Apush Module 3

What statement reflects early 19th-century American Indian experiences?

Some American Indians cooperated with the work of those who sought to assimilate them into white society.

Slave families were

headed by women more frequently than were white families

What served as the major impetus to the reform movements of the 19th century?

The second great awakening

In the South, the paternalist ethos

masked the brutality of slavery

Too much has already been said and written about woman's sphere ... Wendell Phillips says, 'The best and greatest thing one is capable of doing, that is his sphere.' ... Leave women, then, to find their sphere. And do not tell us before we are born even,

Stone refers to the Cult of Domesticity, arguing that it denies women their right to determine their own way in life.

When my mother became old, she was sent to live in a little lonely log-hut in the woods. Aged and worn out slaves, whether men or women, are commonly so treated. No care is taken of them, except, perhaps, that a little ground is cleared about the hut, on


A primary reason both women and blacks were largely excluded from the expansion of democracy was

that both groups were seen as naturally incapable and unfit for suffrage

American Indian removal and the colonization of former slaves rested on the premise that America

was fundamentally a white society

Why did the application of Missouri territory for statehood cause two years of intense debate?

congress was concerned about how admitting it as a slave state would affect representation and the balance of power between states.

After the War of 1812, disputes with Great Britain over land ownership and use in North America were settled primarily by

diplomatic negotiation

Which of the following most directly contributed to the Adams-Onis Treaty?

Florida had become a refuge for runaway slaves and American Indians. These groups were raiding white settlements near the border with Georgia.

Which of the following was the greatest issue leading to the Monroe Doctrine?

The United States was concerned about renewed European colonization efforts in the wake of Latin American independence movements.

Why did many early national leaders encourage westward expansion?

They wanted to expand trade.

How did American settlers prompt U.S. territory acquisition in some cases?

Settlers who moved near border areas and were disgruntled with conditions sometimes declared independence with the intention of joining the United States.

Why did Thomas Jefferson call the Missouri crisis "a firebell in the night"?

He saw it as a threat to the nation's future.

How did expanding the national territory increase sectional tensions in the United States?

Northern and Southern politicians disagreed as to whether Congress had the authority to determine whether slavery would be allowed in new areas open to settlement.

Which of the following ideas eased Thomas Jefferson's discomfort with the Louisiana Purchase?

Obtaining land would protect the farming culture.

If Northerners found the three-fifths rule and slavery wrong, Southerners were perfectly willing to drive home the logic of emancipation: Emancipate them and they stay where they are; and two-fifths of their number will be added to the representation, th

Representation in Congress

How did the discovery of gold in Georgia affect the Cherokee Indians?

It was on land that had already been set aside as protected for them, and white speculators were illegally entering the land.

Professing a desire to civilize and settle them, we have at the same time lost no opportunity to purchase their lands and thrust them farther into the wilderness. By this means they have not only been kept in a wandering state, but been led to look upon

The Indian Removal Act

The people from which area of the map resisted resettlement with violence for over 40 years?


What is unique about the Cherokee story in the larger theme of American Indian resistance to U.S. expansion?

The Cherokee attempted to assimilate and use American legal channels to resolve the conflicts with white settlers.

Our neighbors who regard no law, or pay no respect to the laws of humanity, are now reaping a plentiful harvest by the law of Georgia, which declares that no Indian shall be a party in any court created by the laws or constitution of that state. These ne

Worcester v. Georgia

To what does the John Ross quote "our hearts are sickened ... our cause is your own, which we learned from yourselves." refer?

The removal of the Cherokee despite their adaption to white culture

Which of the following placed into federal law the idea of resettling American Indians west of the Mississippi River?

Indian Removal Act

Which of the following is most similar to the background story and effects of the Treaty of New Echota, just with a different group of people in a different place?

Treaty of Payne's Landing

Neamathla and Osceola were from different tribes, yet were both considered Seminole chiefs. What else did the two men have in common?

They violently refused to honor removal treaties.

Which of the following is true of the Trail of Tears?

The events of the enforced resettlement led to disease and even death for some.

What is the "unfinished work" Lincoln mentions in the Gettysburg Address?

Reuniting the Union

What document does Lincoln refer with the words "all men are created equal"?

The Declaration of Independence

Which of these resulted from the Union victory in the Civil War?

African American men were granted the right to vote.

What was a political result of the Battle of Antietam?

The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation

How did the Mexican-American War contribute to increased sectionalism in the United States?

The task of organizing the new territory renewed conflict over whether to expand slavery.

[The Constitution] "was defective from the start." [The Framers] "consented to a document which laid a foundation for the tragic events which were to follow."
� Thurgood Marshall, first African American Supreme Court justice, 1991
What "tragic events" doe

Slavery and the Civil War

How might someone counter Marshall's claim in defense of the Framers of the Constitution?

They expected the practice of slavery to continue diminishing and end completely.

Which of the following American Indian groups persevered in retaining lands by a combination of assimilation and using the U.S. legal system itself?


How did the Market Revolution both unite and divide the northern and southern regions of the United States?

The North's manufacturing came to depend on Southern cotton production, an economy based on slavery objected to by many in the North.

The great Council of America have once more petitioned His Majesty to devise some...Reconciliation. This is a final proof with what Reluctance the progeny of Britain draw forth the sword against their unnatural parent."
�Mercy Otis Warren, 1775 letter

They had tried to avoid war and separation.

[T]he history of the United States was conceived of as part of the progress of mankind and the spread of liberty throughout the world. And you can see this in graphic illustrations of the period�of liberty leading people westward. And progress was the es

Manifest Destiny

1800-1840 Market Revolution

Growth of the factory system in north improved agricultural practices in the south and west led to regional differences, but also indterdependence. Cities grew along transportation routes, mostly in the north and west, drawing migrants to their factories.

1830-1860 Abolition

improved technology helped abolitionst spread message to the massas in the north. Many joined anti-slavery societies and publicly championned their cause, other resisted due to fear that ablolition would negativily impact them socially and economically. S

Women's rights

Sceneca falls, put their grievances and hopes on paper in the Declaration of Sentiments, questions about the role of women in the public sphere and the control they should be able to exercise over their lives continued in 20th century.


Support for the idea of universal public education was strongest in the north where reformers, factory owners, and labor organizations worked together to establish tax-supported schools. TEaching became an acceptable carreer path for women. Southern state

Indian Removal

Increased need for cotton production brought about by the M.R. meant the southerners needed more land for their crops, five civilized tribes of the south were either removed by treaty or forced onto reservatios in the west. Worcester v Georgia case, went