
Is concerned with perspectives of right and proper conduct and involves an evaluation of actions on the basis of some broader coltural context and religious standard.


Robert runs into the office, unprepared and frustrated becouse he is late for his weekly appointment with his first client of the day. He is consistenly lare for his appointments and his behavior is?

mandatory ethics

A beginning paractitioner, counsels in a manner in which he/she merely acts in compliance with teh law and follows minimal ethical standars. He/She is at the first level of ethical functioning, which is?

the basic purpose of professional codes of ethics

is to educate professionals about the sound ethical conduct, provide a mechanism for professional accountability and serve as a catalyst for improving practice.


Counseling a male Asian client and is encouraging him to go to college even though he is expected to take car of the aging parents.
The counselor is violating teh following basic moral principle in making ethical decisions?


An incest survivor, is covered for six sessions by her insurance. Her counselor is in private practice and knows that Jan needs more sessions. She decides to offer Jan her services pro bono.
In making the ethical decision to ensure that her client has equ

Responsible practice requires that you:

excercise informed, sound, and responsible judgment. demonstrate a willingness to consult with colleagues.
keeping yourself up to date through reading and continuing education.

Which of the following statements is true with regard to ethical codes?

Conflicts sometimes emerge within ethics codes as well as among various organizations' codes.

Providing pro bono services.

When practitionsers devote a portion of their professional time and skills to services for which there is no expectation of significant financial return, they are?

Autonomy refers to

the promotion of self determination and the freedom of clients to be self-governing within their social and cultural framework.

Counselors who have unresolfed personal conflicts

need to recognize that their problems may interfere with their effectiveness and refrain from activities that would harm a client.


The Process whereby clients place past feelings or attitudes they had toward significant people in their lives onto their therapist.

Which of the following therapist behaviors might be indicative of a countertransference reaction?

overprotecting the client
treating the client in benign ways rejecting a client
seeking the approval of the client


Joanne finds herself wanting to solce her client's problems which are similar to the issues her doughter is going through. Joanne gives advice and feels frustrated when her client won't follow through on her suggestions. Her emotional reactions to her cli


When counselors become overly concernes with meeting their own needs or pushing their own personal adgendas, their behavior becomes......


martina has been working at a crisis intervention center for three years and is starting to have nightmares about her work. Despite having a strong work ethic, she dreads her job becouse she feels burdened by the lack of power she has in making decisions

which of the following statements is true with regard to therapists experincing personal problems and conflicts?

therapists should be aware of denial and unresolved problems and conflicts.

moral imperative

some professionals believe that self-care is a ________ for mental health practitioners.

Which of the following is NOT a sign of therapist decay?

accepting clients within one's scope of competence.

Client autonomy

the NAADAC code of ethics (2008) states: "I shall not do for others what they can readily do for themselves but rather, facilitate and support the doing. Likewise, I shall not insist on doing what I perceive as good without reference to what the client pe

Research has provided evidence that therapists' values influence

every phase of psychotherapy

According to researchers, which of the following aspects of the therapeutic process are influenced by the therapist's values?

theories of personality and therapeutic change.
assessment strategies
goals of treatment
evaluation of therapy outcomes

counseling is __________ preaching, persuasion, and instruction.

not synonymous with

if clients are encouraged to change the direction of their values without being aware of what they are doing, they are

being depraved of self-determination

Marty believes that premarital sexis morally wrong. he has an agenda to convince his single clients to avoid having sexual intercourse before they are married. this is referred to as

value imposition

the authors view referrals

as the last resort


is the appropriate and ethical course of action to take when a client's needs are outside the scope of your competence.

According to the National Association of Social Workers policy on working with end-of-life decisions, it would not be appropriate for the professional to

deliver, supply, or personally participate in the commission of an act of assisted suicide

ruth is counseling a woman who describes an extremely unhappy marriage. Ruth suggests that she consider leaving her husband; however, the client has a deep spiritual conviction that marriage is for life and is not willing to consider devorce as an option.

imposing her values on the client instead of exploring the client's reasons for staying in the marriage.

With respects to values in the counseling process, the authors contend that

it is important that counselors clarify their values and the ways in which they enter the therapeutic process.

Our _______ is/are the basis of our worldview and possible biases

Cultural experiences


counseling is any counseling relationship in which teh counselor and teh client belong to different cultural groups, may hold different assumptions about social reality, and may subscribe to different world views.


a cross-cultural counselor who perceives reality exclusively through the filters of his or her own life experiences is said to be culturally________

stereotypical beliefs

statements such as "Minority groups need to take responsibility for there own predicament" and " In order to succeed, people need to stop complaining and start working" do not take into account environmental factors. these are examples of ________

it is the authors' position that counselors would NOT work well with diverse populations if they

believe that they are free from any racits attitudes, beliefs, and or feelings.

