Online US History Semester 1 Quiz Questions

What marks the start of the Civil War, in 1861?
a. the formation of the Republican Party
b. the Southerners' attack on Fort Sumter
c. the election of Abraham Lincoln
d. the secession of Southern States

b. the Southerners' attack on Fort Sumter

What happened in Kansas at the Sack of Lawrence in 1856?
a. Abolitionists and border ruffians battled in Lawrence.
b. Protesters of the Kansas-Nebraska Act destroyed Lawrence.
c. Border ruffians raided Lawrence because it was a Free-Soil town.
d. Abolitio

c. Border ruffians raided Lawrence because it was a Free-Soil town.

Which of the following statements is true of President Abraham Lincoln?
a. He was a moderate, but was against slavery.
b. He was a Republican Party nominee.
c. all of these answers
d. He planned to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law.

c. all of these answers

Which of the following statements is true of the South's economy during the 1800s?
a. The South's profits relied on importing.
b. The South's goods were difficult to transport.
c. The South's production was mostly agricultural.
d. all of these answers

d. all of these answers

After seceding from the Union in around 1860, these Southern states formed the
a. Border Ruffian Union.
b. Democratic Party.
c. Confederate States of America.
d. Southern Union.

c. Confederate States of America.

Why was Missouri's application as a slave state problematic?
a. The North and the South both rejected Missouri's application.
b. The Northerners felt they needed Missouri's assistance to conquer the South.
c. The North and South both wanted Missouri becau

d. The North and South would no longer have a balance of power in the Senate.

What was the Supreme Court decision in the 1856 case, Scott v. Sandford?
a. all of these answers
b. Giving Dred Scott freedom would violate property rights.
c. The Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
d. Dred Scott did not have the right to bring a s

a. all of these answers

Both Southern and Northern moderates suggested settling new territories using popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty would allow
a. the Senate to vote whether it was antislavery or proslavery.
b. voters to decide if America as a whole would be a slave o

c. voters to determine if slavery was permitted in their territory.

In the 1800s, sectionalism was a major political issue in America. Sectionalism is
a. strong attachment to local interests.
b. dispute between regions of a country.
c. political division in a single nation.
d. conflict of interest between regions.

a. strong attachment to local interests.

Why were many Southern radicals against limiting the expansion of slavery into new territories
a. They felt it deprived them of their property rights.
b. They felt too many freed slaves would settle in America.
c. They felt it would give Northerners tradi

a. They felt it deprived them of their property rights.

What did the Fugitive Slave Law advocate?
a. requiring escaped slaves to return to their owners
b. guaranteeing freedom to already escaped slaves
c. implementing limitations on the slave trade
d. ending the slave trade in Washington D.C.

a. requiring escaped slaves to return to their owners

What problem did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 cause?
a. It infuriated Southerners by limiting the number of slaves allowed in the South.
b. It forced Southerners to compromise their position on slavery.
c. It divided the country by creating sectional d

b. It forced Southerners to compromise their position on slavery.

How did John Brown and his followers react to the proslavery activists' violence?
a. They suggested peaceful ways to resolve their issues.
b. They retaliated by fighting violence with violence.
c. They attempted to compromise with proslavery activists.

b. They retaliated by fighting violence with violence.

Who formed the Republican Party in 1854?
a. Free-Soilers against the Kansas-Nebraska Act
b. supporters of the Fugitive Slave Law
c. creators of the Compromise of 1850
d. advocates of the Dred Scott Decision

a. Free-Soilers against the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Which of the following statements best describes the significance of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?
a. It played a pivotal role in the battle of Gettysburg.
b. It helped black soldiers win acceptance in the Union army.
c. It captured the Confederate cap

b. It helped black soldiers win acceptance in the Union army.

The President of the United States at the beginning of the Civil War was
a. Jefferson Davis
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Ulysses S. Grant

c. Abraham Lincoln

What was not an advantage of the Union?
a. More railroad lines
b. fighting a defensive war
c. Farm production
d. More factories

b. fighting a defensive war

The president of the Confederacy was
a. William Tecumseh Sherman
b. Jefferson Davis
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Stephen Douglas

b. Jefferson Davis

Which of these terms BEST describes General William T. Sherman's burning of Atlanta and his "March to the Sea"?
a. guerrilla warfare
b. total war
c. siege warfare
d. limited war

b. total war

The first battle of the Civil War was at
a. New Orleans
b. Bull Run
c. Vicksburg
d. Gettysburg

b. Bull Run

What was the intent of the Union war strategy known as the Anaconda Plan?
a. to crush the Confederacy by assassinating its leaders
b. to surround the Confederacy and squeeze it to death
c. to discourage other nations from aiding the Confederacy
d. to enco

b. to surround the Confederacy and squeeze it to death

What was the main challenge for Confederate leaders
a. raising an army
b. finding military leaders
c. building more railroad lines
d. how to pay for the war

d. how to pay for the war

What was significant about the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863?
a. The North's victory marked the end of the war.
b. It was the last battle in which the South attacked the North.
c. The North and South ended the battle with a treaty.
d. Abraham Lincoln made

b. It was the last battle in which the South attacked the North.

The Battle of Vicksburg was important because
a. it was the bloodiest battle in the war
b. African American troops were first used
c. the Union took control of the Mississippi River
d. it was a major loss for the Union

c. the Union took control of the Mississippi River

To find enough men to fight the war, Congress enacted a
a. embargo
b. freedmen's bureau
c. military draft
d. habeas corpus

c. military draft

During the Civil War, who were the people nicknamed "Copperheads"?
a. Confederates who wanted the Northerners to win the war.
b. Republicans who refused to fight and participated in draft riots.
c. Northerners who migrated to the South to get away from th

d. Democrats who opposed the war and were sympathetic to the South.

