Intro To Ethics Divine Command Theory

According to Divine Command Theorists, where does morality come from?

Morality derives from God. God establishes the moral law through his commandments. So if one wants to know between right and wrong they need only consult God's word. Also, God establishes absolute authority of the moral law - it applies to everyone all th

logos, what does that mean?

From the latin. The study of.

Psyche, what does that mean?

from the greek means the mind or soul

What is the argument for god's creation of morality? Also known as divine command theory.

1. Every law requires a lawmaker
2. therefore, the moral law requires a lawmaker
3. If humans cannot be the author of the moral law, then god is its author
4. Therefore, God is the author of the moral law

Who said, "to err is human; to forgive, divine"?

Alexander Pope in his "essay on criticism

What are the popular versions of Divine Command theory?

The Ten commandments in the bible, including"Thou shalt not kill" and the five pillars of Islam including "Salaat

What is the divine perfection argument?

1. If the Divine command theory is true, then a morally perfect God could have created a perfect world that required us to rape, steal, and kill.
2. A morally perfect God couldn't issue such commands and anyone who did so would be morally imperfect.
3. Th

If we reject divine command theory based on the divine perfection argument, What does this mean for morality?

1. Morality was not created by God, Moral law exists even if God Does not.
2. One can know morality without needing to believe in God, therefore it is possible to be a virtuous atheist.
3. Morality is no longer guaranteed by God.
4. To reject divine comma

What does omnipotence mean?


If god exists.... Divine command theory....

1. Moral law is established by God
2. Moral law is perfect since god is perfect
3. If God exists, he determines what is good and what is evil

If God Doesn't exist... Divine Perfection Argument.

1. MOral law is established by something other than God.
2. Moral Law may not be perfect (to err is human)
3. "If God is dead, then everything is permitted"-- Dostoyevsky

Who said, "If god is dead, then everything is permitted


There are two problems the Divine Command Theory. What are they?

1. It requires God's commandment
2. The logical Problem, first presented in "Euthyphro

There are two problems with Divine Command Theory. First that it requires God's Commandment and second The logical Problem as illustrated in "Euthyphro". Explain the First problem.

1. God might not exist.
2. Deists believe that God commands nothing. He exists but doesn't concern himself with us. He merely set the wheels in motion

There are two problems with Divine Command Theory. First that it requires God's Commandment and second The logical Problem as illustrated in "Euthyphro". Explain the second problem, the logical one.

1. Does god command morality or vice versa?
2. According to Divine Command Theory, God commands morality

According to Divine Command theory, God commands morality. What is the problem with this? There are two. What are they?

1. Morality is left up to God's whim- murder is only wrong because god felt like deeming it so. what if he felt like deeming it right?
2. Did god have a reason for deeming murder wrong?
If he didn't have a reason then murder being wrong is arbitrary

what does arbitrary mean?

based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

The claim "God commands morality" means that whatever God says is good, is good, and whatever God says is bad, is bad.
There are two problems with this. What are they?

1. Morality is left up to God's whim - Murder is only wrong because God FELT LIKE deeming it wrong - what if he had felt like deeming in RIGHT?
2. Did God have a reason for deeming murder wrong?
If God did not have a reason, then murder's being wrong is a

Why do most theists reject Divine Command Theory.

Instead of recognizing God's command that murder is wrong, most theists believe murder is wrong because there is good reason to believe that murder is wrong. God only recognized the moral law. He didn't create it.