Philosophy Unit 5: Ethics

According to the divine command theory, God reveals to us, but does not determine, what is right and wrong


A problem that the text raised with the divine command theory of ethics is that

if moral goodness is defined in terms of God's will, it makes it meaningless to say God's will is good

According to Plato, the three parts of the self are

the appetites, reason, and the spirited part

In the reading from Plato's Republic, Glaucon says that the reason to be moral is because

of its social consequences

Plato says we should be moral because

immorality is a disease of the inner person

All religious philosophers necessarily hold to the divine command theory of ethics


In his dialogue Euthyphro, Plato took the position that the gods approve of certain actions because these actions are good


In Plato's story of the ring of Gyges, the ring had the power to make one invisible


The task of normative ethics is to describe various cultures' moral beliefs


Subjectivists and conventionalists in ethics agree that moral principles are relative to human opinion, but they disagree over whether this is individual opinion or societal opinion


Which of the following statements contradicts ethical objectivism

a moral principle can be correct for me but necessarily correct for you

Which of the following ethical theories would fit best with the claim that values are like flavors or ice cream, i.e., simply a matter of personal preference


Which one of the following claims of the moral absolutist distinguishes this position from other forms of ethical objectivism

moral principles cannot be overridden and cannot have any exceptions

With which of the following claims must a conventional ethical relativist disagree

some cultural practices are less moral than others

Which of the following is not an objection to conventional ethical relativism

it implies we could tell whether an action is right or not simply by referring to societal standards

In the reading by James Rachels, he criticizes the cultural differences argument by saying that

the premise concerns what people believe, but the conclusion concerns what really is the case

James Rachel says that a consequence of cultural relativism is

all of the above (we could no longer say that the customs of other societies are morally inferior to our own, we could decide whether actions are right or wrong just by consulting the standards of our society, and the idea of moral progress would be called into doubt)

John Ladd uses the term "the dependency thesis" to refer to that claim that

morality is dependent on the moral beliefs and practices of a particular society

According to Ruth Benedict, the statement "it is morally good" is synonymous with

it is a socially approved habit

Ruth Benedict's position was that of

conventional ethical relativism

The reading by Herodotus illustrated the position of

conventional ethical relativism

Which of the following would be an example of subjective ethical relativism

all of the above (Ernest Hemingway, the Sophists, and Jean-Paul Sartre)

In spite of the fact that Eskimos kill some of their babies, James Rachels says that their values are not all that different from our values


Ruth Benedict said that "normal" is defined as whatever a particular culture says is normal


The Ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that all cultures have the same moral values


Ethical egoism logically implies that one should always avoid helping others


Which of the following captures the relationship between ethical egoists and hedonists

some ethical egoist are hedonists, and sone hedonists are ethical egoists, but there are members of both groups that don't belong to the other

Which of the following claims would be that of an individual ethical egoist

everyone has an obligation to serve my interests

Which one of the following is an objection to psychological egoism raised by Bishop Butler

personal satisfaction is often the consequence of getting what we desire, not its goal

A criticism of Ayn Rand's egoism made in the text is that

it assumes a false dichotomy between pure ethical egoism and pure ethical altruism

According to Ayn Rand, if an ethical egoist loved another person, the egoist would

be pursuing his or her own interests

Which of the following claims would be that of a psychological egoist

everyone always acts so as to serve their own interests

Which of the following claims would be that of a universal ethical egoist

everyone ought to do what will serve his or her own interest

Which of the following express(es) the relationship between psychological egoism and ethical egoism

all of the above (it is possible to be a psychological egoist without being an ethical egoist, it is possible to be an ethical egoist without being a psychological egoist, and psychological egoism is frequently used to argue for ethical egoism)

According to psychological egoism, unselfish behavior is impossible


According to your text, someone who embraces the philosophy of ethical egoism is by definition someone who wants to be the center of attention and who has an inflated ego


According to your text, you can act in your own self-interest without being selfish


Ayn Rand believed that rational selfishness would lead to the best society


Ayn Rand was an ethical egoist but not a psychological egoist


Psychological egoism is a theory about what we ought to do


The paradox of hedonism is the fact that if your only goal is to find pleasure and happiness, you are unlikely to find it


According to the principle of utility, a morally right action is one that produces at least as much good (utility) for all people affected by the action as any alternative action that could be performed


Both ethical egoists and utilitarians are consequentialists


Mill believes some pleasures are higher than others, whereas Bentham thinks pleasures differ only in quantity, there being no sense in trying to distinguish between higher and lower pleasures