Why did African American troops suffer more casualties then white troops?
a. they weren't very good at soldiering
b. they weren't as well trained as White troops
c. they were paid less
d. they were assigned menial tasks

b. they weren't as well trained as White troops

The Battle of Gettysburg was important because
a. African American troops were first used
b. it was a major loss for the Union
c. it ended the Civil War
d. Lee would never attack the North again

d. Lee would never attack the North again

What was NOT an outcome of the Battle of Antietam?
a. Great Britain and France remained reluctant to aid the South
b. It was the bloodiest one day battle in American history
c. General Lee lost a quarter of his army in the battle
d. It ended in a Confeder

d. It ended in a Confederate victory

The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in the
a. in the US territories
b. in the United Sates
c. in the Union states
d. the Confederate states

d. the Confederate states

Scalawags" in the South consisted of
a. Confederate leaders
b. poor farmers in the South
c. Southern Democrats
d. Northern opportunists

b. poor farmers in the South

What main idea did the Radical Republicans support after the Civil War?
a. African Americans should only be allowed to live in the North.
b. African Americans should have equal rights
c. African Americans and women should not be able to vote.
d. Children

b. African Americans should have equal rights

Read the quotations below. What are these quotations examples of? "It should be unlawful for a Negro and a white person to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards. No colored barber shall serve as a barber [to] white w

b. Jim Crow laws

Laws intended to restrict the freedom and opportunities of African Americans were called
a. amendments
b. Black Codes
c. Reconstruction
d. debt peonage

b. Black Codes

Before the war ended, the Union government set up the Freedmen's Bureau to
a. move former slaves from the South to the North.
b. integrate former slaves with poor whites in the North.
c. help former slaves and poor whites living in the South.
d. train for

c. help former slaves and poor whites living in the South.

Which of the following brought an end to Reconstruction?
a. the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870
b. the Civil Rights Act of 1871
c. the Compromise of 1877
d. the passage of the Amnesty Act in 1872

c. the Compromise of 1877

This Amendment to the Constitution gave all races the right to vote
a. 14th
b. 16th
c. 15th
d. 13th

c. 15th

The forced separation of races in public places is called
a. debt peonage
b. share cropping
c. separatism
d. segregation

d. segregation

What did sharecropping and tenant farming have in common during Reconstruction?
a. They both enabled freedmen to become landowners.
b. They both helped freedmen establish new communities.
c. They both drove freedmen into a life of debt peonage.
d. They bo

c. They both drove freedmen into a life of debt peonage.

What did the Thirteenth Amendment do?
a. It outlawed slavery in all states
b. It pardoned Confederate soldiers and leaders.
c. It granted land to most freed slaves.
d. It established the Freedmen's Bureau.

a. It outlawed slavery in all states

They came to the South after the war to profit from the misfortunes of Southerners.
a. white Democrats
b. Scalawags
c. Carpetbaggers
d. Freedmen

c. Carpetbaggers

Most Freedmen joined this political party
a. Tea Party
b. Peace and Freedom
c. Republican
d. Democrat

c. Republican

What amendment to the Constitution reversed the Dred Scott decision?
a. 1st
b. 13th
c. 15th
d. 14th

d. 14th

Why was President Andrew Johnson not removed from office when he was impeached in 1867?
a. He publicly apologized for violating the Tenure of Office Act
b. Less than two-thirds of the Senate voted for his removal during the impeachment trial.
c. Citizens

b. Less than two-thirds of the Senate voted for his removal during the impeachment trial.

This Act tried to Americanize native American Indians
a. the Interstate Commerce Act
b. The Homestead Act
c. The Dawe's Act
d. The Populist Act

c. The Dawe's Act

All of these were challenges that were faced when building the Transcontinental railroad except
a. labor
b. funding
c. rough terrain
d. Plains Indian tribes

a. labor

These immigrant groups helped construct the railroad
a. Chinese and Japanese immigrants
b. Irish and Italian immigrants
c. Chinese and Irish immigrants
d. Irish and Japanese immigrants

c. Chinese and Irish immigrants

All of these were effects of the transcontinental railroad except
a. railroads served the needs of other industries
b. source of labor for American Indians
c. encouraged settlement by making land available
d. towns sprang up along the routes

b. source of labor for American Indians

The reason why there were so many cattle ranchers in the Great Plains.
a. convenient railroad lines
b. abundance of grass
c. friendly Plains Indian tribes
d. gold and silver

b. abundance of grass

Many people came to California in the mid-1800s in search of
a. oil.
b. salt
c. gold
d. diamonds

c. gold

African Americans that migrated to Kansas were called
a. Greenbackers
b. Grangers
c. Exodusters
d. Populists

c. Exodusters

What did members of the Populist Party support in the late 1800s?
a. policies that lowered wealthy people's taxes
b. increasing the money supply
c. policies that benefited private businesses
d. policies that supported American Indian equality

b. increasing the money supply

What act of Congress gave away land to US citizens?
a. the Pacific Railway Act
b. the Interstate Commerce Act
c. the Homestead Act
d. the Dawes Act

c. the Homestead Act

Why did cowboys drive their cattle north from Texas along the Chisholm Trail?
a. to find better grazing land for their cattle in states like Kansas
b. to ship their cattle to markets in eastern cities like Chicago
c. to establish cattle ranches near weste

b. to ship their cattle to markets in eastern cities like Chicago

This political group favored the common person's interests over those of the wealthy or business interests
a. Republicans
b. Exodusters
c. Populists
d. Federalists

c. Populists

The Greenbacker's wanted the government to back the money supply with
a. Gold, Silver, and Copper
b. Silver
c. Gold
d. Gold and Silver

d. Gold and Silver

Why did the U.S. government set up schools for the American Indians?
a. They wanted to assimilate the American Indians into U.S. culture.
b. They thought the American Indians would tell them where gold was.
c. They planned on hiring American Indians to bu

a. They wanted to assimilate the American Indians into U.S. culture.

Why is Andrew Carnegie considered a philanthropist?
a. He used his wealth to benefit society.
b. He funded many big businesses
c. He helped eliminate monopolies
d. He joined with other businesses

a. He used his wealth to benefit society.

