APUSH Ch. 5-8 test vocab

What is true concerning the Albany Plan of Union?

a. It was based largely on the ideas of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Hutchinson
b. It came to nothing because no colonial legislature would surrender control over its powers of tax
c. It called for a Grand Council hat would devise military and Indian poli

What did the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 have in common?

They both interfered with colonial claims to western lands

Why is Samuel Adams significant to the development of revolutionary thought in America?

He encouraged Massachusetts' towns to form committees of correspondence in order to defend colonial rights

How did the colonists attempt to reconcile with England in 1775?

They presented the Olive Branch Petition to King George III to show their concerns

How did William Pitt plan to encourage the Americans to assume the military burden in the Seven Years' War in America?

He promised that if the colonies raised the necessary men, Parliament would bear the financial burden

What was a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

The British gained Florida and Canada and became supreme in eastern North America

Why did Pontiac's War occur?

The Native Americans feared that the British would treat them as subjects rather than allies, and the British decided not to follow the French practice of providing food, ammunition, and other gifts

How did a writ of assistance work?

It allowed the British to search a colonial merchant's house without requiring proof or probably cause, when looking for illegal goods

What were provisions of the Sugar Act?

a. It placed a 3 pence per gallon duty on foreign molasses
b. It required that colonists exporting lumber, iron, whalebone, and other commodities to foreign countries first land their shipments in Britain
c. It ordered accused violators of the law to be t

Why did Virginia send George Washington to the Ohio Valley in 1753 and 1754?

It wanted Washington to remove the French from the region by persuasion or force

Who was a British prime minister during the reign of George III?

Lord Frederick North

What is true concerning British tax rates during the 1760's?

They were the second highest in Europe

Who led the British forces that ultimately defeated the French forces on the Plains of Abraham near Quebec in 1760?

James Wolfe

What were results of the Seven Years' War?

a. The British won
b. It created a common bond between some British and American soldiers because they fought side by side
c. It planted seeds of misunderstanding and suspicion between the British and the Anglo-Americans
e. France ceded all its claims eas

What represents the conception most American colonists held of parliamentary power in the 1760's?

Parliament had limited powers of legislation that included authority to regulate imperial trade but excluded the authority to tax the colonists

How did Americans oppose the Stamp Act?

Americans damaged and destroyed property

How did the British government react to the colonial opposition to the Stamp Act?

It revoked the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases

What is true concerning Philadelphia before the American Revolution?

a. it grew so quickly that it taxed its water supply and created public health problems
b. it suffered from limited or nonexistent garbage and sewage disposal
d. Its ideal location made it a leading Atlantic port
e. It was the fastest growing American cit

What did the conflict over the Quartering Act demonstrate?

It showed that there was strong anti-colonial sentiment in the House of Commons and that Parliament would not hesitate to defend its soveriegnty

What did the Townshend Duties do?

They set moderate tax rates that did not price goods out of the colonial market

Who wrote twelve Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania arguing that Parliament could regulate trade but could not tax for the purpose of raising revenue?

John Dickinson

What was the purpose of the 1764 Sugar Act?

It was designed to raise revenues to offset British military expenses in North America

What would have most influenced the opinion of the average colonial American on political issues of the day?


What was the principle of virtual representation?

it was the idea that members of Parliament represented all because they considered the welfare of all subjects when deciding issues

What agreement did the delegates to the Stamp Act Congress reach?

They agreed that Parliament did not have the right to levy taxes outside of Great Britain

According to the colonists, what did the American Board of Customs Commissioners do?

It pursued a program that was little more than a system of legalized piracy

How were women important to colonial resistance?

a. They led the non-consumption movement
b. a group of women established the Daughters of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act
c. In response to the Revenue Act, three hundred Boston women denounced the consumption of tea
d. They helped to expand domestic clo

Events in the late 1760's and early 1770's helped to bring about a new consensus in the colonies. What was it?

Parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies except for the right to regulate imperial commerce

What happened in the Boston Massacre?

Bostonians hurled objects at British soldiers, who then fired and killed five citizens.

Who was the attorney that defended the British soldiers accused of firing on the civilians in the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

Who led the group in Parliament who opposed the domestic and foreign policies of George III?

John Wilkes

What was the effect of the Treaty of Fort Stanwix?

It heightened western tensions as more settlers moved into the Ohio Valley and agitated to establish a new colony?

What was the colonists' first attempt at maintaining close and continuing cooperation over a wide area?

the committees of correspondence

What did the 1773 the Tea Act do?

