U.S. History- Chapter 16: The Cold War


President_was angry over Russia's refusal to allow free elections in_.


Americans had fought to bring_and_opportunity to the conquered nations of Europe and Asia.


An economically strong and politically open world also served American interests by providing_for its products.


The_were determined to rebuild in ways that would protect its own interests.

Satellite nations
Soviet domination

One way was to establish__, countries subject to__, on the western borders of the Soviet Union.

Totalitarian communist governments

The Soviets refused_and instead installed and supported___in Eastern Europe.

Eastern Europe

The Soviets quickly gained control over__nations freed from the_.

East Germany

Soviet troops and communism took over:

Joseph Stalin

__predicted the ultimate triumph of communism over capitalism.


Stalin established_, a Soviet agency intended to direct the activities of Communist parties throughout the world.

Winston Churchill
"Iron curtain

In a speech, __called on Americans to help keep Stalin from closing the__of communist domination and oppression around any more nations.

Soviet Union

These events set the tone for the Cold War, the competition that developed between the_and__for power and influence in the world.

50 years
Political and economic
Military tensions

For__, the Cold War was characterized by___conflict and__.

Soviet-supported uprisings and invasions

Though never directly fighting, U.S. military forces did engage in combat in other nations in effort to defeat___and_.


The policy of_recognized the possibility that Eastern Europe was already lost to communism.


It called for the U.S. to resist_attempts to form_governments elsewhere in the world.


Critics wanted the U.S. to push the_out of Eastern Europe.


_claimed the Soviet system would eventually crumble so_became the cornerstone of America's Cold War foreign policy.

Turkey and Greece

Soviets threatened to take over_and_.

Great Britain

__could no longer afford to provide aid to Turkey and Greece and suggested the_take over responsibility for defending the region.

Greece and Turkey

U.S. officials developed a plan to provide aid to_and_.

President Truman

This action prompted__to call on the U.S. to take a_role.

Truman Doctrine

The_was a 1947 declaration by Truman that the U.S. would support nations being threatened by_.

$400 million
Military bases

Responding to Truman's plea, Congress approved__in aid for Greece and Turkey also establishing__in both countries.

Four decades

This policy would guide the U.S. for the next__.

Economic recovery

The U.S. would help restore the war-torn nation's of Europe so that they might create stable_and achieve__.

Marshall Plan

The__called for the nations of Europe to draw up a program for economic recovery from the war and then the U.S. would support them financially.

Secretary of State George C. Marshall

The plan was unveiled by______in 1947.

Satellite nations

The_were invited to participate but refused and pressured its__to do so as well.

American scheme
"Buy it's way

The Soviets called the plan a vicious__for using dollars to___into European affairs.

17 West European

___nations joined the plan.

European Recovery Plan

In 1948, Congress approved the Marshall Plan, which was formally known as the___.

$13 billion

Over the next 4 years, the U.S. sent some__in grants and loans to Western Europe.


The region's economies were quickly_, and the U.S. gained strong_partners in the region.

West Germany

In Germany, the Allies merged their three occupation zones to create__, because they became convinced that Stalin was not going to allow the_of Germany.

West Germany

The western part of_which lay in the Soviet zone was to become part of__.

East Germany

The Soviets responded in 1949 by forming__.

East Berlin
West Berlin
Western Europe

Thousand trying to escape communism fled to__and then crossed into capitalist__where they Books passage to freedom in the_,_,or__.

West Berlin

_decided to close this escape route by forcing the western powers to abandon__.

Using West German money
Allied access

In June 1948, when a dispute developed over____in that city, the Soviets used it as an excuse to block__to West Berlin.

East Germany

All shipments to the city through__were banned.

2.5 million

The blockade threatened to create severe shortages of_and other_needed by the__people in West Berlin.

West Berlin

Truman did not want to start a_or lose__.

Berlin Airlift

Truman began the__which moved supplies into West Berlin by plane.

13,000 tons

Planes delivered food, fuel, and other supplies reaching nearly__per day.

Gave up the blockade in May 1949

Soviets_______and the airlift ended the following September.

United Nations
Soviet aggression

Western Europe needed to look beyond the__in protecting itself from__.

"Association of democratic peace-loving states

In 1946,_proposed creating an______to defend Western Europe against attack by the Soviets.

World affairs

Truman liked the idea and he wanted the U.S. to be a leader in__and avoid_.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

In April 1949, the U.S. joined_other nations to form the____.

An armed attack against one or more of them...shall be considered an attack against them all.

Member nations agreed that_________________.

European affairs

The U.S. now became actively involved in__.

Warsaw Pact

The Soviet Union responded by forming the__with its satellite nations.

Quiz Line

Quiz Line

Atomic bomb

In 1949, the Soviet Union successfully tested an__.

Hydrogen bomb

Truman gave the go-ahead to develop a__, which was many more times_than the atomic bomb.

Hydrogen bomb (H-bomb)

The__was successfully tested in 1952.

