Othello Act I Vocabulary List

dote (v)

excessive in one's fondness or affection

obsequious (adj)

to be too eager to help or obey someone important

homage (n)

respect or honor

rouse (v)

to wake someone from sleep

vexation (n)

the state of being worried, annoyed, or irritated

negligence (n)

failure to take the care or attention that a person normally takes

malicious (adj)

having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person

delude (v)

to cause to believe something that is not true

slay [past tense slain] (v)

to kill someone usually in war

enchant (v)

to attract and hold the attention of someone by being interesting or pretty

shun (v)

to avoid someone or something

pertain (v)

to relate to or have a connection to a person or thing

unvarnished (adj)

plain and correct, or honest

maim (v)

to injure someone very badly through violence

woo (v)

to try to make someone love you, or to try to have a romantic relationship with someone

boisterous (adj)

very noisy and active in a lively way

visage (n)

a person's face

cuckold (n)

a man whose wife commits adultery

despondent (adj)

very sad and without hope

consecrate (v)

to officially make holy through an official religious ceremony or to make or declare something as sacred