John D. Rockefeller amassed his fortune in the
a. auto industry
b. railroad industry
c. steel industry
d. oil industry

d. oil industry

A company that completely dominates a particular industry is a
a. social Darwinism
b. monopoly
c. monopolistic competition
d. oligopoly

b. monopoly

Which of these technologies did Henry Ford use to mass produce automobiles?
a. oil refining
b. assembly line
c. electric lighting
d. Bessemer process

b. assembly line

Andrew Carnegie amassed his fortune in the
a. steel industry
b. oil industry
c. railroad industry
d. auto industry

a. steel industry

Which of the following was NOT a significant innovation in America during the 1800s?
a. the first steam engine
b. the commercial telephone line
c. oil drilling and refining
d. the powered airplane

a. the first steam engine

Who wrote The Principles of Scientific Management?
a. Henry Ford
b. John D. Rockefeller
c. Fredrick Taylor
d. Andrew Carnegie

c. Fredrick Taylor

Which of the following best describes a laissez-faire economic policy?
a. the government should protect small business from failing
b. the government should leaves businesses alone
c. the government should heavily regulate businesses
d. the government sho

b. the government should leaves businesses alone

Who developed a way to drill oil out of the ground?
a. Edwin Drake
b. Alexander Graham Bell
c. Orville Wright
d. Thomas Edison

a. Edwin Drake

A business organized as a corporation is owned by its
a. entrepreneurs
b. stockholders
c. customers
d. employees

b. stockholders

Capitalism is an economic system in which
a. business are owned exclusively by the government
b. companies trade with other companies to produce their goods
c. factories and other means of production are privately owned
d. companies use donations to fund

c. factories and other means of production are privately owned

Cornelius Vanderbilt amassed his fortune in the
a. oil industry
b. auto industry
c. steel industry
d. shipping industry

d. shipping industry

The Sherman Antitrust Act didn't work because
a. the government made every attempt to enforce the law
b. the courts were unbiased
c. the courts interpreted the law in favor of big business
d. the language of the law was clear

c. the courts interpreted the law in favor of big business

For the way Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt gained their wealth, critics called them
a. Captains America
b. America's Superheroes
c. Captains of Industry
d. Robber Barons

d. Robber Barons

Which of the following BEST describes a negative aspect of industrialism?
a. There were more factory workers that agricultural workers
b. the number of factories built between 1880 and 1890 increased steadily
c. Work in factories was repetitive and danger

c. Work in factories was repetitive and dangerous

What is one improvement labor unions achieved?
a. Their wages almost doubled in amount.
b. Their average work hours per week fell to 49.
c. They were guaranteed higher pay on holidays.
d. They had to have two days off a week.

b. Their average work hours per week fell to 49.

Who headed the American Railway Union and led the fight against management during the Pullman Strike?
a. Eugene Debs
b. Rose Schneiderman
c. Henry Frick
d. Jane Addams

a. Eugene Debs

Run down apartment buildings in the slums that many workers lived in.
a. tenements
b. sweatshops
c. condos
d. high rises

a. tenements

Which of the following is generally not considered one of the "bread-and-butter" objectives of labor unions?
a. shorter work hours
b. higher wages
c. better working conditions
d. cheaper housing

d. cheaper housing

This person helped found the American Federation of Labor.
a. Samuel Gompers
b. Mother Jones
c. Rose Schneiderman
d. Eugene Debs

a. Samuel Gompers

People who reject all forms of government are called
a. communists
b. anarchists
c. conservatives
d. socialists

b. anarchists

Negotiations between employers and employees concerning wages, conditions, etc. are called
a. labor unions
b. division of labor
c. strikes
d. collective bargaining

d. collective bargaining

Which of the following was a threat of living in tenements in the slums?
a. Disease flourished in the conditions of tenements.
b. Residents were often very far from the cities.
c. Police officers often raided tenements.
d. People who lived in tenements co

a. Disease flourished in the conditions of tenements.

A political theory that advocates ownership of the means of production, such as factories and farms, by the people not capitalists and landowners.
a. Socialism
b. Capitalism
c. Laissez-Faireism
d. Anarchism

a. Socialism

Which of these generalizations was NOT true of factory workers in the late 1800s?
a. They put up with poor working conditions to keep their jobs.
b. They worked six days a week for 10 or more hours a day.
c. They performed repetitive tasks in hazardous en

d. They relied on political bosses to improve their wages and hours.

What did Upton Sinclair expose to readers with his 1906 novel "The Jungle"?
a. the inadequate urban infrastructure of the city slums
b. the unsanitary conditions in the meat packing plants
c. the dangerous work conditions in factories
d. the large homeles

b. the unsanitary conditions in the meat packing plants

Women who pursued voting rights were called
a. muckrakers
b. suffragists
c. carpetbaggers
d. scalawags

b. suffragists

What was the purpose of the Pendleton Act?
a. to allow the direct election of senators
b. to require the use of secret ballots
c. to reform the civil service system
d. to institute the federal income tax

c. to reform the civil service system

Why did many children in the 1900s not attend school?
a. Public schools were too expensive for the working class
b. Children often worked for wages to support their families.
c. School teachers were usually abusive towards students.
d. There were very few

b. Children often worked for wages to support their families.

An organization whose main goal is to keep political power and money and influence that goes with it.
a. civil service
b. patronage
c. political machine
d. muckraker

c. political machine

The temperance movements main goal was to
a. ban child labor
b. ban alcohol
c. get more women to go to college
d. ban Jim Crow laws

b. ban alcohol

Journalists who uncovered the nation's dirty problems and wrote about them were called
a. muckrakers
b. scalawags
c. carpetbaggers
d. paparazzi

a. muckrakers

In what region did most of the population live in 1900?
a. West
b. Midwest
c. South
d. Northeast

b. Midwest

One of the most famous political machines was
a. Tammany Hall
b. Tiger Hall
c. Long Hall
d. Tweed Hall

a. Tammany Hall

Which of these statements BEST describes a party boss?
a. They were corrupt public officials.
b. They were unfairly treated by muckrakers.
c. They were progressive reformers.
d. They were followers of social Darwinism.

a. They were corrupt public officials.

Politicians who give jobs to friends and supporters is called
a. payback
b. patronage
c. civil service
d. political machine

b. patronage

Which of these statements BEST describes New York's Lower East Side in 1900?
a. a middle-class neighborhood with indoor plumbing and running water
b. an abandoned area after a fire consumed most of the wooden structures
c. an industrial area that employed

d. a densely populated neighborhood with an inadequate infrastructure

Which of these statements was NOT true of the United States by the year 1900?
a. Industrial production had risen rapidly due to mechanization.
b. The rise of industry had led to rapid urbanization.
c. Mature industries such as steel making were in a decli

c. Mature industries such as steel making were in a decline.

What does the chapter reveal about immigrant-settlement patterns at this time?
a. Most immigrants did not settle in cities.
b. Wealthy immigrants settled in newly built suburbs.
c. Poor immigrants often lived alongside upper-class families.
d. Immigrant g

d. Immigrant groups often clustered together in urban neighborhoods.

