Civil war test study guide for us history

Fort Sumter

Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina; the confederate attack on the fort marked the start of the Civil War


Worst prisoner camp in the Civil War, located in Georgia. Disease killed hundreds of people every day

Anaconda Plan

the Union (Northern) plan devised by General Winfield Scott to blockade the south and restrict its trade to win the war.

Causes of the Civil War

Economic and social differences between the North and the South, having states vs. federal rights, slaves vs. non-slave proponents, the Growth of abolitionist movement and the election of President Abraham Lincoln.


loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole

States Rights

the right of states to limit the power of the federal government


The doctrine that a state can declare null and void a federal law that, in the state's opinion, violates the Constitution.

John C. Calhoun

South Carolina Senator - advocate for state's rights, limited government, and nullification

Robert E. Lee

Confederate general

Ulysses S. Grant

an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865)

Jefferson Davis

an American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865

William T. Sherman

general whose march to sea caused destruction to the south, union general, led march to destroy all supplies and resoures, beginning of total warfare

Stonewall Jackson

general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War whose troops at the first Battle of Bull Run stood like a stone wall (1824-1863)

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln issued it and freed all the slaves in the Confederate states, but slaves in Border States loyal to the Union remained enslaved. It only applied to states in rebellion (Confederate states). It led to slaves rebelling and joining the Union army and

Gettysburg Address

a 3-minute address by Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War (November 19, 1963) at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg

Habeas Corpus

the right not to be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime: Lincoln takes this away during the Civil War

Burning of Atlanta

General Sherman and his troops set the city of Atlanta on fire, in order to destroy the confederate's supply lines and then Marched to the Sea, Savannah, and burnt everything along the way


the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Northern soil. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with about 23,000 casualties


The most violent battle of the American Civil War that took place in PA and is frequently cited as the war's turning point, fought from July 1 - July 3, 1863.


Grant besieged the city from May 18 to July 4, 1863, until it surrendered, yielding command of the Mississippi River to the Union.

Appomattox Courthouse

April 1865., the Virginia town where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant in 1865, ending the Civil War

Confederate Advantages in the Civil War

-Best military officers
-long coastlines (difficult to blockade)
-fighting on own soil

Union Advantages in the Civil War

stronger navy, larger population, more industrial output and a network of railroads, more food, more $$$, more telegraphs, more factories

Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

Lincoln urged Americans not to seek revenge on slaveholders and their supporters and military after the war. Instead, he urged reconstruction of the South "with malice toward none; with charity for all.