It eliminated all remaining import duties on tea and, as a result, significanty lowered the price of tea in the colonies

What did the Battle of Alamance Creek reveal?

It showed the conflict that sometimes existed between colonial governments and their settlers on the frontier

What were results of the Coercive Acts?

a. They restructured the Massachusetts government
b. They closed Boston harbor
c. They permitted certain murderers to be tried in England
d. They became known as the "Intolerable Acts" in the colonies

Why did many American colonists object to the Quebec Act?

It made Roman Catholicism Quebec's official religion

Order of events (Townshend Duties, Tea Act, Battle of Concord, Declaration of Independence, First Continental Congress) what happened last?

Declaration of Independence

What were the goals of the Olive Branch Petition?

a. cease-fire at Boston
b. repeal of the Coercive Acts
c. opening negotiations to establish guarantees of American rights
e. maintenance of peace between Britain and for colonies

In the Declaration of Independence, where did Thomas Jefferson place the blame for the problems between the colonies and Great Britain?

King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism

What did Virginia governor Lord Dunmore promise slaves in 1775?

If they were able-bodied and helped in restoring royal authority they would be granted freedom

Where did British and colonial forces first fight in April 1775?

Lexington and Concord

Who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

According to Pontiac, the Master of Life warned the prophet Neolin that the absence of wild animals was the result of

A bad spirit who whispers to the Delaware and leads them to do evil

What did the American Tories believe?

They believed separation from Britain was an illegal act that would ignite an unnecessary war.

While waging the American Revolution and running the government before 1787, how was Congress limited by the Articles of Confederation?

The articles did not give Congress the authority to order states to comply with its requests

What was a loyalist stronghold during the Revolution?

New York

What was an advantage that the British had over the Americans in the War of Independence?

Its population was more than 4 times greater than that of the colonies

What were some of Britain's difficulties during the War for Independence?

b. It had difficulty supplying the army
c. Its navy had been weakened by budget cuts
d. American privateers seriously hampered Britain's merchant marine
e. It had a rising financial burden that the politically influential landed gentry were increasingly r

How could the American army in the early years of the War for Independence be characterized?

It was not trained to fight pitched battles against professional armies

Joseph Brant was

the Mohawk chief who, as leader of the Iroquois confederation, sided with the British during the Revolution and later became the inspiration behind Indian resistance in the Northwest

What correctly describes the fate of Loyalists after the British defeat in the American Revolution?

Only a small number-perhaps 3 percent-left the United States

What happened at the Battle of Saratoga?

A British drive toward Albany was halted when General Burgoyne surrendered 5,800 troops to General Gates

Why was the Battle of Saratoga so significant to the American Revolution?

It convinced France to support the United States publicly

Who was Friedrich von Steuben?

He was the man who turned the American army into a formidable fighting force

What are reasons why the Constitution was ratified in 1788?

A Bill of Rights was added in 1787 to persuade opponents of the Constitution to accept it

What was the British strategy after 1778?

It wanted to seize key southern ports, enlist the aid of loyalist militiamen, and move northward to pacify one region after another

Why does General Nathaniel Greene have a reputation for success despite losing three major battles between March and September 1781?

He sapped British strength and forced General Cornwallis to abandon the back-country and lead his troops into Virginia

What battle forced the British government to commence peace negotiations with the Americans?


What were terms of the Peace of Paris?

a. Loyalists were to be compensated for their property losses
c. The United States received fishing rights off the Grand Banks of Canada
d. Britain recognized American Independence
e. The British were to return slaves who had been confiscated by their tro

According to the Northwest Ordinance, a territory could be admitted as a new state when

its population reached 60,000

How were blacks accounted for in the Three-Fifths clause of the Constitution?

slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person for tax and representation purposes

what were the consequences of the outcome of the battles at Trenton and Princeton?

they boosted civilian and military morale of the Americans

What was one of the ways the American Revolution affected African-Americans?

Most northern states took steps to weaken the institution of slavery and phase it out, while no state south of Pennsylvania abolished slavery

What did the term "republic" imply for most leaders of the American Revolution?

virtuous leaders elected for their superior talents and commitment to the public good

What applies to the Ordinance of 1785?

It ignored Native Americans' claims that previous treaties ceding the land were invalid

Where did American forces suffer through the disastrous winter of 1777-1778?