Which is NOT a fight that progressives focused on
a. social inequality
b. economic reform
c. political reform
d. social reforms

b. economic reform

Which of the following was the main interest of the Social Gospel movement?
a. political reform
b. economic reform
c. social reform
d. housing reform

c. social reform

Which progressive reform allows citizens of a state to propose and pass a law without involving their state legislature?
a. secret ballot
b. recall election
c. initiative
d. referendum

c. initiative

He helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
a. Robert La Follette
b. Booker T. Washington
c. W.E.B. Du Bois
d. Hiram Johnson

c. W.E.B. Du Bois

This progressive took a strong stand against the railroads and their unfair practices.
a. Jane Addams
b. Robert La Follette
c. W.E.B. Du Bois
d. Booker T. Washington

b. Robert La Follette

Helped found the National Child Labor Committee and persuaded the state of Illinois to ban child labor.
a. Jane Addams
b. Alice Paul
c. Florence Kelley
d. Ida Wells

c. Florence Kelley

Which progressive reform allows voters to approve or reject a law passed by the state legislature?
a. recall
b. referendum
c. secret ballot
d. initiative

b. referendum

He encouraged blacks to gain respect by working their way up in society.
a. W.E.B. Du Bois
b. Robert La Follette
c. Hiram Johnson
d. Booker T. Washington

d. Booker T. Washington

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the NAACP during the Progressive Era?
a. to secure the passage of anti-lynching laws
b. to urge accommodation among African Americans
c. to use the legal system to fight segregation
d. to ensure equal rights for al

b. to urge accommodation among African Americans

First president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
b. Jane Addams
c. Florence Kelley
d. Ida Wells

a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Believed that in human society the fittest individuals and corporations would thrive while others would fall behind.
a. social Darwinists
b. Progressives
c. Populists
d. Social Gospelers

a. social Darwinists

Which of these progressive reforms was designed to give voters more power to choose candidates for public office?
a. recall election
b. secret ballot
c. political convention
d. direct primary

d. direct primary

Which of the following progressive reforms was enacted by a constitutional amendment?
a. regulation of monopolies
b. consumer protection
c. conservation of the environment
d. women's suffrage

d. women's suffrage

What political party did Teddy Roosevelt run for president in the 1912 presidential election?
a. National Women's Party
b. Populist Party
c. Bull Moose Party
d. Green Party

c. Bull Moose Party

Why did President Wilson establish the Federal Reserve System?
a. to create banks that could collect the new federal income tax
b. to help the federal government keep the budget balanced
c. to regulate the money supply and prevent future economic panics

c. to regulate the money supply and prevent future economic panics

Read the quotation below. Which Progressive Era president was the most likely author of this quotation? "We demand that big business give the people a square deal; in return, we must insist that when anyone engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do

a. Theodore Roosevelt

What did President Wilson want to eliminate because he believed they were denying economic freedom to small businesses.
a. oligopolies
b. trusts
c. banks
d. private businesses

b. trusts

This amendment to the Constitution allowed the federal government to impose an income tax.
a. 16th
b. 17th
c. 19th
d. 18th

a. 16th

This amendment to the Constitution required the direct election of senators by popular vote.
a. 16th Amendment
b. 18th Amendment
c. 17th Amendment
d. 19th Amendment

c. 17th Amendment

What action did Taft make that ruined his reputation as a progressive?
a. He signed a bill that increased tariffs.
b. He implemented the Square Deal.
c. He added land to the national forests.
d. He raised the working class' taxes.

a. He signed a bill that increased tariffs.

Which of the following describes the graduated income tax system?
a. Tax rates in 1913 were higher than those today.
b. Only the very rich were required to pay taxes.
c. People with higher incomes were required to pay more taxes.
d. Most people in 1913 ma

c. People with higher incomes were required to pay more taxes.

This amendment to the Constitution allowed women to vote in federal elections.
a. 19th Amendment
b. 17th Amendment
c. 18th Amendment
d. 16th Amendment

a. 19th Amendment

What issue held up statehood for Texas?
a. monetary
b. economic
c. slavery
d. oil

c. slavery

Which was one of the primary reasons the United States chose Samoa as a protectorate?
a. Samoa's natural resources were attractive to United States' interests.
b. Samoa was an excellent choice for a military outpost in the Pacific.
c. The Samoan people we

b. Samoa was an excellent choice for a military outpost in the Pacific.

The following quotation is from George Washington's Farewell Address. What type of foreign policy was Washington calling for with these words? It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mea

c. unilateralist

Which foreign policy tool did the U.S. government use to acquire Oregon Territory from Great Britain?
a. conquest
b. diplomacy
c. financial aid
d. armed force

b. diplomacy

What twin policies did President Monroe incorporate into the Monroe Doctrine in 1823?
a. internationalism and globalization
b. non-colonization and non-interference
c. expansionism and imperialism
d. unilateralism and diplomacy

b. non-colonization and non-interference

U.S. diplomacy is _____
a. sending American students to foreign universities.
b. using armed force to invade another country.
c. sending financial aid to other countries.
d. conducting negotiations with other countries.

d. conducting negotiations with other countries.

The belief that values and morals should shape foreign policy is called
a. diplomacy.
b. pragmatism.
c. realism
d. idealism.

d. idealism.

A nation protected and controlled by a stronger nation.
a. possession
b. commonwealth
c. territory
d. protectorate

d. protectorate

Why did realists support territorial expansion in the 1800s?
a. They felt Americans should own the whole continent.
b. They thought it would eliminate some foreign threats.
c. They believed it would strengthen the U.S. economy.
d. They were inspired by th

b. They thought it would eliminate some foreign threats.

Which of the following is not an argument in support of imperialism?
a. The United States should expand to compete economically.
b. The United States should respect other people's right to liberty.
c. The United States should spread its ideals to other pa

b. The United States should respect other people's right to liberty.

Why did Commodore Perry lead a small fleet of ships to Japan?
a. to open up Japan to U.S. shipping and trade
b. to honor the Japanese emperor with gifts
c. to start a war against the Japanese
d. to spread American Christianity in Japan

a. to open up Japan to U.S. shipping and trade

What prompted the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain?
a. The British refused to stop seizing neutral U.S. ships and sailors.
b. The United States refused to export goods to Great Britain.
c. The British charged much lower prices for o

a. The British refused to stop seizing neutral U.S. ships and sailors.

