Psych Ethics Chapter 9

In order to distinguish between the ethical and legal aspects of clinical supervision, the legal aspects involve:

issues related to confidentiality, liability, the supervisor's duty to protect, and standards of care.

Supervisees in training programs do not have the right to:

expect that the supervisor will be their personal therapist if needed.

Supervisors are ethically vulnerable because:

All of the choices

It is not the responsibility of the supervisor to:

independently decide the needs of the trainee, including the course of therapy they will need.

Which of the following statements is not accurate?

Supervisors are not expected to maintain records pertaining to their work with supervisees.

All of the following are ways in which supervisors can promote the personal and professional development of their supervisees except for:

avoiding an evaluative role, lest the supervisee feel judged and develop performance anxiety.

Which of the following is not described in the text as a method of supervision?

instructional supervision

A primary aim of supervision is to create a context in which the supervisee can acquire the experience needed to become a(n)

independent professional.

Susan is in a counselor training program and is infatuated with her supervisor. She has indicated that she is interested in pursuing an intimate relationship. In order to provide adequate supervision for Susan, her supervisor would need to:

clearly define and maintain ethical, professional, and social relationship boundaries with Susan.

Professional codes of ethics for supervisors agree that:

supervisors occupy a position of power and should not engage in sexual relationships with the student.

Melanie is planning to meet with her new supervisee, John. With regard to informed consent, she should

both a and b.

Kenneth is involved in a specialized professional process that involves sharing expertise with others in the helping professions so they can better serve their own clients. He is functioning in the role of a:


The following is true concerning the process of consultation:

Consultation is a temporary process aimed at helping consultees move towards autonomy and independence.

A major professional issue for consultants is the degree to which their personal values will have an impact on their actions and decisions in the consultation process. It is critical that:

consultants present qualifications to show that they are competent to deliver the services being contracted.

A good consultant contract:

is a form of legal protection for both parties and can assist in developing clear understanding of the consultation process.

The authors' style of supervision:

b and c

Impairment is a condition:

a and b

Leanne began to feel overwhelmed with her job at the counseling center. In addition to her regular duties, she was responsible for supervising all trainees. To manage her time, she spent a disproportionate amount of time with certain trainees and neglecte

a and b

Supervisors adopting the _____ model attend to the social construction of gender and the role of language in maintaining a gendered society.

feminist supervision

Olivia, a new supervisor, is creating a template for a supervisory contract that she can use with supervisees. In the contract, she should include information related to

All of the choices.

Which of the following topics would be appropriate to discuss during the initial supervisory session?

All of the choices.

Supervisors should provide supervision only

All of the choices.

Supervisors have responsibilities to

both a and b

It is essential that a good portion of the supervisory sessions focus on

the personal stress experienced by the supervisee during client-counselor interactions.

The essential elements of the supervisor-supervisee relationship include all of the following except

minimizing boundaries.