
Cooper's model Step 1

perception of an ethical problem

Coopers model Step 2

describe the situation

Coopers model Step 3

define the ethical issue

Coopers model Step 4

identify alternatives (solutions)

Coopers model Step 5

project consequences to alternatives (solutions)

Coopers model Step 6

Select an alternative

Coopers model Step 7

State a resolution (pick an alternative)

Six Pillars of Character

trustworthiness, respect, fairness


A critique of modernism. It is a way of viewing the world - a world view. Its where assumptions are discredited
Melting pot vs. salad

Moral Creativity

design approach to solving ethical dilemas. It uses moral imagination to draw out visualizations of possible solutions and consequences for a given ethical conflict.

Coopers Moral Creativity Model

1. Clear understanding of the factors relavent to the situation
2. having an understanding of roles involved and what our ethics, and value systems inform us to do.
3. consider all the solutions to problem
4. imagine all the consequences of each solution

social conditioning

the effect of our environment on the values we are exposed to as we grow up and develop and thus having an impact on our belief system and the way we think
manifestations of values, attitudes and beliefs we acquire from our environment (family, school, re


sense of right and wrong
social conditioning affects our sense of right and wrong
- because thats all we know

objective accountability

comes from legal, organizational, and societal demand on our public servant role
the obligation to serve the public interest and what is best for the welfare of the people
imposed from outside ourselves

Subjective accountability

rooted in our own belief system about loyalty values, and consciences
looks at the personal experiences that affect or reflect the kind of professional we are and in carrying out our duties
imposed from within ourselves

Rokeach Value Survey

a survey that measures instrumental (our core purpose) and terminal values (our traits)