Building an empire to supply resources and markets.
a. idealism.
b. imperialism
c. realism
d. diplomacy.

b. imperialism

The acquisition of California and Oregon gave the United States better access to ___________ markets.
a. African
b. European
c. Asian
d. Caribbean

c. Asian

Read the following excerpt. This excerpt is a part of which document? The government of Cuba will sell or lease to the United States lands necessary for coaling or naval stations at certain specified points to be agreed upon with the President of the Unit

d. the Platt Amendment

An sensationalized style of journalism designed to attract readers was known as
a. yellow journalism.
b. mass media.
c. gray journalism.
d. Yellow Kid journalism.

a. yellow journalism.

Which of the following is the best description of the Spanish-American War?
a. a lengthy war that led the United States to lose its overseas possessions
b. a short war that transformed the United States into a world power
c. a short war in which Spain and

b. a short war that transformed the United States into a world power

Why did Spain refuse to grant Cuba its independence?
a. Cuba was one of only two colonies in Spain's shrinking empire in the Americas.
b. Cuban citizens were unable to raise enough money to buy independence.
c. Cuba would be unable to attract American inv

a. Cuba was one of only two colonies in Spain's shrinking empire in the Americas.

What do the islands of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico have in common?
a. They were all territories ceded to the United States after the Spanish-American War.
b. They all gained their independence after the Spanish-American War.
c. They all became

a. They were all territories ceded to the United States after the Spanish-American War.

Which of the following was one of the provisions in the Treaty of Paris?
a. Spain paid the United States $20 million to take possession of Cuba.
b. Spain granted the Philippines immediate independence.
c. The United States took possession of Puerto Rico,

c. The United States took possession of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

Which statement about Cuba is true?
a. The United States retained the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and build military bases in Cuba.
b. Cubans rose in armed revolt against the United States after the Spanish-American War.
c. Cuba became completely

a. The United States retained the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and build military bases in Cuba.

Which of the following newspaper headlines best illustrates the practice of yellow journalism in 1898?
a. "266 Killed in USS Maine Accident"
b. "USS Maine Sinks in Havana Harbor"
c. "USS Maine Destroyed by Spanish Treachery"
d. "Investigators Search for C

c. "USS Maine Destroyed by Spanish Treachery

What was the Anti-Imperialist League's basic criticism of empire building?
a. Imperialism violated this nation's founding principles of freedom and democracy.
b. The United States was unable to compete with other great nations in building an empire.
c. On

a. Imperialism violated this nation's founding principles of freedom and democracy.

Were the newspapers justified in concluding that Spain was responsible for the sinking of the Maine?
a. No. A group of disgruntled American sailors claimed responsibility for the explosion.
b. No. They jumped to that conclusion before the official investi

b. No. They jumped to that conclusion before the official investigation was completed.

Who was the Yellow Kid?
a. Theodore Roosevelt
b. William Randolph Hearst
c. a popular character in a newspaper comic
d. a character in a popular comedy on Broadway

c. a popular character in a newspaper comic

How did the Treaty of Paris change the United States?
a. It required all American men to serve in the military in Cuba for a period of two years.
b. It made the United States an imperial nation by giving it a colonial empire.
c. It forced the United State

b. It made the United States an imperial nation by giving it a colonial empire.

How did the outcome of the Spanish-American War change U.S. foreign policy?
a. It shifted U.S. policy toward noncolonialism.
b. It shifted U.S. policy toward neutrality.
c. It shifted U.S. policy toward unilateralism.
d. It shifted U.S. policy toward impe

d. It shifted U.S. policy toward imperialism.

Which of these territories did the United States acquire by using the foreign policy tool of armed force?
a. California
b. Florida
c. Louisiana
d. Alaska

a. California

Which of these factors increased U.S. public opinion in favor of a war with Spain to free Cuba?
a. the publication of the de L�me letter
b. the passage of the Teller Amendment
c. the popularity of the Yellow Kid cartoons
d. the death of Jos� Mart� in comb

a. the publication of the de L�me letter

In the early 1900s, U.S. foreign policy had a special focus on Latin American and what other region?
a. the Pacific Islands
b. Eastern Europe
c. the Caribbean
d. Southeast Asia

c. the Caribbean

What was Roosevelt's foreign policy called?
a. Big Stick Policy
b. Open Door Policy
c. Dollar Diplomacy
d. Moral Diplomacy

a. Big Stick Policy

What provoked war between the United States and the Philippines in 1899?
a. The United States would not grant the Philippines independence after the Spanish-American war.
b. The Philippines had sided and fought with the Spanish during the Spanish-American

a. The United States would not grant the Philippines independence after the Spanish-American war.

Self-determination refers to the right of people in other nations to
a. form their own militaries and use them to invade other nations.
b. choose their own government free from outside influence.
c. ask for financial aid from other countries and use it as

b. choose their own government free from outside influence.

Why was President Wilson opposed to the Huerta government?
a. He didn't think the Mexican people were ready to choose their own political leaders.
b. He believed that the Huerta government would go to war against the United States.
c. He didn't approve of

c. He didn't approve of Huerta assassinating Francisco Madero for power.

How did white planters respond to Queen Liliuokalani's new constitution?
a. The planters called on the American government to overrule the constitution.
b. The planters accepted the new constitution and went along with the new laws.
c. The planters asked

a. The planters called on the American government to overrule the constitution.

What is the current status of the island of Puerto Rico?
a. It is a colony of the United States.
b. It is a U.S. commonwealth.
c. It is an independent ally of the United States.
d. It is a U.S. state.

b. It is a U.S. commonwealth.

Why did the Boxers lead an insurrection?
a. They wanted to build more military bases in China.
b. They wanted to abolish all ancient Chinese traditions.
c. They wanted to expel all foreigners and foreign influence from China.
d. They wanted to introduce m

c. They wanted to expel all foreigners and foreign influence from China.

Why did the United States support Panama's rebellion against Colombia?
a. to protect American farmers in Panama
b. to build a U.S.-owned canal across Panama
c. to promote U.S. investments in Panama
d. to annex Panama as a U.S. territory

b. to build a U.S.-owned canal across Panama

In 1899, the United States urged other nations to allow free trade in China. This approach to dealing with China was known as the
a. Open Door Policy.
b. Roosevelt Corollary.
c. Teller Amendment.
d. Monroe Doctrine.

a. Open Door Policy.

The economy of the Hawaiian Islands centered on
a. cotton.
b. tropical crops.
c. livestock.
d. oil.

b. tropical crops.

