Business Faith & Ethics


promotion of the individual pleasure through goods or career success


the option which best maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain for all involved

Deontological reasoning

the keeping of moral rules such as "Don't harm others

Christianity operates on the notion that...

ethics (the study of human character) logically follows theology (the study of God's character)

The ultimate goal of Christian ethics is to...

emulate God's character, not for human happiness or fulfillment

We learn God's character by...

studying the scriptures

We interpret the scripture through..

the unlimited lens of Christ and the Holy Spirit

Three divine characteristics of God



the concept of single minded devotion to God and absolute ethical purity

So long as business is a means of _____, the concept of holiness is not violated

honoring god rather than an end in itself

What holiness abhors is when ____. When your career, wealth and desire to please others becomes more important, then _____

business, or any other human activity becomes an idol. ...god has been displaced from primary.

Substantive rights

own property
bodily safety
prompt payment for work completed
to be told the truth or right to citizen
copyright or patent protection
pay appropriate tax rates

Integrated Christian approach:
Duties include:

Keep promises
tell the truth
make restitution for harm done
respect legitimate human authority
respect the rights of others be responsible stewards of human resources
show concern for the poor
maintain health family relationships

Integrated Christian approach:
Rights to include:

freedom of choice
equal protection
due process
own property
be told the truth

For the love of ___ is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the ___, and pierced themselves through with many ___.

1 Timothy 6:10

Honesty in commercial dealings does what?

Builds trust
fosters community
respects the dignity of others

Employees are not abstract financial interests but what?

human beings whose relationships are far more complex than just an exchange of money for task performance

Rank of employee motivators

challenging work
opportunity for advancement
possibility of job growth

Theory C 4 components

servant leadership

Christians are called to be ___ and move across ___

ethnic, gender, age and religious lines

Like ____, we are not to be mastered by property but to master it. We are to love people and use things rather than use people and love things.


The ____ teach that all mankind was created by God and in the image of God


The foundation of Christian ethics in not rules but what

the changeless character of God

Sin makes us ____ rather than seeking God

self seeking

What is our job in making decisions?

to line up the lenses of holiness, justice and love so that they align as much as possible

What does Jesus say our greatest duty is

love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37-38

How much were the settlements made in discrimination lawsuits with Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Smith Barney

$200 million

Deuteronmy 8:10-18 warns us from using ____as a false security


Social Responsibility

an organizations obligation to maximize its positive effects and minimize its negative effects on stakeholders


promotion of the individual pleasure through goods or career success


the option which best maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain for all involved

Deontological reasoning

the keeping of moral rules such as "Don't harm others

Christianity operates on the notion that...

ethics (the study of human character) logically follows theology (the study of God's character)

The ultimate goal of Christian ethics is to...

emulate God's character, not for human happiness or fulfillment

We learn God's character by...

studying the scriptures

We interpret the scripture through..

the unlimited lens of Christ and the Holy Spirit

Three divine characteristics of God



the concept of single minded devotion to God and absolute ethical purity

So long as business is a means of _____, the concept of holiness is not violated

honoring god rather than an end in itself

What holiness abhors is when ____. When your career, wealth and desire to please others becomes more important, then _____

business, or any other human activity becomes an idol. ...god has been displaced from primary.

Substantive rights

own property
bodily safety
prompt payment for work completed
to be told the truth or right to citizen
copyright or patent protection
pay appropriate tax rates

Integrated Christian approach:
Duties include:

Keep promises
tell the truth
make restitution for harm done
respect legitimate human authority
respect the rights of others be responsible stewards of human resources
show concern for the poor
maintain health family relationships

Integrated Christian approach:
Rights to include:

freedom of choice
equal protection
due process
own property
be told the truth

For the love of ___ is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the ___, and pierced themselves through with many ___.

1 Timothy 6:10

Honesty in commercial dealings does what?

Builds trust
fosters community
respects the dignity of others

Employees are not abstract financial interests but what?

human beings whose relationships are far more complex than just an exchange of money for task performance

Rank of employee motivators

challenging work
opportunity for advancement
possibility of job growth

Theory C 4 components

servant leadership

Christians are called to be ___ and move across ___

ethnic, gender, age and religious lines

Like ____, we are not to be mastered by property but to master it. We are to love people and use things rather than use people and love things.


The ____ teach that all mankind was created by God and in the image of God


The foundation of Christian ethics in not rules but what

the changeless character of God

Sin makes us ____ rather than seeking God

self seeking

What is our job in making decisions?

to line up the lenses of holiness, justice and love so that they align as much as possible

What does Jesus say our greatest duty is

love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37-38

How much were the settlements made in discrimination lawsuits with Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Smith Barney

$200 million

Deuteronmy 8:10-18 warns us from using ____as a false security


Social Responsibility

an organizations obligation to maximize its positive effects and minimize its negative effects on stakeholders