Valley Forge

Of all the political innovations of the era of the American Revolution, which can be considered the most radical?

the idea that political institutions should be judged by the standard of whether they served the public good rather than the interests of the powerful law

What were the features or powers of government under the Articles of Confederation?

a. the national congress in which each state had only one vote
b. the requirement for unanimous approval of the states before Congress could enact any tax measure
c. the provision that no congressional power to regulate interstate or foreign commerce
d. a

What is true concerning the Northwest Ordinance?

a.It forbade slavery in the Northwest Territory
b. It permitted the citizens of a territory to elect a legislature and make their own laws
c. It permitted the citizens of a territory to write a state constitution and apply to Congress for admission as a n

Which piece of legislation created the basic unit of settlement in the territory north of the Ohio River?

Ordinance of 1785

What was John Sullivan's part in the Revolutionary War?

He commanded the American forces that ultimately devastated for pro-British Iroquois Indians

What were problems facing the newly-independent United States?

a. State governments refused to compensate loyalists for their property losses
b. state governments and erected barriers against British creditors' attempts to collect prewar debts
c. the British refused to honor treaty pledges to abandon forts in the Nor

What country controlled New Orleans after the Peace of Paris?


How did Robert Morris propose to solve the nation's financial crisis?

He proposed levying a national import duty to finance the congressional budget and to guarantee interest payments on the war debt

What were some conditions leading to Daniel Shays's Rebellion?

a. an economic recession
b. huge tax increases
c. farm foreclosures
d. balance of payments problems

What did the term "democrat" imply for most leaders of the American Revolution?

mob rule or rule by an uneducated multitude

Which statement concerning the delegates to the Constitutional Convention is most accurate?

they tended to be wealthy lawyers in their thirties and forties

What was the key issue at the Constitutional Convention?

how to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states

Which state made the proposal to create a bicameral national legislature, with representation based proportionally on each state's population?


What was the name of the proposal to create a single-chamber congress in which each state had an equal vote?

New Jersey Plan

Who fought for the rights of black Americans in Massachusetts and the United States in the 1780's?

Prince Hall

By 1784, what did state constitutions include?

a bill of rights

What is system of shared power and dual lawmaking by state and national governments established by the constitution?


Alexander McGillivray prove to be a shrewd leader by carefully strengthening

the Creek Indians and gained concessions from Georgia

Who was the leader of the Anti-Federalists?

Thomas Jefferson

What correctly describes the situation of Native Americans in the 1770's and 1780's?

They continued to incorporate the most useful aspects of European culture into their own, combining elements of the old and new.

What applies to the developments in the North Pacific toward the end of the eighteenth century?

a. Commercial and imperial expansion in the North Pacific by both Americans and Europeans
b. European-borne diseases inflicted massive mortality on such indigenous peoples as the Inuits, Aleuts, Northwest Coast and California Indians, and Native Hawaiians

What was the controversial issue that gradually united westerners, southerners, and some mid-Atlantic citizens into a political coalition that challenged the Federalists and called for a return to the "true principles" of republicanism?

a national economic program whose main beneficiaries seemed to some segments of American society to be eastern "monied men" and New Englanders who refused to pay their debts

What was an accurate statement about the nature of "work" in the United States before the nineteenth century?

Nearly everyone worked at what they considered their "home

What is an example of the growing complexity of American society after independence?

a. there was a shift away from small-subsistence farming
b. many young men and young couples migrated westward
c. slavery experienced a renewal as a viable economic system
d. free blacks began to suffer an erosion of the political gains made after 1776

Why are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions so significant to American history?

They made the claim that a state had the right to nullify federal laws it deemed unconstitutional

At the end of the 18th century, farm women applied new technologies to butter production, while many farmers built barns to shelter cows. Why?

There was a desire to increase dairy production to meet growing urban demand

What were reasons why the 1800 presidential election was so significant?

a. It was the first American election where the political party controlling the presidency changed
b. The House of Representatives decided who the president would be
d. Thomas Jefferson was elected to the first of his two terms as a president
e. Only when

What is an accurate description of George Washington's style presidential leadership?

He deferred to Congress on domestic issues, spoke publicly only on foreign relations and military affairs, and sought a wide range of opinions

In his farewell address, George Washington advised that the United States should

avoid foreign entnglements

What does the Bill of Rights do?

a. It guaranteed personal liberties such as public debate, religious beliefs, and procedures for a fair trial
c. It reversed to the people or the states powers not allocated to the federal government under the Constitution
d. It protected citizens from th

Why did Benjamin Banneker remind Thomas Jefferson in 1791 that in the Declaration of Independence of 1776 he had written "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unaliena

Banneker was a free black and he wanted to remind Jefferson of the hypocrisy of writing such words but still being a slaveholder

Who took the lead in establishing the Washington administration's domestic priorities?

Alexander Hamilton

What basic belief did Hamilton's domestic program reflect?

