History 1301- Chapters 5 & 6

Shay's Rebellion

An armed rebellion of werstern Massachusettes farmers in 1786 to prevent state courts from foreclosing on debtros. Nationalists saw such unrest as proof of the inadequacy of the federal government under the articles of Confederation.

Great Compromise

Resolved the difference between the New Jersey and Virginia delegations to the Constitutional Convention by providing for a bicameral legislature: the Senate, with equal representation for each state, and the House of Representatives, apportioned by popul

Three-Fifths Compromise

The provision in the constitution that defined slaves, for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives and state tax payments, not as full person, but as constituting only three-fifths of a person.


Advocates of a strong national government; they supported ratification of the Constitution and subsequently supported measures to expand federal revenue and functions.


Critics of the Constitution who initially opposed its ratification. By the lat 1790's, they generally endorsed states' rights and sought limitations on federal power.

Federalist Papers

A series of essays, chiefly written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, explaining and defending the national government proposed by the Consitutional Convention of 1787.

Farewell Address

President Washington's inflouential 1796 speech in which he deplored the rise of political factions and warned against "permanent alliances" with foreign nations.

XYZ Affair

A political furor caused by French diplomats who in 1797 demanded a bribe before they would enter into negotiations with their American counterparts; some Federalists, furious over this assault on national honor, called for war.

Why was the Articles of Confederation hard to amend?

Because every state but Rhode Island agreed, the the measure required the unanimous consent of the states and therefore failed.

When considering a form of government for the United States, the delgates at the Constitutional Convention had many models from which to choose. Which model was held in the highest esteem? (pg 146)

The federal system

As created by the constitution, in what way does the office of president represent a rejection of the Framers' past ideas and experiences? (pg 148)


After the Federalists committed to adding specifici protections for civil liberties (Bill of Rights) to the Constitution, what happened to Anti-Federalist opposition to the document? (pg 152)

Much of it disappeared

How did Presidnet George Washington exercise his presidential power? Did he use it to advance partisan interests? Did he use it to pressure the legistlature? Did he attept to follow the constitutionally defined power closely or did he seek to expland that

He attempted to follow the constitutionally defined power closely

Why was the Tenth Amendment added to the Constitution?

Largely because of the intellectual influence and personal persistence of the anti-federalists and their allies. (limited nature of the powers delegated to the national governement)

The location of the nation's capital on the Potomac River was the result of a political bargain orchestrated by Alexander Hamilton. What did Hamilton achieve through this bargain? (pg 156)

Madison would not openly oppose Hamilton's assumption plan in the House, gaining him southern votes

Who wrote the Report on Manufacturers? (pg 157)

Alexander Hamilton

Who was "citizen" Genet and why did his activities upset the US government? (pg 159)

Began to license american vessels to operate as privateers against british shipping to grant french military commissions to a number of americans in order to mount expeditions against spanish and british possessions in north america

How did France respond to President Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality? (pg 159)


Describe President Washington's response to the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. (pg 161)

He was determined to go to every legth that the constitution and laws would permit to enforce the law

To what did Great Britain agree in Jay's Treaty? Ipg 162)

Agreed to evacuate the posts in the west and promised to compensate american shipowners for seizures in the west indies and to open up their colonies in asia to american ships

The Federalist passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to target their political opponents. Who were their opponents? (pg 165)


The Kentucky and Virginia Resolves argued for states' rights. For which specific right did the Resolves argue? (pg 166)

The First Amendment (Speech & Press)

Barbary pirates

What consisted of the North african arab states of morocco, algiers, tunis and tripoli and for decades seized vessels all of the mediterranean and held crews and passengers for ransom.

Stephen Decatur


Essex Junto

In 1804, was famous for organizing and coming up with a scheme to break away from the union and establish a northern confederacy

Burr Conspiracy

Suspected treasonous cabal of planters, politicians, and army officers with the goal of creating an independent nation in the center of North America and/or the Southwest and parts of Mexico.


The policy whereby Britain forced people to serve in its navy. The impressment of sailors-even American citizens - on neutral vessels during the Napoleonic Wars outraged Americans and was a major cuase of the War of 1812.

Non-Intercourse Act

Forbade trade only with Great Britain and France and authorized the President to end the boycott against either power by proclamation when and if it stopped violating the rights of America

In the election of 1800, who won and how was the winner determined? (pg 172)

The house of representatives decided.

Compare and contrast the ideas of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton as they relate to: (a) The size and power of the national government; (b) Preservation of a rural/farming economy and lifestyle; (c) Commitment to an urban/commercially driven econo


What did the Federalist Party hope to accomplish for themselves with the Judiciary Act of 1801? (pg 176)

To fill all the new positions with conservative members of their own party. "midnight justices

Review the Supreme Court's ruling in Marbury v. Madison (1803). Pay special attention to what the Court said about its own power. (pg 176)

Declared the judiciary act of 1789 unconstitutional and established the precedent of judicial review

Why did Jefferson view the Louisiana Purchase as vital to American national interests? (pg 177-178)

Because France was planning new imperial ventures in North America

Which French leader sold Louisiana to the United States? (pg 179)


Given the quesdtionabile constitutionality of his actions, on what basis did Jefferson justify the Louisiana purchase? (pg 180)

He believed that since the good sense of our country clearly wanted Louisiana, he would acquiesce with satisfaction while congress overlooked the metaphysical subtleties.