Which of the following claims is <u>not<u/> an implication of utilitarianism

one's own happiness must always be sacrificed for the happiness of others

The utilitarian rejects which of the following claims of the ethical egoist

people have a moral obligation only for their own happiness

Utilitarintanism is not a form of ethical relativism because the utilitarian believes that

moral principles are objective even if their application is relative

When John Stuart Mill said, "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied that a pig satisfies; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied," his point was that

some pleasures are qualitatively higher than others

According to Jeremy Bentham, we are governed by two sovereign masters, which are

pain and pleasure

In balancing your own happiness with that of another person, Mill said that you should

give no more weight to your own happiness than that of another

In his article "Comparing Harms," Alastair Norcross argues that

our society frequently chooses to sacrifice lives for the convenience of the many

Which of the following describes a major difference between Bentham's and Mill's ethics

Bentham's was a quantitative hedonism and Mill held to a qualitative hedonism

Which of the following was not included in Bentham's hedonic calculus

value: is the pleasure a lower, physical pleasure or a higher, intellectual pleasure

According to utilitarianism, the morality of a particular action can change over if the consequences change


According to your text, the notions of justice and individual rights are the two main themes in utilitarianism


Jeremy Bentham accepted ethical egoism but rejected psychological egoism


Teleological ethics is another name for deontological ethics


According to Kant, the morality of an action depends upon external circumstances and situations


Universal ethical egoist, utilitarians, and Kantians all reject ethical relativism


According to Kant, the only thing that has intrinsic value is pleasure


Which of the following is NOT a consequentialist theory of morality

Kantian ethics

According to Kant, the statement, "Be kind to others if you want others to be kind to you" is

a hypothetical imperative

Which one of the following actions would have moral worth, according to Kant

Smith wants to lie in order to avoid an embarrassment but tells the truth anyway because it is the right thing to do

According to Kant, the basis for the categorical imperative is

rational consistency

A prima facie duty is one that

is morally binding unless it conflicts with a more important duty

The second version of Kant's categorical imperative implies that

sometimes we must tell people things that are painful to them in order for them to make a rational and informed decsion

According to the first version of Kant's categorical imperative, lying is always immoral because if your maxim "lie whenever you feel you need to" were to become a universal law

you would no longer be able to achieve your goal by lying and the universal law would negate itself

According to Kant's philosophy, the statement "If you want people to be good to you, you should be good to them" is

a hypothetical imperative

According to Kant's philosophy, which of the following command could be universalized

always keep your promises

According to Kant, a work of art has ______ value, but people have ______ value

conditional/ absolute

According to Kant, an action has moral worth if

it is done from a sense of duty

Immanuel Kant said that the only thing in the world that has an absolute, unqualified moral value is

a good will

The second version of the categorical imperative says

treat people as and an end and never as a means only

Which of the following claims made by utilitarians would Kant reject

ethics concerns only our relations with others, for we have no moral duties to ourselves

According to Kant, every moral rule has its exceptions


According to Kant, unless doing your duty is something you enjoy, you are not acting morally


Immanuel Kant's ethics is an example of deontological ethics


In Kant's ethics, a principle is universalizable if we could rationally will that everyone would act on it


Kant believed it would be right to tell the truth even if we thought the consequences would be bad


Kant believed that all true ethics was based on religion


Kant rejected the notion that ethics was based on human psychology


Kant says that it is impossible to treat others as both a means and and an end


W.D. Ross does not think prima facie duties can be ranked in terms of priority


Whereas utilitarianism and Kant's ethics of duty concentrate largely on the ethics of conduct, virtue ethics focuses on the ethics of character


According to Aristotle, our happiness is chiefly a matter of

fulfilling our human function by guiding our lives with reason, developing both intellectual and moral excellence

According to Aristotle's theory, acquiring the moral virtues is a process of

imitation and practice, just as musician gains a musical skill through imitation and practice

Which of the following best captures the notion of the moral virtue that is at the heart of Aristotle's doctrine of the mean

moral virtue is the habit of rationally choosing just the right emotion or action for the circumstances, i.e., a balance between the extremes of too little and too much

Which of the following statements is implied by Aristotle's doctrine of the mean

what counts as a virtuous act in one circumstance may not be virtuous in another

In judging the morality of an action, Kant would disagree with Aristotle on which of the following points

it must result from an ingrained habit and involve the emotions

According to Aristotle, the doctrine of the mean does not apply to the situation of

the act of adultery

The doctrine of the mean" refers to Aristotle's view that

virtue is an intermediated position between two extremes

Aristotle says that to be a just person, it is not enough to act just. You must also

all of the above (know what you are doing, deliberately choose the just action for its own same, and act on the basis of a firm and unchangeable character)

In Micheal Stocker's story concerning Smith's visit to the hospital, the problem with Smith's behavior, according to virtue ethics, is that Smith

lacked the virtues of benevolence and compassion

In virtue ethics, the primary question on ethics is:

what sort of person should I be

The Ancient Greek philosopher who taught virtue ethics was


The utilitarian view of the role of a virtuous character in ethics is that it

will make it more likely that the person will maximize the general good

What is Aristotle's position on universal and objective moral principles

their application will be different for different people and circumstances

Virtue ethics can be defined as that area of ethics that is concerned specifically with sexual morality