The federal and executive authority of the national government had to be strengthened

When Alexander Hamilton argued that Congress had the constitutional authority to establish a national bank, what was the basis of his assertion?

The constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties

Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts?

Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia

What did Nancy Ward advocate in the late 1780's?

She asserted that the Cherokee should seek peace with the United States

What was the strongest argument against Hamilton's Bank of United States?

The constitution had given congress no specific authorization to issue charters of incorporation

What was not part of George Washington's first cabinet?

Commerce Department

Which issue led to the development of political coalitions during Washington's first term?

Hamilton's financial program

Where did the first significant internal challenge to the authority of the new federal government occur?


What did the Whiskey Rebellion demonstrate?

that dissent could be expressed only through the constitutional system of laws and elections, not through armed rebellion

What best assesses the Washington administration's policy of pacifying the northwestern and southwestern Indian tribes to weaken their friendship with Britain and Spain?

The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts went largely unenforced

What accurately describes American opinion regarding the Anglo-French struggle after the French Revolution?

New Englanders favored Britain because they believed that good relations with the British were essential to the region's prosperity

How did the United States government respond to France's declaration of war on Britain in 1793?

It proclaimed neutrality

Who was Citizen Genet?

He was the French official to the United States who was instructed to enlist American mercenaries to conquer Spanish territories and attack British shipping

What were British practices that damaged Anglo-American relations during the Washington administration?

a. It confiscated foreign ships trading with the French Caribbean islands
b. It forced American sailors to serve in the British navy
c. It built new forts on American soil
d. Canada's royal governor gave an inflammatory speech denying U.S. clamis north of

What did the Treaty of Greenville do?

It opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there.

What was one of the accomplishments of Jay's Treaty?

It arranged for withdrawal of British troops from American soil

The National Gazette established to spread the views of the opponents of

Alexander Hamilton

How did the United States gain unrestricted access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans?

by negotiating the Pickney Treaty of Spain

Who was Washington's secretary of war?

Henry Knox

What concerning the Battle of Fallen Timbers is true?

b. General "Mad Anthony" Wayne commanded the American forces in the battle
c. Indian morale plummeted after the battle
d. Great Britain refused to help Indians in the battle
e. American forces routed the Shawnee

What role did newspapers play in American politics during the mid- and late 1790's?

They expanded in number and circulation through fear mongering and character assassination, and were often libelous and irresponsible

What was the central charge that Republicans aimed at Federalists during the late 1790's?

They had become a faction bent on enriching wealthy citizens at the taxpayers' expenses

Who won the 1796 presidential election?

John Adams

What was the XYZ affair?

It was an effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate

What did the Sedition Act do?

a. It forbade any individual to oppose any law of the United States
b. It made it illegal to speak, write, or print any statement about the president that would put him into disrepute
c. It was designed to be in effect for only three years
d. It defined c

Who did the United States fight in the Quasi-War?


Eli Whitney is significant because he invented

the cotton gin

During the early years of the United States, what happened to many Native American tribes?

They experienced a social, demographic, and political crisis

Beginning in the late 1790's, what events helped to shape the treatment of African Americans?

The bloody slave revolt on Saint Domingue and the abortive slave insurrection in Virginia

Why did Alexander Hamilton want the federal government to support manufacturing?

He believed it would create a more diversified and prosperous economy

In the late eighteenth century, what did many Americans think about political parties?

Political parties were factions and inherently corrupt

As a result of the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, Americans were enraged and a war was almost precipitated because of an attack on a U.S. warship by


Who led American forces at the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

What beliefs did Thomas Jefferson hold?

High taxes, standing armies, and corruption could destroy American liberty by turning government into the master rather than the servant of teh people

Why did Thomas Jefferson favor soveriegnty of state government over the federal government?

He believed that state government was more responsive to popular will

The Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty was designed to settle border disputes between the United States and


Who did Thomas Jefferson believe were the most vigilant and virtuous people?

Educated farmers

How did President Jefferson plan to reverse what he perceived to be a drift toward despotism that had occurred in the 1790's?

by eliminating the national debt, thereby reducing the need for taxes

What was part of President Jefferson's policy of cutting federal expenses?

He closed various American embassies in Europe,
He reduced the size of the army,
he cut the federal debts,
he repealed many taxes

President Jefferson advocated naval action against the Barbary pirates because he believed that

waging war would be less expensive than paying tribute

In President Jefferson's view, what did the Judiciary Act of 1801 demonstrate?

The Federalists were trying to make the judiciary their stronghold

Who were the "midnight" judges?

