders.

satellite nations

Truman informed Stalin that the U.S had developed an atomic weapon at the Correct.

Potsdam Conference

An American Correct plane was shot down over Soviet territory in 1960.


The United States gained unanimous support for its Korea policy in the Correct.

United Nations

The Correct was an effort to restore economic stability to Western Europe.

Marshall Plan

As Communist domination continued to spread, a/an Correct fell across Europe.

Iron Curtain

challenged traditional patterns of respectable behavior


used radio and television to carry their messages to more people


social and economic transition from wartime to peacetime


contracts to offer certain goods and services from a larger parent company


a tiny circuit that amplifies, controls, and generates electrical signals


allowed WWII veterans to expand their economic opportunities

G.I. Bill of rights

a corporation made up of three or more unrelated businesses


new style of music in the 1950s

rock and roll

encouraged consumers to purchase beyond their means

credit cards

an independent agency for space exploration


When were successful tests conducted on a polio vaccine?


Who was Dr. Spock?

a pediatrician who published a popular book on child rearing

What important medical research was conducted in London in 1953?

the double helix model for DNA

The invention of the transistor was crucial for the development of what other industries?

computers and electronics

When did the Soviets launch lunar probes?


When was the G.I. Bill passed?


How did the federal government fund highway construction in 1956?

the federal highway act

When were rock 'n' roll radio shows developed for broadcast?


Who wrote the classic novel 1984?

George orwell

What feat did Thor Heyerdahl complete in 1947?

he sailed the raft Kon Tiki from peru to polynesia

How many years after the end of WWII did the Soviets launch Sputnik?


When did Congress pass the Taft-Hartley Act?


What popular yard ornaments were seen in suburban neighborhoods of the 1950s?

pink flamingos

What two laws were passed in 1958 that had an impact on science in the United States?

national defense educational act and the NASA

In which direction did most African Americans migrate in the 1950s?


What singer-guitarist helped develop the Rock n Roll movement?

Chuck Berry

Describe the single-family dwellings of the American suburb.

single family houses with small front and back yards lined out in tree lined streets with schools and parks

What event in 1957 would signal the beginning of the space race?

the soviet launch of sputnik I

What famous sign sat on President Truman's desk in the White House?

the buck stops here

In what direction did most of the regional migration of the 1950s occur?


Suburban families enjoyed incomes that were

larger that previous generations.

Many changes took place in the workplace including more women employees and

more white-collar jobs.

Some young people challenged the norms of the 1950s by becoming


Modern republicanism was a movement to

limit the size of the federal government.

Though Truman proposed actions, Congress took no stand on

civil rights issues.

Charges of illegal special monetary funds were made against presidential candidate


The teaching of science and math became an important issue following the

the launch of the Soviet Sputnik.

The transistor radio became popular among __________ of the 1950s.


Congress passed legislation called the Correct to improve science and math education in U.S. public schools.

National Defense Education Act

The name Correct was given to President Eisenhower's plan to slow the growth of the government and reduce the national budget.

Modern Republicanism

Strikers were forced to return to work under the Correct if the strike interfered with national industries.

Taft-Hartley Act

Walt Disney's book Correct introduced children to the Atomic Age.

Our Friend the Atom

Correct, the average annual income of Americans, rose in the 1950s.

per capita income

President Correct became the first presidential candidate to campaign in the all black community of Harlem.


Truman devised a program called the Correct that was based on the programs of former President Roosevelt.

Fair Deal

Elvis Presley was a popular example of the new music craze known as Correct.

rock "�n' roll

In 1963, Betty Friedan wrote a book, Correct, which was critical of the 1950s ideal woman.

The Feminine Mystique

Gasoline companies were the first to offer Correct for customers who did not want to use cash for their cross-country purchases.

credit cards

African American elected to Congress from the state of New York

Shirley Chisholm

head of the NAACP who later became the first African American Supreme Court Justice

thurgood marshall

founded in 1911 to assist African Americans moving into urban areas from the South

national urban league

Alabama troopers assaulted civil rights marchers

Selem marches

the use of day and night debate in Congress


organized by CORE with aid from SNCC to test southern states' compliance with Supreme Court rulings

freedom riders

segregation by law

de jure segregation

tactic used by SNCC and others to protest segregation at public restaurants


bringing different races together in society


call for all African Americans to unite and build a community separate from white Americans

black power

What did Freedom Riders challenge in 1961?

segregation on interstate buses

How did assassinations of key leaders in America affect the civil rights movement?

important leaders in the segregation movement were lost

What was the result of the arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama?

the bus boycott

When did Fidel Castro rise to power in Cuba?