Culture centered counseling

Is a three-stage developmental sequence, from multicultrual awareness to knowledge and comprehension to skills and applications.

what is/are the reason for the underutilization of mental health services by minority groups?

biased nature of teh services
child care issues
transportation challenges

Working effectively with coultural diversity in the therepeutic process is

a requirement of good ethical practice

Cultural issues affect which of the following aspects of the counseling process

all aspects of the counseling process

Avoid using

Mental health practitioners must ________ their own group as the standard by which to assess appropriate behavior in others.

Informed consent generally implies that the person

has the capacity to consent and has freely, without undue influence expressed consent.

written consent forms should not include

a detailed description of what will occur in therapy and a guarantee that the client will resolve their issues

which of the statements below is true with regard to clients beliefs about the theraputic processes

Frequently, clients are not aware of their rights and view the process as mysterious.
clients may see their therapist much like they see their doctor and expect the therapist to have the "correct" opinion or answer.
clients may not realize that the

most ethical codes specify that therapist should

inform clients that a diagnosis can become a permanent part of their file and have ramifications in terms of cost of insurance, long-term insurability, and employment.

progress notes

should include a record of tclient and therapist behavior that is clinically relevant, including interventions used, client responses to treatment strategies, the evolving treatment plan, and any follo-up measures taken.

The social policy of de-institutionalization, as it applies to mental-health practices, involves the "least restrictive alternative" which requires that:

treatment be no more harsh, hazardous, or intrusive than necessary to achieve therapeutic aims and protect clients and others from physical harm.

informed consent document

The intent of a ________ is to define boundaries and clarify the nature of teh basic counseling relationship between teh counselor and the client.

inappropriate boundaries

inappropriate socialization with clients, burdening clients with a counselor's personal problems, and putting clients in awkward business situations are examples of _______

Informed consent

can best be viewed as an ongoing process aimed at increasing the range of choices and the responibility of the client as an active therapeutic partner.

Samuel has been planning a twe week vacation to
europe for months. He is a private practitioner and has a caseload of clients who have dependency issues. As an ethical practitioner, Samuel should

provide his clients with another therapist in case of need.


as a matter of law, refers to the constitutional right of an individual to decide the time, place, manner, and extent of sharing oneself with others.

It is illegal and unethical for a therapist to disclose confidential information when

an employer requests disclosure to determine the mental status of an employee without their consent.

ethical guidelines regarding confidentiality require that counselors do not

disclose client information unless there is clear and imminent danger to the client or others or when legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed.

Susan is quite distressed after finding out that her husband has been unfaithful and tells her counselor that she is so angry that she feels like killing him. Upon hearing this, the counselor needs to

question susan to determine whether she is serious about doing physical harm to her husband

Privileged communication does not apply in cases of

child abuse and neglect

Confidentiality; right to privacy

__________ which is rooted in a clients
's ______, is at the core of effective therapy.

An african-American women was interacting with her child in a domestic abuse shelter where she is over-heard to say to her child " keep touching that and i'm going to whoop you.". the social worker that heard this statement should:

recognize that what constituets abuse in one culture may not be viewed as abuse in another culture and not reportable until the mother is determined that the child is in danger.

examine all the factors and special circumstances of this case before acting

A single father reports that he had too much to drink and harshly spanked his three-year old son when he wouldn't stop screeming. The father feels terrible about the incident and asks his counselor to get some help for him so that it will never happen aga

risk management

one might argue that taking a _______ perspective not only raises practitioners' anxiety but encourages them to focus on avoiding risks to themselves rather than focusing on there ethical obligations and the potential risks to clients.

consultation and documentation

two processes that offer safeguards against malpractice liability in suicidal cases are

the slippery slope phenomenon

The notion that certain actions will inevitably lead to a progressive deterioration of ethical behavior is commonly referred to as

a potentially beneficial non-professional interaction

Miguel has been providing couples counseling to Saundra and Steven for a couple of years and was recently invited to attend their 20th wedding anniversary party. attending this event is an example of

these relationships are not considered to be ethical under any circumstances

According to professional codes of ethics, sexual relationships between client and counselor are considered to be ethical under which of the following circumstances?

Boundary management

more challenging in rural areas than in urban areas

dual or multiple relationships can occur

simultaneously and consecutively (eather )

Linda is considering developing a multiple or duel relationship with her client and is's important for linda to remember

to consider whether the potential benefit outweighs the potential for harm.

boundary crossings

departures from commonly accepted practices that could potentially benefit clients are referred to as

in a dual relationship with his students which may cause ethical problems

joe has a counseling practice and is also teaching psychology part-time at a university. He is well liked and trusted by students and some have asked for private counseling. Joe has decidded to wait until semester break before taking them on as clients. J

the folowing is true concerning dual relationships

counselors need to make every effort to avoid dual relationships with clients that could impair professional judgement or increase the risk of harm to clients.