What did Taft's foreign policy focus on?
a. cultural
b. ethical
c. economic
d. military

c. economic

Why did President McKinley refuse to give independence to the Filipino people?
a. He wanted to punish them for rebelling against Spanish rule.
b. He did not want to start a war with Spain over who controlled the islands.
c. He did not believe they were re

c. He did not believe they were ready for self-rule.

The glorification of military power and values is called
a. militarism
b. imperialism
c. nationalism
d. isolationism

a. militarism

Which of these statements is a way in which other countries besides the United States tried to gain support during the war?
a. They promised tax-free imports to allies.
b. They attacked any opposing countries.
c. They launched propaganda campaigns.
d. The

c. They launched propaganda campaigns.

Which term is NOT a long-term cause of World War I?
a. nationalism
b. isolationism
c. militarism
d. imperialism

b. isolationism

Read the quotation below from President Woodrow Wilson's message to Congress in 1914. What was the president asking the nation to do? The United States must,...during these days that are to try men's souls,... be impartial in thought, as well as action, m

c. adopt a policy of neutrality

How did Germany's U-boats violate international law?
a. by stopping vital supplies from reaching the front lines
b. by conducting surprise searches of merchant ships in neutral waters
c. by attacking merchant ships without letting passengers flee to safet

c. by attacking merchant ships without letting passengers flee to safety

Which of the following was NOT a contributing factor to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914?
a. a policy of militarism
b. a complex system of alliances
c. a growing sense of nationalism
d. a shift in public opinion toward isolationism

d. a shift in public opinion toward isolationism

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria made up the
a. Allied Powers
b. Grand Powers
c. Central Powers
d. Super Powers

c. Central Powers

When Congress voted in 1917, it was determined that the United States would declare war on
a. Russia.
b. Germany.
c. Serbia.
d. Mexico.

b. Germany.

How did President Wilson respond to the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915?
a. by warning American citizens that they traveled on foreign ships at their own risk
b. by sending navy ships to patrol Atlantic waters and sink any U-boats they found
c. by callin

d. by demanding that Germany stop unrestricted submarine warfare

In the Zimmermann note, what did Germany promise Mexico in return for its support during World War I?
a. Germany would cede territory in Africa to Mexico.
b. Germany would loan Mexico money to jump-start its economy.
c. Germany would help Mexico regain te

c. Germany would help Mexico regain territory in the United States.

On what grounds was Charles Schenck's conviction for promoting draft resistance upheld as constitutional in Schenck v. United States?
a. Free speech can be denied when a clear and present danger exists.
b. Free speech does not include all forms of symboli

a. Free speech can be denied when a clear and present danger exists.

What government agency was created to direct industrial production?
a. National War Labor Board
b. War Industries Board
c. The War Policies Board
d. Industrial Workers of the World

b. War Industries Board

In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson created the Committee on Public Information to
a. persuade other nations to become allies with the United States.
b. encourage American men to join the army and defend their country.
c. provide the American public with ac

d. promote pro-war propaganda to "sell" the war to the American public.

What two issues did some women's organizations link during WWI?
a. racial justice and prohibition
b. peace and racial justice
c. suffrage and peace
d. prohibition of alcohol and peace

c. suffrage and peace

How did the government raise most of the funds for World War I?
a. They gave tax cuts to citizens who donated money.
b. They sold bonds to ordinary American citizens.
c. They raised income taxes and taxes on excess profits.
d. They increased import tariff

b. They sold bonds to ordinary American citizens.

What was the main reason that members of the Socialist Party were against World War I?
a. They thought that the war was harming the American economy.
b. They thought that the war causing the U.S. economy to globalize.
c. They believed that the government

d. They felt the war was a fight among capitalists for wealth and power.

People who for political, moral, or religious reasons oppose all wars.
a. anarchists
b. communists
c. pacifists
d. activists

c. pacifists

What power did the Sedition Act give the federal government during WWI?
a. the power to control what and how much factories produced
b. the power to spy on new immigrants
c. the power to fight dissent that could damage the war effort
d. the power to draft

c. the power to fight dissent that could damage the war effort

To ensure the cooperation of unions in the war effort, the government created the
a. War Industries Board
b. The War Policies Board
c. Industrial Workers of the World
d. National War Labor Board

d. National War Labor Board

Which of these was neither a push factor nor a pull factor in the Great Migration?
a. growing racial tension in cities in the North
b. widespread poverty among sharecroppers in the South
c. increased job opportunities in the North
d. fear of lynching and

a. growing racial tension in cities in the North

What happened to the U.S. economy after World War I ended?
a. Low interest rates and increasing tariffs led to economic growth.
b. High interest rates and decreasing tariffs created a stagnation.
c. High inflation and increasing unemployment caused a rece

c. High inflation and increasing unemployment caused a recession.

Which of these groups would have been MOST LIKELY to come to the defense of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti after their conviction for murder in 1921?
a. League of Women Voters
b. Anti-Defamation League
c. International Workers of the World
d. Ku Klu

b. Anti-Defamation League

What was the purpose of the Palmer Raids?
a. to stop governmental abuse of civil liberties
b. to end the wave of postwar strikes
c. to round up suspected subversives
d. to spark a communist revolution

c. to round up suspected subversives

What was World War I's initial impact on the American economy?
a. It led to extremely high unemployment.
b. It created great economic prosperity.
c. It plunged the nation into a recession.
d. It had no effect on the economy.

b. It created great economic prosperity.

Read the statements that follow. - They followed the teachings of Karl Marx. - They looked forward to a revolution by the working class. - They called for public ownership of the means of production. To which of these groups do the previous descriptions a

c. communists

What was the main cause of over 3,600 strikes and labor unrest in 1919?
a. Business reduced wages of union workers.
b. Union membership decreased.
c. Returning soldiers took jobs away from union workers.
d. Congress passed antiunion legislation.

a. Business reduced wages of union workers.

Why did many of Palmer's actions violate basic civil liberties of Americans?
a. He advocated violent action against radical supporters.
b. He promoted a negative view of radicals to the public.
c. He encouraged the illegal torture of arrested radicals.

d. He arrested many suspected radicals with little or no cause.