In what year did the Supreme Court rule that public education could not be segregated?


In what region of the country did most of the racial violence occur?

the south

Why were there riots in urban areas like Watts in 1965?

frustration over racial relations

When did Vietnam Communists defeat the French in Vietnam?


What was the goal of the Montgomery bus boycott?

protest discrimination on public transport

Why did Eisenhower send troops into Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957?

to force integration at the central high school.

In what city was the largest nonviolent gathering held in 1963?

Washington D.C.

Who were the United States Presidents during the majority of the civil rights movement?

Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy

Which Midwestern city experienced the greatest racial violence from 1945 to 1968?


What Texas city experienced racial violence in 1945-1965?


How many years passed between the desegregation of public education and the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

10 years

In 1968, which two major civil rights figures were assassinated?

Martin Luther King jr and Kennedy

In what country was Nelson Mandela jailed?

South Africa

Which state had the largest number of peaceful demonstrations?


Which event happened first, the Montgomery bus boycott or the Freedom Riders' challenge to segregated buses?

bus boycott

How was the Supreme Court order for school desegregation enforced in Little Rock, Arkansas?

with federal troops

I Have a Dream" was a speech given by the reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., at

a massive rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

What precedent did the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, establish?

Public schools may no longer be segregated by race

The law that Rosa Parks challenged required blacks to

give up their seats to white customers on public buses.

In 1963, Malcolm X preached

black separatism.

The Black Panthers reflected the idea of

black power.

The most troubled year of the 1960s was


In __________, police arrested blacks just for standing in line to register to vote.


Public reactions to student sit-ins were __________ in Southern cities.

often violent

Founded in 1942 by Pacifists, __________ was dedicated to bringing about racial changes in America.


The integration of "Ole Miss" was made by Correct in 1962.

James Meredith

Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote his letter from Correct after his arrest to defend his tactics in the civil rights movement.

Birmingham Jail

In the Voting Rights Act of 1965, President Correct promised a new law to protect voting rights of African Americans.


The Correct to the Constitution outlawed the practice of charging poll taxes.

24th Amendment

Black Muslims who preached black separatism founded the Correct.

Nation of Islam

Separation caused by social conditions such as poverty is known as Correct.

de facto segregation

Many civil rights leaders believed in Correct, a belief in a separate identity for African Americans.

Black Power

In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Correct.

Montgomery bus

Governor Faubus refused to allow Correct to attend public school.

black students

The greatest strength of the Correct was its legal defense team.


young people of the 1960s who favored peace, love, and personal freed Correct


Kennedy's proposal to improve the economy, assist the poor, and speed up the space program Correct

New Frontier

preschool programs for the young children of poor family Correct

Head Start

public endorsement of a candidate's proposals Correct


officers of the law must inform suspects of their rights at arrest Correct

Miranda rule

Mexican American activists who encouraged pride in their culture and history Correct


U.S. effort to train seven test pilots as astronauts Correct

Mercury program

crusade for women's rights Correct


self-government by the Native tribes of America Correct


presidential rulings that have the force of law Correct

executive order

How did President Johnson launch a "war on poverty"?

with the Great Society

In what year did President Johnson send U.S. troops into the Dominican Republic?


Why did President Johnson announce that he would not run for re-election in 1968?

race riots and the Vietnam War protests

How was Kennedy a "new type of candidate" in the 1960 election?

Kennedy was only 43 and Roman Catholic

When did the first American astronaut go into space?


When were the Medicare and Medicaid programs created?


How did Texas vote on the ERA issue?


What landmark Supreme Court case made criminals' rights an issue?


When did the Soviets build the Berlin Wall?


Name the country in the Western Hemisphere that was a nuclear threat to the United States in 1962.


Who was the world's first female Prime Minister?

sirimavo bandaranaike

Why did C�sar Ch�vez organize the United Farm Workers?

to provide better working conditions for migrating farmers

When did the Supreme Court legalize a women's right to abortion?


In what year did Native Americans take over the reservation at Wounded Knee?