The following statement is NOT true with respect to counselor competence

Only when the therapist comletes a doctoral program, are they competent to practice with all specialties.

Which of the following statements about competence is FALSE?

Practitioners cannot develop competence both as generalists and as specialists

Referring clients to other professionals is

appropriate when counselors do not have the clinical training or expertise to work with certain clients

In order to apply our knowladge and skills competently,

we must attend to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being

Lack of competence

Even though mental health professionals may not intend to harm clients, _______ often is a major contributing factor in causing harm

When a practitioner has a license, he or she is

not competent to work with all populations.

According to the American counseling
Association, counselors practice only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their

education and training
supervised experience
state and national professional credentials
appropriate professional experience

balance their roles as advocate and mentor of trainees with their gatekeeping role

those who are responsible for educating and training mental health professionals are ethically and professionally obligated to

Peer review

is an organized system by which practitioners within a profession assess one another's services.

An argument put forth in favor of legislation to regulate the delivery of mental-health services is that

the public is protected by setting minimum standards of service and holding professionals accountable.

A symptom of dysfunctional patterns handed down across generations

The family systems perspective is grounded on the assumption that a client's problematic behavior may be

According to the authors, the first order of importance of training faimily therapists is to

acquire self-knowledge, especially with regard to family-of-origin issues.

Might let it be known that she believes in the preservation of marriage and wwould urge the couple to work on their issues

Natalie is a marital therapist who believes that marriage is a sacred institution. She is dedicated to preserving marital relationships whenever possible. She is working with a couple who is attempting to resolve their problems even though they have also

Below is a sex-biased response to problems presented in couples therapy

Encouraging couples to accept the fact that child rearing is primarily the responsibility of the mother.

the authors take the following position in regards to confidentiality in couples and family therapy

thrapists need to inform clients that any information given during private sessions will be divulged in accordance with the greatest benefit to the family

no secrets" policy

Many believe it is wise to have a _____ when counseling couples due to the complexity of the work.

ask his new clients' permission to consult with their individual therapists

Charles, a couples therapist, recently met with a new couple seeking his services. During their initial meeting. Charles learned that the wife and husband are both in individual therapy. As an ethical practitioner, he should

one who downplays the influence of diversity

which of the practitioners described below would not be an effective family therapist?

explore with the couple how satisfied they are with the current division of labor

Patricia, a family therapist, has adopted an egalitarian philosophy to guide her practice. A Korean couple come to her to address concerns they have about their teenage daughter. When asked about their home life, they acknowledge that they hold traditiona

Presents a potential danger to the abused and is unethical

In the case of domestic violence, clinicians agree that conducting couples therapy while there is ongoing domestic violence

The authors recommend at least three experiences as adjunct to a training program for group workers that would not include

recognition that professional codes, legistlative mandates, and institutional policies alone will ensure competent group leadership.

with respect to confidentiality, group leaders have a responsibility to

clearly define what it means
explain its impxplain its importance
inform members of the difficulties involved in enforcing it

Group counselors treat all members as if they are the same and have the same values

which of the following is not considered to be one of the characteristics of diversity sensitive group work?

the following is true in regards to group ethics

as a rule, group leaders should conduct only those types of groups for which they have been trained.

group workers must remain current and increase their knowledge and skills through activities such as

continuing education
participation in various personal and professional development activities

groups remain a powerful intervention tool

across the life span, positively impacting childhood, adult, and geriatric disorders

potential drawbacks to the co-leadership model include

ineffective communication
competition between leaders
overdependence on the co-leader

should explore their personal beliefs and perspectivews about co-facilitation

Dand and Rachel have been assigned to work together as co-leaders of an anxiety disorders group. In order to be effective models for their group members they

Group leaders need to attend to

their own individual development
their development as a co-leading team
the development of the group they are facilitating

Which of the statements below is true about the informed consent processin groups?

Clients should be informed at the oloutset that informed consent is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event

Being deprived of self-determination

if clients are encouraged to change the direction of their values without being aware of what they are doing, they are

Indirect community services

aim to change the social environment to meet the needs of the population as a whole and are carried out by influencing social policy

outreach activities

direct client services focus on

Counselors who work in the community need to recognize that it would be an error to

believe that certain groups within teh community are less deserving than others of receiving services

Community agencies tend to be

for profit

Community workers include all of the following except

none of the options (social workers, psychologists, human service workers, nurses)

all ( location, belief, interest, activity)

A community is a number of people who share a distinct ______, or other characteristic that clearly identifies their commonality and differentiates them from those not sharing it

Preventing; remediating

The focus of community work is on_____ rather than ______ problems.

direct client services

Mario's job entails going to middle schools within the county to run counseling groups for students identified as having the potential for aggression. He is providng

Direct community services

Prevention programs, such as interpersonal skills training or marriage education, that help people develop a wider range of competencies are considered

Social justice addresses issues of

social inequities