What caused the rapid inflation of the dollar following the war?
a. an availability of cheap labor across the nation
b. the increase in national crime rates
c. the cancellation of government contracts
d. a postwar spending spree by Americans

d. a postwar spending spree by Americans

After 1921, immigration from southern and eastern Europe declined dramatically. Which of the following events BEST explains that trend?
a. the enactment of a quota system
b. the onset of an economic recession
c. the beginning of the Palmer Raids
d. the en

a. the enactment of a quota system

Which of the following best describes "bread and butter" unionism?
a. all of the above
b. improving wages and working conditions for labor
c. promoting socialist ideals and working class power
d. advocating violent protest against big businesses

b. improving wages and working conditions for labor

What did the Equal Rights Amendment propose to do?
a. It proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
b. All of the above
c. It changed the requirements for adding amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
d. It prohibited discrimination based on gender.

d. It prohibited discrimination based on gender.

Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington are BEST known for their contributions to which kind of music?
a. blues
b. jazz
c. gospel
d. folk

b. jazz

Which of these grassroots organizations was formed during the 1920s to educate citizens on public issues?
a. League of Women Voters
b. American Civil Liberties Union
c. Anti-Defamation League
d. National Women's Party

a. League of Women Voters

Why did suburbs grow more quickly than cities in the 1920s?
a. Automobiles enabled people who worked in cities to live in the suburbs.
b. Innovations allowed farmers to farm in the suburbs instead of the country.
c. Suburbs were appealing because they hou

a. Automobiles enabled people who worked in cities to live in the suburbs.

What do Gertrude Ederle, Babe Ruth, and Jim Thorpe all have in common?
a. They all were celebrity athletes during the 1920s.
b. They all owned a major broadcasting company.
c. They all pushed for the equal rights amendment.
d. They all starred in the firs

a. They all were celebrity athletes during the 1920s.

How did automobiles reshape American life?
a. They led cities to invest more heavily in subways and streetcars.
b. They encouraged people to move to densely populated city centers.
c. They allowed barnstormers to create popular and daring shows at county

d. They gave people more freedom and ended the isolation of rural dwellers.

What made it possible for so many more Americans to spend time participating in or watching sports in the 1920s?
a. New physical fitness laws
b. greater television ownership
c. Rivalries with European sports teams
d. Increased leisure time

d. Increased leisure time

The mass media had an enormous impact on American life in the 1920s. Which change occurred because of the mass media?
a. Regional differences that had once divided Americans began to fade in importance.
b. Death tolls from traffic accidents increased at a

a. Regional differences that had once divided Americans began to fade in importance.

How did movies change American popular culture?
a. all of the above
b. Motion pictures exposed Americans to a loosening of the rules of social behavior.
c. Movie stars such as Douglas Fairbanks became national celebrities.
d. Americans began to model thei

a. all of the above

Which of these innovations contributed most to the development of a national popular culture in the 1920s?
a. airplanes
b. radio
c. plastic
d. automobiles

b. radio

Drys believed that
a. banning alcohol was a violation of U.S. citizens' rights.
b. prohibiting people from drinking would result in happier, healthier societies.
c. alcohol posed significant health risks for children.
d. rural towns would be easier to con

b. prohibiting people from drinking would result in happier, healthier societies.

Eugenics dictates that undesirable people
a. should avoid living in cities.
b. should not be allowed to reproduce.
c. should not teach evolution.
d. should move out of the United States.

b. should not be allowed to reproduce.

Which of these aided the youth rebellion?
a. all of these answers
b. magazines
c. movies
d. cars

a. all of these answers

Which of these statements BEST summarizes the situation of American farmers in the 1920s?
a. High crop yields increased most farmers' incomes.
b. Falling crop prices drove many farmers into bankruptcy.
c. Government loans helped many farmers buy land.

b. Falling crop prices drove many farmers into bankruptcy.

Billy Sunday was a famous
a. law school professor.
b. fundamentalist preacher.
c. prominent senator.
d. modern novelist.

b. fundamentalist preacher.

Which of these is a way adults tried to restore youth morality?
a. censoring sexually suggestive scenes from movies
b. passing laws to discourage young men from wearing casual clothing
c. forcing young adults to attend military training sessions
d. bannin

a. censoring sexually suggestive scenes from movies

Charles Darwin developed the theory of
a. evolution.
b. fundamentalism.
c. creationism.
d. modernism.

a. evolution.

Which of the following statements BEST explains why many people came to oppose prohibition?
a. The bootlegging industry gave rise to widespread lawlessness and crime.
b. Too few federal agents were hired to enforce the ban on alcohol.
c. More women began

a. The bootlegging industry gave rise to widespread lawlessness and crime.

What is a speakeasy?
a. a secret drinking club
b. a new modern dance
c. a new style of clothing
d. a popular movie theater

a. a secret drinking club

Flappers were known for
a. breaking traditional expectations for how women should behave and dress.
b. advocating for African American rights and women's rights.
c. holding traditional values when it came to dress and marriage
d. fighting to pass laws ban

a. breaking traditional expectations for how women should behave and dress.

This federal agency manages the nation's money supply.
a. Federal Reserve Board
b. Office of Management and Budget
c. Reconstruction Finance Corp.
d. Securities Exchange Commission

a. Federal Reserve Board

Why did some banks fail during the Great Depression?
a. Depositors borrowed money from banks to invest in the stock market.
b. Depositors called for government regulation of banks.
c. Depositors withdrew their cash from banks.
d. Depositors demanded that

c. Depositors withdrew their cash from banks.

How did investors respond to the bear market in 1929, and what was the effect of this response?
a. Investors quickly sold their stocks, which caused stock prices to lower.
b. Investors bought as many stocks as possible, which raised stock prices.
c. Inves

a. Investors quickly sold their stocks, which caused stock prices to lower.

How did Congress contribute to the cause of the Great Depression?
a. They made policies that favored global trade over local trade.
b. They passed a law that raised the taxes of imported goods.
c. They implemented an extremely high discount rate.
d. They

b. They passed a law that raised the taxes of imported goods.

Which of these did the MOST to trigger a worldwide collapse in trade during the 1930s? A steady rise in stock prices over a long period of time is called a {~bear market =bull market ~lion market ~fish market}
a. Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
b. Dawes Plan
c. D

a. Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

Americans made up for the unequal distribution of wealth by using __________ to buy the radios, cars, and household appliances that were flooding the market.
a. cash
b. checks
c. loans
d. credit

d. credit

What was the main contributor to many banks failing between 1930 and 1933?
a. People were no longer interested in using credit to purchase goods.
b. People often did not take out loans because of the high interest rates.
c. People lost trust in the banks

c. People lost trust in the banks and many tried to withdraw their money.

