U.S. History Chapter 14

What effect did John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry have on the South?

it indicated that abolitionists would use violence to overthrow slavery

During their senatorial campaign debates, Stephen A. Douglas depicted Abraham Lincoln as

an abolitionist who loved blacks

What did the Wilmot Proviso of 1846 propose?

Slavery would be prohibited throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico

Who supported the Wilmot Proviso?

Anti-slavery northerners

Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan proposed the doctrine of popular sovereignty, a measure
that would allow

people who settled the territories to decide whether or not they wanted slavery

How did the Mexican-American War affect American politics?

It divided the nation based on the issue of slavery in the territories

What did the Whigs do in an attempt to reunite their party during the presidential campaign of 1848?

Remain silent on the issue of slavery

When Zachary Taylor became president in 1849, he enraged Southerners

by championing a free-soil solution to slavery by urging Congress to admit California and New Mexico to the union as free states

What happened when Democrats met to choose a presidential candidate in Charleston,
South Carolina?

The party divided into southern and northern factions

Which issue in the debate of 1849-1850 led to the Compromise of 1850?

The balance of power between the North and the South in Congress

Which Senator argued that, when it came to ending slavery, there was "a higher law than
the Constitution"�the law of God?

William Seward

Per the Compromise of 1850, which state entered the union as a free state?


What was a requirement of the Fugitive Slave Act, part of the Compromise of 1850?

All citizens were expected to assist officials in apprehending runaway slaves

What happened to most fugitive slaves once they were captured after the Fugitive Slave Act was enacted?

They were peacefully returned to their masters

What did the federal government do to the Plains Indians who lived in what became Nebraska?

The federal government pushed them farther west

Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) influence northerners' attitudes toward slavery?

The novel put forth a stirring moral indictment of slavery

Whigs lose the Election of 1852 because

they are divided over slavery

Why did the Democrats remain a national organization after 1854?

Gains in the South offset losses in the North

In 1853, the United States negotiated the Gadsden Purchase

support the dream of a southern route for the transcontinental railroad

The American Party, or Know-Nothings, appeared in the mid-1850s as

a reaction to large numbers of Roman Catholics coming to the United States

In 1854, Stephen A. Douglas sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act and included a section repealing the Missouri Compromise because

he needed southern support to pass his legislation, the price of which was opening up the Nebraska territory to the possibility of slavery

Northern women supported the Republican Party by

marching in Republican parades

The presidential election of 1856 revealed the

strength of the new Republican Party

What was the result of Preston Brooks's caning of Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner in 1856?

It further inflamed sectional passions over the institution of slavery

What did the Supreme Court rule in its 1857 Dred Scott decision?

Dred Scott was not a citizen of the United States

What did Abraham Lincoln personally believe about slavery?

Slavery was morally wrong

The common thread that wove together northern men into the Republican Party in 1854 was

opposition to the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States

How did Stephen A. Douglas respond in 1857 when proslavery forces in Lecompton, Kansas, drafted a constitution that many felt was fraudulent?

Douglas came out against the proslavery constitution

What did Douglas argue in what became known as the Freeport Doctrine?

Settlers could ban slavery by not passing the laws necessary to protect slave

What led to the demise of the Know-Nothing party in the mid-1850s?

Nathaniel Banks left the party with 2/3 of its members

What happened to John Brown after his raid on Harper's Ferry?

He was executed

Whom did the Democratic party nominate in the presidential election of 1856?

James Buchanan

How did the increasingly confident Republican Party prepare for the election of 1860?

It expanded its platform to address other issues

What made Abraham Lincoln an attractive candidate for the Republican nomination?

He represented the crucial state of Illinois

Early in the struggle to win Kansas, proslavery supporters

from out of state invaded Kansas, to control the election through fraud and intimidation

Southerners felt so much hostility toward the Republican Party during the presidential election of 1860 that

ten states refused to allow Lincoln's name to appear on the ballot

When the first territorial legislature in Kansas met,

enacted tough proslavery laws and prompted the organization of a rival government

Which Southerner argued that "I consider slavery much more secure in the Union than out of it?

Alexander Stephens

Which was the first state to secede from the union after Lincoln's election?

South Carolina

How did James Buchanan respond as the secession crisis loomed over the final weeks of his presidential administration?

Buchanan remained in Washington and did nothing

The Dred Scott decision increased sectional tension by

giving credence to the belief in the North that a Slave Power conspiracy existed and was laboring to subvert northern liberties

In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln was

reassuring and conciliatory toward the South on the issue of slavery but firm and inflexible concerning the perpetuity of the Union

In the mid-1850s, Abraham Lincoln's search for a political home was based on his

opposition to the extension of slavery in the United States

Why did the slave states of the upper south initially reject secession?

The upper south did not have as great a stake in slavery as the states in the lower south

Who became the president of the new Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

Who, according to Lincoln, had the responsibility of stopping the spread of slavery?

The Southern lady

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president because he had

strong support in the free states despite winning only 39 percent of the national popular vote

As a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates,

Stephen A. Douglas won a senate seat, but Abraham Lincoln became nationally known