Chapter 3 Ethics Midterm

it is important that counselors clarify their values and the ways in which they enter the therapeutic process

With respect to values in the counseling process, the authors contend that?

not refer Mary, but work within the client's values rather than his own. If he cannot obtain objectivity, he will need supervision to work together through his issues. Referring Mary to another therapist for this reason could be determined as abandonment.

Mary is seeking abortion counseling rom a practitioner who has been actively involved in the pro-life movement. The therapist has extreme discomfort with Mary's values and doesn't think he could maintain objectivity. It would be best if he?

can be a significant avenue for connecting with the client and can be an ally in the therapeutic change process

A client-defined sense of spirituality?

they are both ethically appropriate topics to discuss, can play major part in the clients life, and can be significant source of strength

Which of the following statements on spirituality and religion is true today?

imposing her values on the client instead of exploring the clients reasons for staying in the marriage

Ruth is counseling a woman who describes an extremely unhappy marriage. Ruth suggests she consider leaving her husband; however, the client has a deep spiritual conviction that marriage is for life and is not willing to consider divorce as an option. Ruth

work with Thomas rather than referring him, and seek supervision and education to assist the counselor to be more capable of working with Thomas.

Thomas has AIDS and has decided to end his life rather than continuing suffering. The counselor he is working with does not condone rational suicide. In this case, the counselor needs to?

a discriminatory referral

Referring a client for differing religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or cultural background is called?


The Death and Dignity act is a law in which state?

every phase of psychotherapy

Research has provided evidence that therapists values influence?

counselors must understand their own spiritual/religious beliefs or lack thereof if they hope to gain an in depth appreciation of the beliefs of their clients

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

may affect their therapeutic work, directly or indirectly, with clients presenting with end-of-life issues

According to researchers, counselors personal religious values?

the university was justified in dismissing the student for violating provisions of the code of ethics that prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, marital status/partn

The US District court in Julea Ward vs. Eastern Michigan university ruled that?

referring clients has been discussed frequently in professional journals

Which of the following is not true about referrals?

when the self-disclosure will make it more difficult to establish a trusting relationship

It is important for the counselor to refrain from self-disclosing?

upheld the right of the university to enforce standards expected of students in a counseling program even when a student objects on religious grounds

In Jennifer Keeton vs. Augusta State university the federal appeals court?

can determine the direction of counseling if it is not monitored

The value system of the counselor

value imposition

Marty believes that premarital sex is morally wrong. He has an agenda to convince his singe clients to avoid sexual intercourse before they are married. This is referred to as?

based solely on a difference of values between the counselor and the client

It is not ethical to refer clients?

as the last resort

The authors of this text view referrals?


_________ is the appropriate and ethical course of action to take when a client's needs are outside the scope of your competence?


The ability for counselors to mange their personal values so they do to contaminate the counseling process is referred to as?


From a legal perspective, mental health professionals are expected to exercise "reasonable care" in working with clients who are considering abortion. If they fail to do so, clients can take legal action against them for?

value conflict

Disagreeing with a client or not liking what a client is proposing can create?

when the therapist engages in supervision to diminish the effects of the value conflict, attempting to help the client in every way, but the client requests a referral because of his or her value differences.

Which of the following is ethical when referring a client?

work collaboratively to identify and clarify their value system and determine the degree to which they are living in accordance with their core beliefs and values

In dealing with clients who hold different values you are advised to

he or she will not be threatened by really listening to and deeply understanding people who think differently or do not share their same worldview

If a therapist is secure in his or her own values

value exploration

The reason why many counselor education programs encourage or require personal therapy for counselors in training is to engage in?

when a counselor is too eager to suggest a referral when the client shares differing values on race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation etc....

Value discrimination could be defined as?

mental health professionals will not put their licensure status in jeopardy by denying services to clients on the basis of sincerely held religious beliefs

The "freedom of conscience" clause states?

spiritual assessment

What provides insight into how a client relates to spirituality and religion and how this may be affecting the client?