What was the purpose of the Woodstock festival?

to celebrate rock and roll and counter culture

What initiated the consumer protection movement?

Ralph Nadars book Not Safe at any speed

Who became Prime Minister of India in 1966?

Indira Ghandi

When and where was Greenpeace founded?

1971 in Vancouver, Canada

What book by Betty Friedan inspired the women's movement?

The Feminine Mystique

What best-selling book did Rachel Carson write?

Silent Spring

The American Indian Movement (AIM) was inspired by

the black power movement.

The political party La Raza Unida was organized to

improve pay, housing, and job opportunities for Hispanic Americans.

The counterculture was the result of

youth rebellion against the values of their parents.

DDT is a/an

harmful pesticide.

The Bay of Pigs invasion centered on

a planned invasion to overthrow Castro.

The Great Society was a presidential effort to

create a more equal America.

A crisis occurred in Berlin because

the Soviets attempted to cut off Berlin from the western free world.

Japanese Americans won small compensation for their WWII treatment with the help of


Certain chemicals cause ozone in the atmosphere to

break down, exposing the earth to the sun's rays.

The Supreme Court issued many important rulings in the early 1960s, including the ban on Correct in 1962.

school prayer

The first U.S. astronaut to orbit the earth in space was Correct.

John Glenn

Many people served their country as VISTA volunteers in America and Correct volunteers overseas.

Peace Corps

The Correct banned nuclear testing above ground to eliminate the radioactive fallout that nuclear testing produced.

Limited Test Ban Treaty

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would make discrimination based on Correct illegal.


The 1960s' style often included recreational use of Correct as an experiment in altered reality.

psychedelic drugs

The music festival at Correct was an example of peaceful gatherings of the counterculture, to experience rock and folk music, fellowship, free love, and drugs.


The leading consumer advocate in America was Correct, who encouraged American industries to make safer products.

Ralph Nader

The Correct aimed to control the pollution caused by industrial and automobile emissions.

Clean Air Act

an increased activity in fighting efforts in a war


a derogatory name for Communists in South Vietnam

Viet Cong

a new political movement that called for radical solutions to problems of poverty and racism

New Left

wide differences in values and morals of young people and their parents

generation gap

National Security Advisor to President Nixon

Henry Kissinger

wanted the independence of Vietnam from the French in the 1950s


those who favored the continuation of U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam


the silent majority who were tired of the violence and division in the country

Middle America

an explosive device hidden in the ground

land mine

became the Communist president of North Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh

What does the word escalate mean?

to increase or to go up

Describe the vegetation and climate of most of Vietnam.

tropical jungle climate and vegetation

When did the Tet Offensive begin?


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed in what year?


Under what president did the U.S. begin to send support to Vietnam?


What shocking event took place at in Ohio in 1970?

four students were killed by the national guard

How did the Vietnam War end?

with a signature of peace agreement in 1973 in paris

What was probably the most traumatic year of the Vietnam War?


What did the 26th Amendment do and in what year was it passed?

it lowered the voting age to 18. in 1971

In what year did India go to war with Pakistan?


How would you summarize the decade of the 1960s?

This was the age of civil disobedience, violence and war.

Who was president of the U.S. at the end of the Vietnam War?

Richard Nixon

How was the passage of the 26th Amendment related to the Vietnam War?

lawmakers felt that if young man were good enough to serve in the war they should also be able to vote

When did the Communists take over South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos?


What three countries border Vietnam?

Cambodia, laos, and china

What does MIA stand for?

missing in action

What two important liberal leaders were assassinated in 1968?

kennedy and luther king

In what year was a major war fought in the Middle East?


Who were the major players in the Vietnam War?

US china and vietnam

How were returning veterans of the war received at home?

they received mixed welcoming

The belief that, if South Vietnam fell to the Communists, all of Southeast Asia would fall was called

the domino theory.

What resulted from the Geneva Accords of 1954?

Vietnam was divided into two nations.
Elections were to be held to unify the country.
Ho Chi Minh became a significant leader.

The Communists launched the Tet Offensive hoping that

the South Vietnamese would revolt against their American backed-government.

President Nixon's Vietnam policy was to

make the South Vietnamese army do more of the fighting.

Ho Chi Minh was the

most important leader of the Vietnamese independence movement.

