Ethics/Issue Ch.1


Generic term for the study of how we make judgments in regard to right and wrong, offers a way of examining the moral life

Moral Values

One's personal concept of right and wrong -varies from person to person -Based on religious, cultural issues, individual value system

Why study ethics?

A qualifications for being a fully functional adult and professional -May help you understand better what is best, and how to pursue it. -Help you participate in constructive discussion with others about what is best

How are Ethical Foundations Established?

Shaping of ethics, & moral values begin in childhood -As we mature we decide which moral values, we will use in our own belief system -As children we get ethical and moral contributions from five sources

What are Ethical Authorities?

1. Social norms 2. Authority figures 3. Religious orientation 4. Traditional popular culture 5. Contemporary popular culture

Social Norms

Children learn to respect social norms, traditions, culture and customs -We learn what is expected and acceptable

Authority figures

Children learn to respect those who give orders -Teachers -Bosses -Leaders -Others who possess power over children

Religious Orientation

Most children learn to respect a higher power & teaching of particular religious orientation