Chapter 9 (US History BJU)

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence, served as ambassador to France, was Governor of Virginia, Secretary of State, Vice President and the 3rd president of the United States.

Jeffersonian Republicanism

Period from 1801-1825 (Jefferson, Madison and Monroe's presidencies)-characterized by belief that liberty in the US would be preserved only as a country that remained predominantly a nation of independent self-sufficient farmers.

12th Amendment

enabled electors to cast separate ballots for president and vice president

Chesapeake affair

In 1807, an American frigate was fired upon by the British warship Leopard. Americans immediately called for retaliation. Jefferson ordered all British ships out of American waters.

Embargo Act

Jefferson pushed this act through Congress as a response to the Cheaspeake affair. He forbade trade with either Great Britain or France. This devastated the economy and went against the Republican's ideas about free trade. It was repealed before Jefferson

John Marshall

the first chief justice for the Supreme Court. A Federalist and cousin of Jefferson. He remained there for 34 years.

Marbury vs. Madison

the first major case in Supreme Court. In which the principle of judicial review was put in place(involved William Marbury and James
Madison) and the "midnight appointments

judicial review

the right of the court to declare a law unconstitutional if it is contrary to the constitution

Gibbons vs. Ogden

ruling handed down in 1824. ItPROTECTED the federal government's delegated powers. It involved Congress's right to regulate interstate commerce. It simply said that the delegated powers given to the national government by the Constitution could not be lim

delegated powers

powers specifically given to the national government by the Constitution

McCulloch vs. Maryland

perhaps the most far-reaching decision of the Marshall Court (1819)
Maryland tried to tax the national bank to the point of extinction. Marshall ruled that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that no state had the authority to interfere wi

implied powers

necessary and proper" powers that enabled the government to carry out its delegated powers

Barbary states

some Muslim kingdoms in North Africa that gained most of its income through piracy and kidnapping--Jefferson sent a squadron of warships to defeat Tripoli and end the tribute money that had to be paid

Two of Jefferson's triumphs abroad

Louisiana Purchase
and the defeat of the Barbary states

Napolean Bonaparte

French dictator during the time of Jefferson. The Spanish had secretly sold the Louisiana territory back to France. America needed the use of this area bc of the New Orleans port and carrying goods down the Mississippi River. Jefferson knew that dealing w

Louisiana Purchase

Purchased from France during the Jefferson Era. It cost 15 million and more than doubled the size of the US. This was less than 3 cents an acre.

Lewis and Clark

commissioned by Congress to lead an expedition to explore the Louisiana territory

Zebulon Pike

another army officer that directed two important expeditions about the same time as Lewis and Clark. One explored the upper regions of the Mississippi and the other crossed the Great Plains to the Colorado Rockies where Pike discovered but did not actuall

Mad Anthony" Wayne

a Revolutionary War hero appointed by Washington to crush the Indians

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Wayne's American forces routed the Indians. It was called this because most of the fighting occurred in a maze of tangled trees knocked down by a storm. A treaty called Treaty of Fort Greenville resulted from this battle

Treaty of Fort Greenville

Indians surrendered all rights to the southern half of Ohio--this treaty was formed as a result of the Indian's defeat at Battle of Fallen TImbers

William Henry Harrison

a nineteen yr old officer that was a veteran of Fallen TImbers Battle. He was the son of Benjamin Harrison (who had been governor of Virginia and signer of the Declaration of Independence). He was much fairer in his dealings with American Indians than the


Led the last great Indian challenge. He realized that the Indian tribes would need to join forces if they were to defeat the Americans. He was very persuasive and his fearlessness and code of conduct was respected even among white man. Unlike some Indians

the Prophet

Tecumseh's brother. He led a religious movement. He lost an eye in an accident with a bow and arrow. He claimed to receive a revelation from the "Master of Life"and said Indians must reject man's ways--especially whiskey.

Battle of Tippecanoe

the Prophet ordered a night attack on the Americans while his brother,Tecumseh was gathering support from southern tribes. Harrison's forces drove off the Indians but took heavy losses. The Indians abandoned Prophetstown and Harrison destroyed it.

Battle of FallenTimbers

What battle opened the Ohio territory to white settlement?