Judicial appointments made by President Adams in the last days of his presidency

What did the Supreme Court argue in Marbury vs. Madison

The Supreme Court had the authority to determine the constitutionality of a law

The 1823 Monroe Doctrine argued that European countries

could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere

Why did President Jefferson consider French ownership of Louisiana acceptable?

a. Ownership by a weaker nation that France offered more possibilities for the United States
b. The French might join forces with the British and endanger American society
c. If the French quarreled with the British, the United States might find itself ca

What accurately describes the War of 1812?

a. It occurred even though Great Britain had decided to seek peace prior to the U.S. declaration of war
b. It was militarily indecisive but left the U.S. as a major power
d. Americans launched a series of unsuccessful attacks on Canada
e. Because of Capta

Why did Jefferson overcome his doubts about the constitutionality of the Louisiana Purchase?

He decided that a guarantee of land for American farmers was more important than a constitutional principle

President Jefferson's main reason authorizing the Lewis and Clark expedition was to

advance scientific knowledge

The Lewis and Clark expedition produced what?

a. New scientific information
b. Tall tales about gigantic Indians and a mountain of salt
c. stimulation of interest in the West
d. New geographic information

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution require?

There had to be separate ballots in the electoral college for the presideny and vice presidency

The main issue that led to the "Missouri Compromise" was

the balance between slave and free states

How effective was the 1807 Embargo Act?

It severely hurt the American economy and had little influence on foreign countries

What did the British Rule of 1756 state?

Trade closed in time of peace could not be opened in time of war

What is impressment?

The seizure of purported British sailors from American merchant ships, and pressing them into service

What was the main thrust of John Quincy Adams's foreign policy?

to secure American borders and strengthen the peace with Great Britain

DNA evidence suggests that Thomas Jefferson probably

fathered at least one child with his slave, Sally Hemings

Which region of the United States was hit the hardest by the Embargo Act?

New England

What were the terms of the Non-Intercourse Act?

America would trade with all nations except Britain and France and would restore trade with either nation if it ceased to violate neutral rights

Which action of the American government reopened trade with Britain and France and determined that if either nation repealed its restrictions the United States would halt all commerce with the other nation?

Macon's Bill No. 2

The war hawks were

Republicans from the West and South who thought the government's policies were wrecking their economies

Thomas Jefferson believed that the U.S. army would

be reduced in size in order to save money

Where did William Henry Harrison's forces defeat the Shawnee Indians?

Battle of Tippecanoe

What was the main source of votes in favor of war with Britain when Congress declared in June 1812?

Republicans in populous states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia

Who composed "The Star-Spangled Banner"?

Francis Scott Key

The Rush-Bagot Treaty demilitarized

the Great Lakes

What were reasons the United States went to war with Great Britain in 1812?

a. an economic recession affected the South and West after 1808
b. Many Americans believed that British policy was damaging America's economy
c. President Madison's believed that Britain wished to eliminate the United States as an economic rival
e. Britai

Why was Captain Oliver Perry's victory at the Battle of Put-in-Bay (Lake Erie) significant?

The British lost control of Lake Erie and therefore pulled back from Detroit

What did the Treaty of Ghent do?

b. It restored the status quo antebellum
c. It ended the War of 1812
d. It provided for no territorial gain or loss for the United States
e. It referred boundary issues to a joint commission

What were the ideas proposed at the Hartford Convention?

a. The United States should abolish the Constitution's three-fifths clause
c. There should be a prohibition against two successive presidents from the same state
d. The president should be limited to a single term
e. Embargoes lasting more than 60 days sh

Who helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific?


When Henry Clay called for an "American System" after the War of 1812, he meant that the United States needed

internal improvements that would make the nation self-sufficient

In McCullough v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court declare?

A state cannot tax an agency of the federal government

Why did the Supreme Court decisions in McCullough v. Maryland and Dartmouth College. v. Woodward dismay Republicans?

They saw the decisions as an attack on state and popular authority

Who served as a Spanish agent while working for the U.S. government?

James WIlkinson

What about the "Missouri Compromise" is accurate?

a. Maine was admitted as a free state
b. Missouri was admitted as a slave state
c. Slavery was prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of the Mason-Dickson Line
e. The controversy signaled that the main source of sectional conflict in

Which of the following conditions were true of the state constitutions adopted during the Revolution?

a. A minority of voters typically elected a majority of assemblymen
b. New constitutions could be amended only by the voters
c. The new constitutions included explicit bills of rights
e. In most states, elections became annual and the governor became an e