Concerning Jefferson's stated objectives for the Lewis and Clark expedition, what did he hope the expedition would accomplish with regard to Native Americans? (pg 182)

To establish official relations with the Indians and assure their protection as they would be moving across Spanish Territory

Concerning Jefferson's stated objectives for the Lewis and Clark expedition, what did he want to know about the Missouri River? (pg 184)

Whether the Missouri river connected possibly with a single protage to the western pacific ocean

What were the Berlin and Milan decrees and what impact did they have on neutral countries? (pg 186-187)


What specific event led to the passage of the Embargo Act? (pg 188)

The Chesapeake-leopard affair

Review your authors' assessment of the Embargo Act of 1807?(pg 190)


*It was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation because amendments had to be approved by ____

Unanimous Consent of the states.

*After Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality in 1793, France ___

attacked American shipping, as did England, despite American neutrality

*The most drastic departure from past experience under the new constitution was the creation of a ___

powerful presidency

*Under Jay's Treaty, ___ agreed to abandon its military posts in the American Northwest.

Great Britain

*As president, George Washington ___

was careful not to exceed the powers given him by the Constitution.

*To secure approval for Federal assumption of state debts, Alexander Hamilton promised to ___

locate the antion's permanent capital on the Potomac River.

*Much Anti-Federalist opposition to the Constitution disappeared when ___

the federalists promised amendments to guarantee the civil liberties of the people.

*When confronted by the whiskey rebellion in 1794, Washington ___

suppressed it peacefully with a tremendous show of force.

*According to the Kentucky and Virginia resolves, a law of Congress could be declared unconstitutional by ____

an individual state.

*The model for many of the delgates to the Constitutional Convention was the ___

Roman Republic

*In the end, Jefferson justified the purchase of Louisiana by ___

bowing to "the good sense of the country" which seemed to demand the acquisition despite constitutional difficulties.

*How does the text evaluate the Embargo Act of 1807?

It was certainly a mistake.

*The purpose of the ___ was to maintain Federalist control of the judicial branch against Jefferson.

Judiciary Act of 1801

*The politician who sought to preserve America as a nation of minimal government and small, independent farmers is ___

Thomas Jefferson

*For Jefferson, one of the most important reasons for the Louisiana Purchase was that it ___.

secured access to the mouth of the Mississippi river.

*In the election of 1800, ___

Jefferson was finally chosen president by the House of Representatives

*One of the main differences between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton was that Hamilton ___

thought commercialization and centralization was best for the country.

*In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall cleverly established the power of the Supreme Court to ___

invalidate federal laws held to be in conflict with the Constitution.

*The episode which immediately prompted the Embargo Act was the ___

attack on the Chesapeake by the Leopard.

*The effect of the Berlin and Milan decrees by France and the Orders in Council by Great Britain was to ___

make trade more difficult for neutral nations.

*Among the causes of the War of 1812 was the ___

desire of Westerners to expand into Canada and Florida.

*How was slavery a sectional issue before 1820?

most white Americans saw slavery as mainly a local issue.

*In January 1815, which of the following gave states the right to assert their authority should "deliberate, dangerous and palpable infractions of the Constitution" be made?

The Harford Convention

*Although Macon's Bill No. 2 temporarily removed all restrictions on trade,___

non-intercourse would be reapplied to either major power if the other ceased violating American neutral rights.

*The "Era of Good Feelings" was noted for the ___

absence of organized political parties opposing each other.

*The essential question involved in the Missouri Compromise was whether or not Missouri would ___

come into the Union as a free or slave state

*The Monroe Doctrine ___

hoped to isolate the United States from involvement with European affairs

*Northern objections to admitting Missouri as a slave state were based on ___

the overrepresentation they thought Missouri would have because of the the Three-Fifths Compromise.

*The War Hawks called for war against Great Britain because they ___

wanted to defend the national honor and save the republic from British domination.

*The Battle of New Orleans in 1815 resulted in the ___

emergence of Andrew Jackson as a military hero.

*The supreme court upheld the constitutionality of the National Bank of the United States and also strengthened the implied powers of Congress and aided economic growth when it decided the case of ___

McCulloch v. Maryland

*In the nineteenth century, Congress ___

buildt only one major road, the Old National Road.

*Immediately after the Erie Canal was completed, it ___

was a financial success

*The development of the steamboat actually retarded the economic maturity of the Northwest.


*As a result of the cotton gin, ___

cotton production soared and the Southern economy boomed.

*The Supreme Court decision that promoted economic development by rejecting the absolute sanctity of contracts when they conflicted with improvements for the good of the whole community was ___

the Charles River Bridge case.

*In the 1830's and 1840's, most of the thousands of poor and wretched immigrants who flooded into America came from ___

Ireland and Germany

*The greatest advantage which early canals offered was ___

a direct link between western areas and the eastern seaboard

*Gentility in America was defined by what people owned rather than by their ancestry.


*The colonization movement was totally controlled by whites.
