online us history modual 15

what were the makeshift shantytowns on public land called


how did the unemployment rate change between 1929 and 1933

it grew by more than 20 percent

how was the appearance of bread lines related to rising unemployment

bread lines offered free food to struggling families

how did jobless workers use their skills in Hoovervilles

they built makeshift dwellings from scrap materials

what impact did the falling prices of commodities have on farmers

they could not pay their debts

which group of farmers remained on their land but worked for bigger landowners

tenant farmers

what group faced competition from whites moving to western states such as California

Mexican Americans

why did farmers dump 1000 gallons of milk new Sioux City, Iowa

to protest low prices for milk

how did tenant farmers cope with falling prices for farm products

they went to work for larger landowners

why did some Americans in the Southwest call for the repatriation of Mexican immigrants

White Americans wanted access to jobs that immigrants held

how did the depression affect farm life

crop prices fell, and teh debts of farmers increased

who were tenant farmers

farmers who lost their farms, but remained on the land working for bigger landowners

what effect did the Great Depression have on minority groups such as Mexican and African Americans

discriminatory practices worsened during the Great Depression

what did most people do who lived in the Dust Bowl

they migrated out

what ecological factor made agriculture difficult on the Great Plains in the 1930s

insufficient rainfall

how did the cultivation of winter wheat help create the Dust Bowl in the Great Plains

replacing natural grasses to plant winter wheat led to topsoil erosion

where did most families who had to abandon their farms migrate in order to rebuild their lives

to cities

how did farmers contribute to the problems that led to the Dust Bowl

by using intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses

which factors contributed to the Dust Bowl

drought, dust storms, and intensive farming

how did the Dust Bowl motivate the government to help Great Plains farmers

the government dammed western rivers

what is the best description of a Hooverville

a camp for homeless people

what state drew many migrant families, or Okies, seeking work


how did tenant farmers stay on the land after losing their farms

by renting land to farm from larger landowners

how did the depression affect workers who kept their jobs

there were cutbacks in wages and hours

what was the unemployment rate in 1933

about 25 percent

what was Hoovers initial policy for dealing with the depression

at first he felt that government should not get involved, so he did nothing

what happened to Hoovers ideas that volunteerism and localism would fix the financial crisis

there were ineffective

why did Herbert Hoover initially do little to respond to the nations economic crisis

he believed that government should not interfere in buisiness cycles

how did Herbert Hoover think volunteerism would help turn the economy around

businesses and individuals would work together to end the crisis

why did the policy of localism fail to provide sufficient economic relief

city and state governments had few resouces to relieve the crisis

what theory prompted Hoovers plan to loan money to banks and other large businesses

trickle-down economics

how was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) supposed to battle the depression

by giving government loans to businesses and banks

why did Herbert Hoovers theory of trickle-down economics fail to work as he had hoped

banks often refused to lend government money to businesses

what positive effect did the construction of the Hoover Dam have on the economy of the Southwest in the 1930s

it increased employment

what did the Bonus Army want


what aspect of socialism did some Americans believe offered a way out of the depression

a state-run economy

what did the Bonus Army demand from President Herbert Hoover

early delievery of promised payments for military service

how did General Douglas MacArthur respond to Herbert Hoovers order to clear Bonus Army veterans from their makeshift camps

he used force to remove the protesters

during the Great Depression, which economic system did many Americans think was part of the problem


what group of people marched on Washington, D.C., after World War 1

World War 1 veterans

what was the result of Hoovers order to remove the Bonus Army out of Washington, D.C.

the order ended any chance he had to be reelected

why did Herbert Hoovers theory of trickle-down economics fail to end the depression

banks refused to lend to businesses

the construction of Hoover Dam was the result of what kind of government intervention in the economy

a public works program

according to the theory of localism, which groups should have been best able to deal with the economic crisis

state and local governments

what group thought a stat-run economy would help end the depression


the bonus army was made up of people from what group

World War 1 veterans

what solution did fascists promote to end the depression

strong central leadership

what group throught a state-run economy would help end the depression


what method did Douglas MacArthur use to clear the Bonus Army from Washington, D.C.

tear gas and bayonets

what caused Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) to run for President during the Great Depression

a dedication to public service

what idea was teh centerpiece of FDRs New Deal with which he hoped to reverse the depression

experimentation with federal programs

why did Franklin D. Roosevelt seem a strange choice for President during the Depression

he had never known economic hardship

what were the goals of the New Deal

to provide relief, achieve recovery, and institute reform

who did FDR depend on heavily to serve as his "eyes and ears

Eleanor Roosevelt

which of Roosevelts programs tried to counter the depressions devastating impact on young men

the Civilian Conservation Corps, or CCC

what crises did Franklin D. Roosevelt help clam with the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), explained in the first of his firside chats

a banking panic

why did the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) attract so much criticism

it was a power company run by the federal government

what opportunitites did the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) offer young men affected by the depression

outdoor labor employment

what wsa the main purpose of the National Recovery Administration (NRA)

to set minimum wages and prices

the Public Works Administration (PWA) helped make improvements to what part of the nations economy

infrastructure and jobs

in general, how did the Right view the New Deal

many on the Right felt it was "too much

what was Senator Huey Longs solution to the depression

the "Share Out Welath" program

why did the members of the American Loberty League oppose the New Deal

they believed it made government too powreful

what challenge did Father Charles Coughlin and Senator Huey Long pose to Franklin D. Roosevelts recovery programs

