Midterm Exam 105

Hard news

media coverage focused on facts and important issues surrounding a campaign

Soft news

Media coverage that aims to entertain or shock, often through sensationalized reporting or by focusing on a candidate or politician's personality.

Inverted Pyramid style

begin with the most dramatic or newsworthy information�questions at the top of the story�and then trail off with less significant details.

Chronological style news

present your information in the order at which events occurred, (ex; court trials, start with first and then record the rest of the trials in order)

What should be in the lead of a news story?

be concise, use strong active verbs, active voice, emphasize magnitude, stress the unusual, localize the update, be objective, and strive for simplicity

Nut Graph

a paragraph that states the central point of the story written in the focus style

What should be in the Nut Graf?

Explain the lead and its connection to the rest of the story. Reveal your destination, or the essential theme of the story.

The elements of Newsworthiness

Timeliness, Impact of magnitude, Prominence, Proximity, Unusualness/oddity and Conflict

KISS method

keep it short and simple

What are the different types of leads?

(Narrative, anecdote)
-Tells a story
-Describes a scene, person or subject with a direct association with the issue
(Startling statement)
-Reveals information about the issue that is not well-known or unbelievable
(Contrast and compare)

What tense should headlines be written in?

Past tense

How long should a lead be for a news story?

Should not exceed 35 words

The myth of objectivity

idea that it is impossible to be totally neutral or objective about the world, because all people have a point of view based on their own experience and beliefs

Ethics of journalism

Respect dignity, privacy, rights and well-being of people when gathering and presenting new

That vs. Which

That = essential information, Which = not essential information

effect vs. affect

Effect = noun, Affect = verb

Legacy News

old news sources, tv & Newspaper


A written defamation of a person's character, reputation, business, or property rights.


spoken defamation


Act of harming or ruining another's reputation

Agenda leads

is a lead that emphasizes an event at a certain time

Label leads

mention a topic but fail to reveal what was said or done about that topic