Abeka US History Test 2


When was Battle of Saratoga


When was Proclomation Line Drawn?


What year was First Continental Congress?


What year was Second Continental Congress?


What year was the Declaration of Independence drafted?


What year was Boston Massacre?


What year was Boston Tea Party?


When did the Stamp Act Congress initiate?


What year was the Treaty of Paris signed?


What year was the Battle of Yorktown?

Thomas Paine

Who wrote Common Sense

Jonathan Edwards

Who preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?

Phyllis Wheatley

Who was the first African-American poet?

George Whitefield

Who had the greatest voice of the Revivals? From England.

William Blackstone

Who wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England?

David Brainerd

Who was the missionary to the Indians?

John Dickinson

Who authored "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies"?

Robert Morris

Who was the superintendent of finance for the Continental Congress and also took out a personal loan to help pay for military expenses?

Halfway Covenant

What allowed church members' children to become members; showed the spiritual decline of New England

Johnathan Edwards and George Whitefield

Who were the two greatest men in the Great Awakening?

Dartmouth, Brown, Rutgers, Princeton

What were the four colleges found from the Great Awakening?


What was the theory that said colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country?

Navigation Acts

What acts between 1650-1696 affected laws of trade?

James Otis

Who spoke out about the Sugar Act?

George III

Who became king in 1760?

Sam Adams

Who organized the Sons of Liberty

Proclamation of 1763

What act prohibited Western expansion beyond Appalacians?

Stamp Act

What act was boycotted and forced it to quickly become repealed?

Edmund Burke

Who defended the colonial cause in Parliament? Irishman

Quartering Act

Which act forced the colonists to house British soldiers?

Sugar Act

Which act affected sugar?


Who was the Chancellor of Exchequer and caused more problems for the colonists/

Ethan Allen

Who led the Green Mountain Boys?


Where was 'the shot heard round the world'?

Howe, Burgoyne, Cornwallis

Who were the three British generals?

Dawes, Revere, Prescott

Who were the three riders to warn the British were coming?


Where did the Continental Congress's meet?

Prohibitory Act

What act prohibited all trade in the colonies?


What general won the Battle of Oriskany?

Nathan Hale

Who was hung for spying for Washington?

Haym Solomon

Who was the Polishman who went to France for a loan?

Baron von Steuben

Who was a Prussian drillmaster?

Marquis de Lafayette

Who was the French aide to Washington?

Thomas Gage

Who originally led the troops to Boston?

William Howe

Who was the general that conquered Philadelphia?


What was the name of the German mercenaries George III hired?

General Burgoyne

Who surrendered to Gates at Saratoga?

Valley Forge

Where did Washington spend the winter of 1777-1778


Where did Cornwallis surrender to Washington?

Battle of Saratoga

What was the turning point of the war?

Mad Anthony Wayne

Who seized forts along the Hudson River?

John Paul Jones

Who was the captain of the Bonhomme Richard?


Where did Washington capture the Hessians?

Richard Henry Lee

Who proposed the resolution for independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Who led the committee to draft the Declaration?


Who was the greatest ally to the colonies?


Where was the final surrender of the war?

George Rogers Clark

Who captured Kaskasia and Vincennes

Nathaneal Greene

Who was the "Fighting Quaker"?

Frances Marion

Who was the "Swamp Fox"?


What was the group that opposed independence?


What was the group that favored independence?

Seven Years' War

What did Europeans call the French and Indian War?

Albany Plan

What plan did Ben Franklin create in 1754 to unify the colonies?

many English political thinkers worked on colonies behalf; well organized without riots or anarchy (political theory contracts prohibitory act); independence was a last alternative to the persecution they faced; many English principles were put into pract

Why was the war not a rebellion?