Ch 13


The ability to easily obtain information


Correctness fo information


small computer programs left behind on your computer when you visit a website

Green computing

reducing the environmental waste generated when using a computer

Identify theft

criminal access to personal information in order to impersonate someone

Intellectual capital

the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce

Intellectual property

a work or invention that is the result of creativity or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc.

Information ethics

Ethics associated with he development and application of IT.

Online reputation industry

Industry in which contracted firms monitor the online image of a brand and make plans for the firm to actively combat negativity.


Generally accepted protections, should be understood as something that a users has to "waive

Privacy Paradox

people say they care a lot about privacy but don't actually behave that way

Social construct

A generally agreed upon and accepted philosophy that may or may not exist in reality or practicality but should (think: we have access to CC info but won't use it without your consent)

stakeholder theory

While the firm is bound by the stockholders of the firm, the leaders play a role in representing the firm itself and making decisions that benefit the firm.

stockholder theory

stockholders are agents in furthering the stockholders' wealth in legal ways.

Social contract theory

The firm has at least some level of responsibility in creating value for society that is non-discriminatory.