President John Kennedy did not want to get involved in a war in Asia because he

feared that China might enter the war as it had in Korea.

Anti-war activists used all of the following methods to gain support except

campaign fundraisers.

Nixon unleashed the so-called Christmas bombs on North Vietnam in 1972 in order to

force the North Vietnamese to sign the cease-fire agreement of October 1972.

All of the following were results of the war in Vietnam except

democratic elections were held in South Vietnam.

The massacre at My Lai was probably due to

Lt. Calley and his men being frustrated and suffering from battle shock.

A violent group of the SDS known as the Correct deliberately targeted police in Chicago in 1969.


In an effort to honor soldiers and heal the nation's wounds, a Correct was built in Washington, D.C.

Vietnam Veterans' Memorial

The Viet Cong could escape and hide from the U.S. troops by using elaborate Correct.


Two new chemical weapons used by the Americans in Vietnam included Agent Orange and Correct.


The executive branch of the United States government ordered an endless bombing campaign known as Correct to weaken the Communist will to fight.

Operation Rolling Thunder

The Correct centered on college campuses where bright, educated students became interested in American foreign policies.

free speech movement

Two Democrats who opposed the war in Vietnam were Eugene McCarthy and Correct.

Bobby Kennedy

President Nixon widened the scope of the war by dropping bombs in Correct.


In Communist-controlled Cambodia, Pol Pot's political party, known as Correct, brutally caused the deaths of over 1.5 million people.

Khmer Rouge

reduction or removal of government control of certain industries


intellectuals who opposed Soviet policies


ban on shipping goods


policies to address past discriminatory practices

affirmative action

general pardon for those accused of a crime


200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence


relaxation of tension between the U.S. and China and the USSR


current political office holder


five-year agreement that froze the number of nuclear missiles being produced


to charge a politician with misconduct while in office


What important national celebration took place in 1976?

bicentennial of the signing of the constitution

Why did the United States boycott the 1980 Olympics?

US opposed the Russian invasion of Afghanistan

What action did the OPEC nations take toward the U.S. in 1973?

imposed embargo on all US oil shipments

Why did President Carter negotiate the Camp David Accords?

to promote peace in the middle east

Cambodia captured the Mayaguez in what year?


What led to Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974?

the watergate break in

In what year was there an attempt to rescue Americans held hostage in Iran?


When was the SALT I treaty signed?


What Communist nation joined the U.N. in 1971?


What years did Gerald R. Ford serve as president?


How did the hostage crisis in Iran resolve?

hostages were released in 1981

What did the Senate Watergate investigation committee discover?

that the white house was involved

How was President Carter's leadership style described?

less aggressive

When was Ronald Reagan elected to the presidency?


What significant scientific event occurred in 1969?

the us achieved the first moon landing

Why did President Nixon travel to China and the Soviet Union in 1972?

to pursue detente

In what year did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan?


What was unique about President Ford's Presidency?

he was the only non elected president

What are ICBMs?

intercontinental missile

In May of 1973, public hearings into the Watergate matter were televised to the public by the

U.S. Senate.

On August 5, 1974, President Nixon

finally released the missing electronic tapes.

President Ford's plan to revive the economy was called

Whip Inflation Now.

D�tente is used to describe

an improvement in the U.S.-Soviet relationship.

The purpose of the Presidential visit to China was

to take advantage of the Soviet-China split.
to end the American policy of ignoring China.
to prepare the American public for formal recognition of China

Gerald Ford has the distinction of being

the nation's only nonelected president.

Which of the following most weakened President Carter's Presidency?

the hostage crisis, inflation, and the energy crisis

Presidential Candidate Jimmy Carter was considered a Washington outsider with a

down home" approach.

Gerald Ford conducted meetings in Helsinki, Finland, to

work on agreements on European security.

With the War Powers Act of 1973, Congress

limited the President's ability to involve the U.S. in foreign conflicts

At the President's retreat in Maryland, known as Correct, a framework for peace in the Middle East was signed in 1978.

Camp David

President Carter felt that it was important to pardon Vietnam Correct to heal the nation's wounds.

Helsinki Accords

Congress, angry at the growing powers of the executive branch, passed the Correct in 1973 over the veto of the President.

War Powers Act

The break in and cover up by the people under President Nixon's influence enabled them to gather information on the Democratic Party in a situation known as the Correct.