William henry Harrison and tecumseh


James Madison

Fourth President--although he was the Father of the Constitution and an experienced politician, he was too passive as President and tended to allow Congress to dominate him. Also he was distracted for most of his two terms bc the US was rushing into war w


Early 1800's. The British claimed this right to stop American ships,forcibly remove British deserters, and put them back into service

Non-Intercourse Act

Right before Jefferson left office, the government admitted its failure with the Embargo Act. It replaced embargo with this act. This act restored some international trade (though not with Britain or France).It offered to restore trade with either nation

Macon's Bill Number Two

in 1810, Congress tried this after the Non-Intercourse Act failed. It stated that whichever side agreed to restore trade with America (France or Britain), it would side with them in the war and refuse trade with the other. France (Napolean) took America u

War Hawks

a number of intensely nationalistic, prowar representatives. They pushed for war with Great Britain bc they feared British trade restricitons would harm western trade down the Mississippi and also they believed the British were supporting and equipping th

Leaders of the "War Hawks

Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina

U.S.S. Constitution

An American battleship that was particularly effective against the British. The British cannonballs often bounced off the sides of this ship leading Americans to nickname it "Old Ironsides

Old Ironsides

Nickname for the USS Constitution

Oliver Hazard Perry

An American captain that rose to the challenge of gaining control of Lake Erie. He was hired by Harrison. He built his own ships and used Kentucky militiamen as sailors. He defeated the British fleet at the Battle of Lake Eerie 1813

Battle of Thames

October 5,1813.The battle whereTecumseh was defeated and the Americans routed the British-Indian force. The Northwest was never again seriously threatened by the Indians or the British

Battle of Bladensburg

the British scattered a large force of American militia and cleared a path to the American capital

Fort McHenry

located in Baltimore. It did a much better job of protecting the city of Baltimore and protecting it from British invasion

Andrew Jackson

Tennessee general that was authorized by the government to help the friendly Creeks and defend the South against the British Nicknamed Old Hickory. Firm and unflinching leader

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

Where Jackson's force nearly annihilated the unfriendly Creeks

Battle of New Orleans

most stunning victory of the War of 1812, but it was fought after the war was over. Jackson defeated the British in New Orleans

Treaty of Ghent

signed December 24, 1814. Result of four months of negotiations it ended the war but slow communications kept Americans from knowing this for awhile

What three pieces of legislation did the US hope to use economic pressure to avoid war with Great Britain?

Embargo Act, Non-Intercourse Act, and Macon's Bill Number Two

James Monroe

He was secretary of state, but succeeded James Madison in 1816 as President. He was the fifth president and last of the "Virginia Dynasty" presidents

the Era of Good Feelings

Describes the two terms of office that James Monroe held as President. It was called this because of Monroe's popularity, the glow of postwar triumph,and the collapse of all political opposition to the Republicans

Harford Convention

In 1814, representatives of the New England states-mostly Federalists-met in another location. They opposed the war (War of 1812) and hinted that New England might secede from the Union if its demands were not met.

Rush-Bagot Treaty

part of extensive negotiations to iron out differences between US and Great Britain. This was the first and most important and it called for the disarmament in the Great Lakes. Do you know what disarmament means? If not come ask me This has the distinctio

John-Quincy Adams

Secretary of State who took a hard line with the Spanish government and argued that Jackson was simply defending American lives and property. He said that Spain should do a better job policing their territory. This resulted in Spain choosing to sell Flori

Adams-Onis Treaty

The US took possession of Florida from Spain at the cost of 5 million.

Simon-Bolivar and Jose de San Martin

revolutionary leaders in Latin America that jumped at the chance to be free from its Portuguese and Spanish overlords. They used the defeat and conquest of their mother countries by France to establish independent republics.

Monroe Doctrine

Put in place by James Monroe (fifth president). It established two principles--European nations could not intervene in the Western Hemisphere (except where they already held colonies) and the US would not meddle in European affairs. It is now a cornerston

Andrew Jackson

whose campaign in florida motivated spain to sell that territory to the US?

Adams-onis treaty

what treaty enabled the US to purchase Florida and spain?

What are the two basic principles of the Monroe Doctrine?

1-European nations could not interfere in the Western Hemisphere (except where they held colonies)
2-the US would not meddle in foreign affairs

War of 1812

US against Britain, Britain's colonies, and American Indians that had allied themselves with Britain. The outcome resolved many issues that had remained from the American's War for Independence

Reasons US declared war on Britain in the War of 1812

1-trade restrictions brought about by Britain's continuing war with France 2-the impressment of American merchant sailors into the British Royal Navy 3-British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion 4-insults to national honor over h