Federal Civil Defense Administration
Nuclear attack

Truman created the____designed to give information on how to survive a__.

China's government
Communist revolutionaries

The struggle between__and__had been going on since the 1920s.

Mao Zedong

Communist__was strengthened during World War II and his army had grown to_.

China's countryside
Northern cities

After World War II, fighting continued and Zedong occupied much of__and many__.

Soviet threat

Truman decided not to help China's government deciding to focus on the__instead.


In early 1949, China fell to the_and the pro-democracy forces fled to_claiming to still be the ruling government of China.


Many Americans were angry with_for allowing China to fall to the communists and led many to call for the protecting of the rest of_from communists.


Koreans hoped their nation would be restored after_withdrew following World War II.

Soviet-occupied northern zone
American-occupied southern zone

However, in 1945 the Allies agreed to divide the nation temporarily into a____and an____.


The North became a_government while the South became a_government.

North Korean troops
South Korea

In June 1950, the Korean War broke out when___crossed into__aiming to reunite Korea by force.

South Korea

The United Nations called on its members to defend__.

General Douglas MacArthur

President Truman's choice to lead the U.N. forces in Korea was___.

Soviet tanks
South Korea

With__and_, the North Koreans had swept__in just weeks.

Stretched thin

MacArthur suspected that the North Koreans' rapid advance had left their supply lines__and he decided to strike at their_.

Inchon, in northwestern Korea

In September 1950, MacArthur landed troops at_,___, and attacked enemy supply lines from behind.

U.N. Troops

Trapped and their supplies cut off, the_retreated back into North Korea with__following behind.

South Korean

Korean leaders began to boast of reuniting_under__control.

Chinese communists
Pro-western nation

Such talk alarmed the__who did not want a___next door.

"Home by Christmas

_warned U.N. Troops not to come any farther; however, MacArthur ignored this and launched his___offensive.

Yalu River

Chinese troops poured across the__and pushed the U.N. Troops back into the_.


A_developed between two sides.

Second front
Chinese communists

MacArthur favored a__and wanted opposition forces in Taiwan to be returned to the mainland to attack the__.


Truman opposed this strategy fearing it would lead to widespread war in_.


_wrote a letter attacking Truman's policies and Truman fired MacArthur for_.


The war dragged on for_more years until a truce was signed in_, leaving Korea divided at almost exactly the same place as before the war.

55,000 U.S. soldiers

___were killed with_being wounded.

Weapons superiority

The U.S. and USSR struggled to gain__.

Hydrogen bomb

In August 1953, the USSR successfully tested a__of its own.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Soviet nuclear threat

President___stepped up the American weapons development program to counter the new___.

750 times
Atomic bomb

Hydrogen bomb tested were conducted between 1954-1958 with these weapons being__more powerful than the__.

90 miles
Radiation burns
200 miles

Japanese fishermen__away suffered severe__and an island__away had to be_.

Air Force

The U.S. relied on their__to carry bombs to targets.

Intercontinental Ballistic missiles or ICBMs

Unable to match this strength, the Soviets focused on long-range rockets known as___or_, as their primary delivery system.

Missile development

The U.S. lagged behind the_in__.

Artificial satellite

The USSR showed their dominance by putting_, the first__to orbit Earth, into space.

Crash to Earth

Americans were mortified by this launch especially after watching a U.S. satellite___shortly after launch.


Another fear prompted by Sputnik was the realization that the rocket used to launch it could also carry an_to the U.S. shores.

American spy plane

In May 1960, the USSR gain demonstrated their capabilities by shooting down an___over Soviet territory with a guided missile.

15 miles high

The plane was the_which flew___.


At such altitudes, American officials had assumed that spy was_to attack.


The_incident shattered this confidence.


Government officials launched programs to root out any element of_that might have infiltrated the U.S.

Federal employee loyalty program

Truman established a____in 1947.

Existing employees

All new employees hired by the government were to be_and the FBI would check-up on__.

Loyalty Review Board

Those accused of disloyalty were brought before a___, where their case was reviewed in a hearing.


Those accused of_often had little chance to defend themselves, and they found that the accusation alone made it difficult to_their names.

Few hundred

_were investigated, but only a__lost their jobs.

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

The____had been established in 1938 to investigate disloyalty on the eve of World War II.

Communist infiltration
Government agencies
Hollywood movie agency

It now began a post-War probe of__of__and the___.


_charged the movies that had tremendous power to influence the public.

Hollywood actors and producers

In September and October 1947, HUAC called__and_to testify about being_.

(Hollywood Ten)

_of the accused communists invoked their 5th Amendment right and they were cited for contempt of Congress and served jail time(__).

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Atomic secrets

____, a married couple who held radical views, were accused of passing__to the_during World War II.


In 1953, the Rosenbergs were convicted of_and_.

Anti-communist passions

The case was another event that inflamed___and focused attention on a possible internal threat to the nation's_.


Release of Soviet records in 1991 seemed to indicate that the_were indeed_.