Which of the following is NOT considered a cause of the Great Depression?
a. overproduction
b. stock speculation
c. under consumption
d. foreign competition

d. foreign competition

When more products are being created than people can afford to buy.
a. overproduction
b. overconsumption
c. underconsumption
d. underproduction

a. overproduction

One way the Federal Reserve Board adjusts the money supply is by the
a. stock market
b. discount rate
c. debt ceiling
d. tariffs

b. discount rate

Between 1860 and 1940 the U.S. economy experienced repeated periods of
a. high tariff rates.
b. recession and recovery.
c. excessive regulation.
d. trickle-down prosperity.

b. recession and recovery.

What did liberals believe was the best economic approach in the Great Depression?
a. using government spending to help the economy
b. reducing taxes on large corporations
c. allowing the economy to stabilize on its own
d. replacing the market economy syst

a. using government spending to help the economy

Which of the following was a serious problem during the Great Depression?
a. high unemployment
b. business consolidation
c. buying on margin
d. low prices

a. high unemployment

Liberals criticized Hoover for promoting what economic ideology?
a. increased government spending
b. increased public works projects
c. trickle-down theory
d. business cycle

c. trickle-down theory

Walter Waters lead a protest in 1932 because he was trying to convince Congress to
a. pass a law requiring businesses to hire veterans over those who were not veterans.
b. deport immigrants who could not get a job within 6 months of arriving to the countr

d. accelerate the payment of bonuses that had been promised to World War I veterans.

What happened during the First Hundred Days?
a. Franklin Roosevelt toured the nation in a whirlwind presidential campaign.
b. The Bonus Army gathered in the nation's capital to demand their bonus payments.
c. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation issued

d. Congress passed a record number of bills to promote economic recovery.

In 1932, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was established to
a. give World War I veterans the bonuses they had been promised.
b. lend unemployed citizens money to increase the demand for goods.
c. save failing banks and businesses by issuing governm

c. save failing banks and businesses by issuing government loans.

What did Roosevelt call his program of emergency legislation?
a. the New Deal
b. the Square Deal
c. the Share Our Wealth program
d. the New Freedom platform

a. the New Deal

Why did the Great Depression change popular opinions on government-funded public assistance?
a. The reforms in the Great Depression did not help the public.
b. The length of the recession forced many to seek out aid.
c. Most people preferred to struggle t

b. The length of the recession forced many to seek out aid.

Government-funded construction projects are often called
a. Hoovervilles.
b. public works.
c. welfare programs.
d. shantytowns.

b. public works.

Which of these was a direct result of the Great Flood of 1936?
a. the planting of thousands of trees to prevent erosion
b. the migration of thousands of farmers to industrial cities
c. the rapid spread of diseases by contaminated drinking water
d. the ena

d. the enactment of a national flood-control program

During the early years of the Great Depression, widespread unemployment contributed to a rise in all of the following EXCEPT
a. birth rates.
b. divorce rates.
c. foreclosure rates.
d. eviction rates.

a. birth rates.

Government support in the form of money or services to those in need is called
a. public works.
b. trickle-down theory.
c. public assistance.
d. charitable donation.

c. public assistance.

What process caused the black blizzards in the Great Plains?
a. chronic underuse
b. depopulation
c. flooding
d. desertification

d. desertification

Which of the following was a serious problem during the Great Depression?
a. high property values
b. high income taxes
c. high tariffs
d. high unemployment

d. high unemployment

Where did the majority of Great Plains migrants choose to relocate?
a. Illinois
b. New York
c. California
d. Texas

c. California

How did people contribute to the desertification of the Great Plains that occurred in the 1930s?
a. Families who lived in cities migrated to the Great Plains, which caused overpopulation.
b. Settlers used all the available water in the area, which left al

d. Farmers overused the land, which stripped the soil of drought-resistant vegetation.

Which of the following was the primary cause of the natural disaster on the Great Plains known as the Dust Bowl?
a. black blizzards
b. crop reduction
c. prolonged drought
d. dam building

c. prolonged drought

Why did Great Plains farmers overuse their lands prior to the drought?
a. Increasing food prices made growing more profitable.
b. National food shortages required them to grow more.
c. Native vegetation was allowed to grow with their crops.
d. Falling cro

d. Falling crop prices forced them to increase output.

Which of these pull factors drew Okies to California?
a. promises of steady farmwork
b. the prospect of plentiful factory jobs
c. a mild climate near the ocean
d. cheap homes on large plots of land

a. promises of steady farmwork

What was one objective of the Social Security Act?
a. to ban child labor
b. to protect workers' rights
c. to supervise union elections
d. to lessen poverty in retirement

d. to lessen poverty in retirement

How did New Deal programs like the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration provide relief to the needy?
a. by distributing food to the needy
b. by giving loans to the needy
c. by providing pensions to the needy
d. by creating job

d. by creating jobs for the needy

What was one of the reasons Roosevelt gave for wanting to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court?
a. He intended to appoint many of his relatives to the Supreme Court.
b. He wanted the justices to represent every state in the union.
c. He be

d. He hoped it would speed up the process of justice and reduce its cost.

How did the Agricultural Adjustment Administration try to help farmers?
a. by increasing production to boost crop surpluses
b. by reducing production to raise crop prices
c. by increasing competition among farmers
d. by asking banks to lower interest rate

b. by reducing production to raise crop prices

What was the right-wing criticism on the New Deal?
a. It had expanded the role of the federal government too much.
b. It did not provide enough money and aid to the poor people.
c. It created too many agencies, which used up a lot of money.
d. It was focu

a. It had expanded the role of the federal government too much.

Women, minority groups, industrial workers, farmers, immigrants, reformers, southern whites, and city dwellers formed this group.
a. liberals
b. New Deal Coalition
c. conservatives
d. Tennessee Valley Authority

b. New Deal Coalition

Spending more than the government receives in revenue is called
a. welfare state
b. debt relief
c. parity
d. deficit spending

d. deficit spending

The New Deal established that Americans have a right to basic economic security. Which program still constitutes the bulk of social welfare spending?
a. Social Security
b. food stamp program
c. assistance to students
d. unemployment compensation

a. Social Security

A political leader who appeals to people's emotions and prejudices.
a. conservative
b. politician
c. Socialist
d. demagogue

d. demagogue

Programs like the CCC, AAA, and FDIC were
a. enacted during the First New Deal.
b. failures and were disbanded before the end of the Depression.
c. passed as part of the Second New Deal.
d. partners in the New Deal Coalition.

a. enacted during the First New Deal.