U.S. History- Chapter 21: The Vietnam War, the 1970's, and 1980's

Colonial power

The_took control of the area in the 1890's. They ruled it as a__...the Vietnamaese raised rice, harvested rubber, and mined coal.

Ho Chi Minh

During World War II,_took control of the new country...After the war, communist forces fled by___gained control of the Northern part of the country.

Indo-China War
French and communists
$2.5 billion

In 1946, the___broke out between the_and_...the U.S. supplied the French with equipment and_.

Dien Bien Phu
55 day siege

___, a French fortress in northern Vietnam, fell after a___on May 7, 1954...the French were_.

A. North Vietnam...communist...Hanoi...Ho Chi Minh
B. South Vietnam...democratic...Saigon...Ngo Dinh Diem

Two Vietnams were created in 1955 (border was the 17 degree parallel):


The U.S. saw Ho as a_, and therefore an enemy.

Free elections

Promised__in South Vietnam never took place, because the U.S. feared that elections would remove_from power.

Viet Congress
South Vietnam

In the 1960's, communist rebels known as the__, began to move into__...the caused havoc with their attacks.

General Douglas MacArthur

By the end of 1963, JFK had sent_military advisors to Vietnam...___warned him about a war in Asia, because he felt we couldn't win.


_turned out to be a corrupt president and_knew that the struggle against communism could not be won under Diem's rule.

General Duong Van Minh

With JFK's approval, Diem was overthrown in November 1963 and was_as he tried to flee...CIA backed coup'd etat led by____.

Lyndon Johnson (LBJ)

Three weeks later, JFK was assassinated bringing__to the presidency.


The new military government in South Vietnam was already in trouble as generals_and failed to direct their_effectively.

U.S. destroyers
Gulf of Tonkin

August 1964, LBJ announces that North Vietnamese torpedo boats had attacked__in the international waters of the___.

Take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the U.S. and to prevent further aggression.

LBJ asked Congress for an obtained resolution giving him authorization to"____________________.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The____gave LBJ control over what the U.S. did in_...it was later shown that the resolution was written before the attack occurred.

1964 election

LBJ, however, in running for the__tried to keep the war from becoming an issue. ("We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.")

Military expansion

After winning the 1964 election, LBJ started a gradual__of the war.

I am not going to lose Vietnam.

LBJ stated, "_______.

South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trial

By 1965, the communists appeared close to victory as communist troops poured into__via the____, a supply route that passed through_and_.

General William Westmoreland

The commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam was___.

-1964 - 23,000
-1968 - 543,000
-1971 - 184,000

Troop deployments:

U.S. aircraft
North Vietnam

The war escalated in 1965 when__began bombing__.

Battle of la Drang Valley
North Vietnamese troops (NVA)

November 1965..._____...In the first "true" battle between communist and U.S. forces, the U.S. defeated a large army of___.

Viet Cong
Jungle warfare

Despite many "victories" and these troops, U.S. advanced weaponry failed to drive out the__, who were masters at__.

South Vietnam

Despite the large U.S. presence in__, the communist forces only_their efforts.

Viet Cong
North Vietnamese

During_, the Vietnamese New Year, the__and__launched a major offensive.

Surprise attacks
American military bases

The offensive included__on major cities and towns and___throughout South Vietnam.

U.S. embassy
Presidential palace

In_, the South's Capital, the Viet Cong bodly attacked the__and__.

Psychological victory

Even though they were turned back with heavy losses, the Viet Cong had won a__.

Tet Offensive
Massive attack

The__demonstated that the Viet Cong could launch a__on_throughout South Vietnam.

Vietnam War

It caused more and more Americans to question whether victory in the__was possible.


After Tet, polls showed for the first time that a majority of Americans_the war.

Agent Orange
Animals and humans

__, a herbicide used to kill leaves and thick undergrowth and expose Viet Cong hiding places, killed_and caused health problems in_and_.


_was a chemical dropped from planes that created a_and_uncontrollably on the ground even sticking to the people's bodies searing off their flesh.

Body count
Vietnamese civilians

The military was under pressure to show results...__of dead enemy soldiers was the main gauge of success...this encouraged the killing of__.