they attracted large audiences by claming the New Deal failed the poor

what step did the National Recovery Administration (NRA) take to restore the nations economy

it establised a minimum wage

how did Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal break with Herbert Hoovers policies toward the depression

the government would take a stronger, more active role in teh crisis

how did the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) help end the banking crisis

by insuring bank deposits up to $5000

what difficulty did Franklin D. Roosevelt overcome in his rise to the presidency

a physical disability

what outcome did the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) share

creating jobs

what is the best description of FDR's fireside chats

FDR's informal radio speeches to the people

how did Father Charles Coughlin gather for his criticisms of the New Deal

through a weekly radio show

what did the Words Progress Administration (WPA) do

it created jobs

how did the New Deal help farmers

it provided them with electric power and increased their income by subsidizing prices

what is one way the Works Progress Administration (WPA) delivered on the promises of the Second New Deal

WPA workers constructed over 650,000 miles of highways

why did John Maynard Keynes support the idea of pump priming, despite increased federal budget deficits

he believed deficit spending would stimulate the economy and creat jobs

what benefits did the Social Security Act provide to ensure peoples economic well-being

it provided pensions for the elderly and aid for poor mothers

why did Franklin D. Roosevelt think the Wagner Act and giving unions the right to collective bargaining would help the economy

he believed unions would raise living standards for industrial workers

what controversial work rule was established by the Fair Labor Standards Act

Employers must give workers a minimum wage

in contrast to workers in the American Federation of Labor (AFL), which workers did the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) help organize

lower paid, ethnically diverse workers

how did the sit-down by the United Automobile Workers Union (UAW) produce change at General Motors (GM)

UAW members refused to leave a G< plant until the company agreed to recognize the union

what did critics call Roosevelts plan to increase the number of Supreme Court justices

court packing

how did Franklin D. Roosevelts court-packing plan seek to change the makeup of the Supreme Court

by expanding the nine-member Court with up to six more Justices

how did the court-packing plan affect Franklin D. Roosevelts plans for the New Deal

it weakened public support for new legislation

Franklin D. Roosevelts court-packing plan was designed to help lessen the power of with group

Supreme Court

why did FDR not have to convince Congress to enact his court-packing plan

the Supreme Court began ruling in favor of New Deal programs

what is one benefit the Works Progress Administration (WPA) provided Americans

new and improved highways

against which industry did the Congress of Industrial Organizations' (CIO's) newly formed union stage a successful sit-down strike in 1936

automobile industry

what did Franklin D. Roosevelt do in the late 1930s that set back New Deal economic gains

he cut government spending

how did the Supreme Gourt block Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal policies

it declared several key programs unconstitutional

what goal did Franklin D. Roosevelt set for the Second New Deal

to promote the general welfare

what program hoped to increase Indian control over their own affairs

Indian New Deal

how did Eleanor Roosevelt change the role of the First Lady during Franklin D. Roosevelts time in office

she took an active role in public policy issues

how did Franklin D. Roosevelt use the New Deal to advance service roles for women in government

by giving women leadership opportunities

why did Mary McLeod bethune believe Franklin D. Roosevelts Black Cabinet represented a step foward for African Americans

its members went on to fill important positions within government

what major issue did the Indian New Deal help resolve in favor of Native Americans rights

loss of tribal lands

how did Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal coalition affect African American voting patterns

more African Americans voted Democratic

how did the New Deal change voting patterns among African Americans

there was a trend from voting Republican to voting Democratic

why were programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and Works Progress Administration (WPA) credited with helping to unite Americans

Federal programs allowed people to different backgrounds to work together

in the New Deals welfare state, who became responsible for the care of societys most vulnerable citizens

the federal government

what effect did the New Deal coalition have on voting trends

African Americans began to vote Democratic

which political group became a sizable majority in Congress due to the suport of the New Deal coalition


besides forging a powerful political coalition, what was another accomplishment of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal

helped unify the nation

what did the federal government do in response to the Great Depression that it had never done before

it acted as employer to the unemployed

what unwritten rule regarding the office of President did Roosevelt break

holding office for a maximum of two terms

how did New Deal policies help Franklin D. Roosevelt increase the power of the presidency over the federal government

by giving greater authority to federal administratiors

what limits does the twenty-second Amendment of the Constitution place on the President

a President can serve no more than two terms

which economic system did many New Deal measures strengthened


what principle did the New Deal establish

that the federal government was responsible for the welfare of all Americans

which government branch increased its power as New Deal programs and federal agencies were created


how did Franklin D. Roosevelt expand presidential powre within the federal government

he created powerful new federal programs

how did the Indian New Deal attempt to solve the issue of tribale land loss

it gave tribes greater control of their own affairs

what political statement did Eleanor Roosevelt make while attending the biracial Southern Conference on Human Welfare

she sat with the African American delegates

Mary McLeod Bethune praised Franklin D. Roosevelt for offering which group access to the White House

African Americans

under the New Deal, the federal government became a welfare state because of its policies to benefit which group

disadvantaged citizens

what roles did members of the Black Cabinet play in the Roosevelt administration

they served as unofficial advisers

what was the significance of Frances Perkins role in the Roosevelt administration

she was the first female Cabinet member