Watergate scandal

Henry Kissinger, the President's Secretary of State, used practical politics known as Correct to work with foreign nations.


Because federal spending is difficult to control, President Nixon hoped to stimulate the economy with Correct, a policy unpopular among Republicans.

deficit spending

In 1969, President Nixon ordered Henry Kissinger to install Correct on the phones of some people on his own staff.


President Nixon agreed to appoint a Correct to investigate government wrongdoings in an attempt to show his honesty to the American people.

special prosecutor

Though President Ford had many years of experience in Congress, he lacked experience in important Correct.

U.S. foreign affairs

plan to concentrate on the supply of goods, a contrast to Keynesian economics

supple side economics

Federal programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid


an Allied attempt to drive Iraqi forces under Sadam Hussein out of Kuwait

Persian Gulf War

President Reagan's conservative program for a smaller government

New Federation

Jerry Falwell and other Christian conservatives' attempts to reach Americans with the New Right message


agreement to gradually remove trade restrictions between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico


businesses lay off workers in an attempt to cut expenses


systematic separation of white and black South Africans


1980s conservative coalition concerned with the growing size of the government

New Rights

acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a deadly illness


In 1981, what actions did President Reagan take to improve the nation's economy?

cut income tax rates

When did Gorbachev resign as the Soviet Premier?


In what year did Chinese dissidents stage a protest in Beijing?


Why did Britain and the U.S. ban most trade with South Africa in 1985?

to protest apartheid

When did the U.S. unemployment rise to a forty-year high level?


What important event occurred in Germany in 1990?

Germany was reunited

When was Indira Ghandi of India assassinated?


In 1980, which political party won control of the U.S. Senate?


Which countries vied for control of the Falkland Islands in 1982?

Argentina and Great Britain

When did Americans learn about a scheme to sell arms to support anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua?


Operation Desert Storm began in what year?


Why was Operation Desert Storm initiated?

to liberate Kuwait and defeat Iraq

When did Congress pass the Welfare Reform Act?


What new NASA technology improved space travel in the early 1980s?

Space Shuttle

Under what conditions was George W. Bush declared victorious in the 2000 presidential election?

Supreme Court ends recounts in florida, Bush Wins

In what years did the anti-Communist Contras rebel in Nicaragua?


When did the House of Representatives vote to impeach President Clinton?


What horrific terrorist attack on American soil occurred in 2001?


Name three important Cold War events of the 1980s which took place in Communist-controlled countries.

Tiananmen Square, Chernobyl, fall of the Berlin Wall.

Why did President Bush raise federal taxes in 1990?

to fight budget Deficit

October 1998 marked only the __________ time that the House of Representatives has impeached the President of the United States.


After his defeat in the Persian Gulf War, Saddam Hussein refused to cooperate with

U.N. weapons inspectors.

Charges of wrongdoing and scandal in the Clinton Administration became known as the

Whitewater affair.

President and Mrs. Clinton vigorously tried to improve

the American health care system.

Targets in New York and Washington were attacked on September 11, 2001 by

terrorists led by Osama bin Laden.

During the Reagan years, what happened to the overall budget deficit?

It increased by about $210 billion.

Saddam Hussein launched a brutal war of conquest in 1990 into the country of


Throughout Eastern Europe, anti-Communist revolts broke out, including those behind the so called

Iron Curtain.

Many Americans felt that the wealthy unfairly flourished during the

Reagan years.

The first woman Supreme Court Justice was appointed by President Reagan in 1981. She was conservative Republican

Sandra Day O'Connor.

Opponents of the expansion of government programs criticized programs of the 1980s as interfering with Correct.

private lives

Reagan dubbed his economic program Reagonomics, which relied on Correct to make it work.

supply-side economics

In an effort to protect American territory against nuclear attack, Reagan announced the Correct in 1983, popularly known as Star Wars.

Strategic Defense Initiative

In Nicaragua, the ruling Marxist style government leaders known as Sandinistas were undermined by the CIA trained Correct or counter revolutionaries.


In the 1990s, Correct for non-English speakers had come under attack as being a deterrent to the assimilation of immigrants.

bilingual education

Many areas of American life in the 1990s have been improved by communication advances such as the Correct.


Correct is a movement of greater focus on people of non-European backgrounds in American society.