567 Vietnamese Men
Search and destroy

March 16, 1968, U.S. soldiers killed___, women, and children as part of a___mission.


Word of the killings was_but the details become public in_.

Lieutenant William Calley

___, the officer in charge, was sentenced to life in_...later_.

Tet Offensive

During the__, the communist had been uncommonly brutal;_anyone they labeled an_.

Minor officials, teachers, and doctors

Enemies included__,_, and_.

Special locations

While the communists had control of_, they ordered all civil servants, military personnel, and those who had worked for the Americans to report to__.

3,000 to 5,000

Of those obeyed, some_to_were killed.

Mass graves

Their bodies were found in__after the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces retook the city.


On March 31, 1968,_announced that he would not run for another term as president.

Peace talks

LBJ ordered a_in the relentless bombing of Vietnam to open the possibility of__.

North Vietnam

In May 1968,__joined the U.S. in Paris for_to end the war.

Richard Nixon

__wins the 1968 presidential election.

South Vietnamese soldiers

One president, Nixon dedicated himself to a policy of_, which involved removing American forces and replacing them with___.

Secret" bombing

Nixon ordered the__of Cambodia in order to bomb enemy_...this triggered_on college campuses across the country.


1970...Nixon orders U.S. troops into_, expanding the_.

Kent State University

At___, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on student protestors killing_and wounding_others.

North Vietnam
South Vietnam

As the Paris peace talks dragged on,__began a major military assault on__.


American began leaving Vietnam in 1970...instituted_.


Nixon ordered the most intensive bombing campaign of the war including the bombing of_and the_of North Vietnamese harbors.

Formal peace agreement

Due to Nixon's 1972 re-election and another round of_bombings of North Vietnam, a___was signed in Paris...finalized on January 23, 1973.


The war resulted in_dead and_wounded.

$150 billion
National debt

Vietnam cost at least__in direct expenses and produced a huge__and growing_.

North and South Vietnam

Although U.S. involvement ended,_and__continued to fight for another two years.


On April 29, 1975, with communist forces surrounding_, the U.S. carried out a dramatic last-minute_.

1,000 Americans
6,000 Vietnamese

U.S. helicopters airlifted more than__and nearly__from the city to aircraft carriers waiting offshore.

South Vietnam

On April 30, North Vietnam completed its conquest of__and the Saigon government officially_.

Communist government

After decades of fighting, Vietnam was a single nation under a__.

Richard Nixon
Senator George McGovern (South Dakota)

Republicans nominate__for re-election. Democrats nominate___.

Vietnam War

The__was ending which was in Nixon's favor.

Pro-abortion, anti-war, pro marijuana

McGovern was__,__,and__.


Nixon won carrying_of the 50 states.


26th Amendment allowed 18 year olds to_for the first time, but most didn't vote...Only_of the voters went to the polls.

Democratic National Committee

_men were arrested after breaking into the___headquarters in the_office building in Washington D.C., on June 17, 1972.

Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP)

These men were connected to the_____. Nixon denied any_.

Senate committee
Senator Sam Irvin of North Carolina

By 1973, a__had been formed, headed by___of__. Evidence presented pointed to_involvement.

64 secret tapes
Watergate burglars

Congress forced Nixon to divulge the contents of__~made of conversations in the Oval Office. They revealed that Nixon knew about the break in much_than he said and showed conversations about payoff to the__.

House of Representatives

A committee of the___began_hearings on Nixon in 1974...Nixon was faced with certain_charges.

Gerald Ford

_resigned on August 9, 1974...the only president in our history to_...he was replaced by Vice President__.

Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
Washington Post
All the President's Men

Key factor in the Watergate sorry was the news coverage by__and__of the__. Their book and later a movie about this was____.

President Ford

__gave Nixon a full pardon in 1974 for any crimes he may have committed as president...Nixon never_that he did anything wrong.

Communist China

Nixon is credited with_relations with__. He went there in 1972. _, a term that means a thawing of the Cold War, was the new accepted policy of our government.

Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur War
Oil shipments
55 mph

Nixon supported_in the_____in 1973...The Arabs embargoed__to the U.S. creating shortages and brought about_and a__speed limit.

War Powers Act
48 hours
90 days

___: (1973) The President must inform Congress within__of troops entering combat...The troops must come home in__unless Congress agrees.

Democrat Jimmy Carter
"Moral government

In the 1976 presidential election, former Georgia governor,___defeats incumbent Gerald Ford...Carter promised a__that would restore faith after Watergate.

Vietnam Draft dodgers

Carter pardoned___...a controversial pledge made during his campaign.

Panama Canal Treaty

1978: ___...agreed to return the Canal Zone to_on December 31, 1999...the U.S. had the right to defend its use and neutrality.

Camp David
Anwar Sadat
Menachem Begin
Middle East

Arab-Israeli Agreement: Carter arranged for meetings in the U.S. at__in Maryland between Egyptian leader__and Israeli Prime Minister__...The Camp David Accords, which were signed at the White House in 1978...brought peace to the__.

Cooling system
Three Mile Island
Radioactive particles

1979: The__failed at the nuclear power plant at___, near Harrisburg, PA, releasing__into the atmosphere...this is the most serious nuclear accident in our history.

Muslim fundamentalists
Ayatollah Khomeini

__overthrew the Shah Of Iran's government...__took over the government.

Cancer treatments
Anti-American riots

The Shah came to the U.S. for__and Iran exploded with___..._American workers were taken from the American embassy in Teheran and held as_.

Mechanical problems

There was an aborted attempt to rescue them in April 1980...the military helicopters had__and the attempt was a disaster..._men were killed.

444 days

The hostages were freed on January 20, 1981, the day_left office...they were in captivity for__.


Carter's approval rating dropped to_, the lowest in history for any president.

Ronald Reagan
Movie star

Carter ran for re-election against__, the former governor of_, an also a former_and__.

Iranian hostage situation

The major issues were the economy(_was out of control) and the___.

Are you better off today than you were four years ago? If not, vote for me.

A key moment came in a T.V. debate when Reagan asked the country,________________. Most Americans were worse off.

George Bush

Reagan and his running mate,__won easily.

John Hinckley
Press Secretary Jim Brady
Jodie Foster

Reagan was shot by__in March of 1981...he was hit in the_...____was shot in the head...Hinckley was found_...He wanted__, the actress, to love him.


Reagan called for a build-up of the_(ships, planes, missiles, etc).

Marine barracks

U.S. troops were sent to_to act as peacekeepers in 1982...Terrorists set off a bomb in a__killing_men.

600 American medical students

October 1983, U.S. troops were sent to the island of_after communist rebels took control...Over____were on the island and needed protection.

Sandinista government

A continuing problem was the_influenced government in_...the U.S. supported the Contra rebels who fighting government troops known as the__.

Reusable" Space Shuttle
36 times

1981- First flight of the___...Colombia circled the Earth__in 54 hours.

1. Sandra Day O'Conner to the Supreme Court
2. Jeane Kirkpatrick as United Nations Ambassador
3. Elizabeth Dole as Secretary of Transportation

Reagan appointed women to important posts:

Walter Mondale
Geraldine Ferraro

Reagan/Bush (Republicans) vs. __and__(1st women nominee)

Landslide 525-13

Reagan won in a___in electoral votes.

Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI)
"Star Wars"

Reagan pushed for the___also known as__. In 1985,_came to power in Russia and relations improved.

U.S. Air Force bombers

1986- ____attacked_due to Libya's support of terrorism.

Nicaraguan rebels

Late in 1986, it was revealed the U.S. had sold arms to_(who was fighting Iraq). This money was used to buy weapons for the__(the Contras)...these actions were against the wishes of_.

Detached Leadership role

Hearings were held where Reagan's advisors (including Colonel Oliver North and National Security Advisor John Poindexter) were_for making deals...Reagan was also criticized for his___.

17,000 deaths

1986- A nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union located in_exploded releasing_...Initially_people died, later__were blamed on the accident.

74 seconds

1987- Space Shuttle Challenger explodes__into its flight_the crew.