Fundamentals of Communication Chapter 1

human communication

a transactional process through which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal forces and embedded in culture


what does communication equal?

message creation, message meaning, setting, participants, channels, noise, feedback

seven components of communication

linear and synergistic/transactional

models of communication

dynamic, processual, simultaneous, interpretive, contextual

included in synergistic/transactional model

individual, societal, cultural, context

communication influences


something to consider for the synergistic model


standard of what is right and wrong, bad and good, moral and immoral

communication ethics

standards of right and wrong that applies to messages that are sent and received

communication ethics examples

truthfulness/transparency, sharing or withholding info (privacy vs. secrecy in disclosure), benefit and harm of a message, intent vs. impact

non-binding, flexible

communication is

appropriateness, effectiveness, ethical

communicating with competence