Counseling ethics and issues

trends in multicultural awareness

Over the last decade counselors have been urged to learn about their own culture and to become aware of how their experiences affect the way they work with those who are culturally different. We should monitor our positive and negative biases to not impos

multicultural counseling

...a helping intervention and process that defines contextual goals consistent with the life experiences and cultural value of clients , balancing the importance of individualism versus collectivism in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment

hastened death

It means ending one's life earlier than would have happened without intervention. It involves speeding up the dying process, which can entail withholding or withdrawing treatment or life support.

mandatory ethics

level of ethical functioning wherein counselors comply with minimal standards, acknowledging the basic "musts" and "must nots

explaining confidentiality to minors

Involving parents in the counseling process with minors. Limits to confidentiality. Dealing with reluctance. Need for supervised clinical experience in play therapy, art and music therapy, and recreational therapy.

empathy fatigue

Some sources of stress for counselors are: Feeling they are not helping their clients, the tendency to accept full responsibility for clients' progress, feeling a pressure to quickly solve the problems of clients and having extremely high personal goals a


A sense of identity that stems from common ancestry, history, nationality, religion, and race.

aspirational ethics

refer to the highest professional standards of conduct to which counselors can aspire e.g.providing services pro bono for those in the community who cannot afford needed services

counselor values in counseling

Research has provided evidence that therapists' values influence every phase of psychotherapy, including:
theories of personality and therapeutic change
assessment strategies
goals of treatment
the design and selection of interventions
evaluation of thera

client dependence

1. temporary is ok
2. unethical to encourage and promote client dependence
3.keep client dependent
4. delay termination

counselor impairment

The presence of a chronic illness or severe psychological depletion that is likely to prevent a professional from delivering effective services and results in consistently functioning below acceptable practice standards.

principle ethics

Is a set of obligations and a method that focuses on moral issues with the goals of a solving a particular dilemma or set of dilemmas and establishing a framework to guide future ethical thinking and behavior.

client's religion and spirituality

�Religion and spirituality are oftentimes part of the client's problem and can be part of the client's solution.
�Spirituality and religion are critical sources of strength for many clients.
�Spirituality and religion should be incorporated in the assessm

reasons for record keeping

�From a clinical perspective, record keeping provides a history that a therapist can use in reviewing the course of treatment.
�From an ethical perspective, records can assist practitioners in providing quality care to their clients.
�From a legal perspec

counselor negligence

�Failure to obtain or document informed consent
�Client abandonment and premature termination
�Sexual misconduct with a client
�Marked departure from established therapeutic practices
�Practicing beyond the scope of competency
�Repressed or

legal elements of adequate informed consent

informed consent requires that the client understands the information presented, gives consent voluntarily, and is competent to give consent to treatment. Therapists must give clients information in a clear way and check to see that they understand it. Di

culturally encapsulated

- define reality according to one set of cultural assumptions, their own
-dismiss or are insensitive to cultural variations
-substitute stereotype for their own

legal elements of informed consent

The therapeutic process
Background of therapist
Costs involved in therapy
The length of therapy and termination
Consultation with colleagues
Interruptions in therapy
Clients' right of access to their files
Rights pertaining to diagnostic labeling
The natu

confidentiality vs privacy

is rooted in a client's right to privacy, confidentiality is at the core of effective therapy; it "is the counselor's ethical duty to protect private client communication.
Privacy: the constitutional right of individuals to be left alone and to control th

forms of countertransference

-being overprotective with a client
-treating clients in benign
-rejecting a client
-needing constant reinforcement and approval
-seeing yourself in your client
-developing sexual or romantic feelings for a client
-giving advice compulsively
-desiring a s

suicide prevention

� Know how to determine whether a client may be at risk for attempting suicide.
� Assess each new client for suicidal thoughts, regardless of the reason the client is seeking counseling.
� Be knowledgeable about the legal requirements bearing on mandatory

cultural values of directness and assertiveness

Assumption: Directness and assertiveness are desirable qualities.
Fact: In some cultures, directness is perceived as rudeness and something to be avoided.

minor's assent to treatment

Minors' rights regarding informed consent
Parental rights to information about a minor's treatment
Minors' assent versus consent
Assent implies that counselors involve minors in decisions about their own care and the greatest extent possible agree to part

cross cultural counseling skills

Broaching Behavior - refers to a consistent and ongoing attitude of openness with genuine commitment by the counselor to invite the client to explore issues of diversity.
Is a tool that may help in complying with the multicultural competencies. Helps to e


to "do good" for others and promote the well-being of clients

pederson's antiracism strategies

It is more about following rules but gaining a competence in the area of racism and making a shift in thinking but also making a shift in attitude. It is about being culture-centered. The clinicians can learn to work with clients who differ in gender, rac

exceptions to confidentiality

When clerical assistants handle confidential information
When a counselor consults
When a counselor is being supervised
When a client has given consent
When a client poses danger to self or others
When a client discloses intention to commit a crime
When a

benefits and risks of treatment

It can lead to better relationships, solutions to specific problems, and significant reductions in feelings of distress. Since therapy often involves discussing unpleasant aspects of your life, you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt

steps in ethical decision making

1. Identify the problem or dilemma
2. Identify the potential issues involved
3. Review the relevant ethics codes
4. Know the applicable laws and regulations
5. Obtain consultation
6. Consider possible and probable courses of action
7. Enumerate the conseq

self-determination as a value for clients

The belief that counselors should respect the inherent worth and dignity of all people. The right that underlies this belief is the right to self-determination and participation. For everyone must be recognized and respected. Self-determination is not onl

regulation of ethical issues in counseling - 2 sources

Code of Ethics, The American Counseling Association has established an overarching Code of Ethics. Counselors must adhere to the code's five main dictates: autonomy, justice, beneficence, non-maleficence and fidelity.

therapist's personal needs

Self-care, importance of tending to mind, body and spirit. It involves paying attention to our own needs.

counselor values and the counseling process**

Counselors must understand their own beliefs and values. There should be a continuous self-examination on the part of counselors to discover their own biases, beliefs and values. The focus of the counseling program is to help the client better understand