US History 1.6

Economy of the North

Industrialized, commerce- based
Didn't rely on slave labor
Opposed spread of slavery

Economy of South

Agricultural, plantation- based
Dependent on cotton
Dependent of slavery
Spread of slavery would protect its future

Missouri Compromise (1820)

Admitted new stats and divided western territory into slave and free states
Set Missouri Compromise line

Missouri (free or slave)


Maine (free or slave)


Missouri Compromise Line

Stated slavery cannot go above this line

Compromise of 1850

California admitted as a free state and created a new Fugitive Slave Act because no new slave state was added

Fugitive Slave Act

Northerns must help in the apprehension and arrest of an escaped slave

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Repealed Missouri Compromise
Allowed popular sovereignty to determine wether slavery was legal or not

Who sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Stephen Douglas

What resulted from the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Raised tensions

John Brown's Raid

Brown attempted to start a rebellion of enslaved people at Harper's Ferry in VA

John Brown

Started raid, which failed
Hanged and became a martyr for abolitionism

Dred Scott v Stanford (1857)

Scott was enslaved and taken to live in a free state by his owner. After his owner's death, he sued for freedom.

Court rulings of Dred Scott v Stanford

African Americans weren't citizens and had no right to sue
Couldn't limit slavery to the territories because he was property

Who won the election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln

How did Lincoln win?

The Democratic party was split, so Republican Lincoln got all the Republican votes

Did Lincoln win in any Southern States?

Nope. Not a single one.

What did Lincoln pledge?

To leave slavery alone where it already existed

What was the first state to secede?

South Carolina (December of 1860)

How many states had seceded by February 1861?


Who was president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

What battle began the Civil War?

The Battle of Fort Sumter

Who won the battle of Fort Sumter?


What happened after the Battle of Fort Sumter

Four more states seceded

Advantages of the North

Strong industrial economy
Larger population
More factories
More miles of railroad
Mature government

Advantages of the South

Strong military leadership
Fought for independence and their way of life
Fighting on home territory
Widespread support

Who won Bull Run


Who won Chancellorsville


Who was the southern general?

Robert E. Lee

Who won Antietam?


What is the bloodiest battle and how many casualties?


Emancipation Proclamation

Freed all enslaved people under the Confederate

Why was the Emancipation Proclamation important?

It made the Civil War a war to end slavery

Who won Vicksburg?


Who won Gettysburg?



Union gained control of Mississippi River in Arkansas and split the Confederate in two


Union defeated Lee in Pennsylvania
* Turning point!

Ulysses S. Grant

Major Union general

Total war

Complete destruction of towns, military, and people

Which side waged total war?

Union, with Ulysses S. Grant

Sherman's "March to the Sea

Destroyed everything in his path
Destroyed Southern morale

When did Lee surrender?

April 9, 1865

Where did Lee surrender?

Appomattox Court House in Virginia

How did Lincoln want to treat the South?

With kindness and mercy

Goals of Reconstruction

Returning seceded states to the Union
Assisting freed African Americans

Freedman's Bureau

Federal agency set up to help former slaves after the civil war

Presidential Reconstruction

Supported by president Johnson and based on Lincoln's ideas
Admitted all states back into US with few penalties

Effects of Presidential Reconstruction

Black codes
Re-creation of Southern government before slavery
Segregation and discrimination

Congressional Reconstruction

Supported by Radical Republicans in Congress
Penalized the South for stating the war

Effects of Congressional Reconstruction

Martial law
African American participation in government

Why was President Johnson impeached?

Radical Republicans thought he was blocking reconstruction
Argued he had broken the law by firing pro radical cabinet member

Did Johnson resign/lose office?

No, by one vote

13th Amendment

Abolition of slavery

14th Amendment

Granted citizenship to all and guaranteed equal protection under the law

15th Amendment

Granted right to vote to all males

Failures of Reconstruction

South passed Jim Crow laws
African Americans were disenfranchised
Most African Americans lived in poverty

Jim Crow laws

Laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites


Denied the right to vote