Ethics Chapter 7

Caring is a vital and inescapable part of the moral life.


William Frankena says that virtues without principles are blind.


Aristotle argues that the greatest good for humans is eudaimonia, which means...

happiness or flourishing

Generally, in virtue ethics, moral obligations are derived from...


Virtue ethics puts primary emphasis on being a good person and living a good life.


Critics of virtue ethics claim that appeals to virtues or virtuous character without reference to principles of duty cannot give us any useful guidance in deciding what to do.


Aristotle says that the moral life consists, not in following moral rules that stipulate right actions, but in...

Striving to be a virtuous person whose actions stem naturally from virtuous character

Most virtue ethicists look, not to moral principles for guidance, but to moral exemplars such as Socrates and Gandhi.


Critics claim that virtue ethicists argue in a circle when they speak about moral character and right action.


Virtue theorists and Kantian theorists agree that one must always act out of a sense of duty, not from such unstable motivations as compassion or loyalty.


Contemporary virtue ethicists maintain that a full-blown ethics must take into account...

motives, feelings, intentions, and moral wisdom

Aristotle's notion of a moral virtue is what he calls...

the golden mean

Aristotle insists that there must be room in morality for...

moral achievement

Virtue ethics and utilitarianism are nearly identical theories.


Some argue against virtue ethics by pointing out that a person may possess all the proper virtues and still be unable to tell right from wrong actions.


Contemporary virtue ethicists agree that a morality of rule adherence is the goal of ethics.


Most moral philosophers think that virtues are irrelevant to morality.


There is general agreement among ethicists that a gap exists between the moral thinking styles of men and women.


Virtue theorists believe that right action is unimportant.


Virtue ethics is a theory of morality that...

makes virtue the central concern

a theory of morality that makes virtue the central concern
"What should I be?"
derived from ones own moral character not from moral laws

virtue ethics

happiness or flourishing
full realization of the good life
to achieve it, humans must live a life that is natural and distinctive to them: living fully in accordance with reason


a stable disposition to act and feel according to some ideal or model of excellence
deeply embedded character trait that can affect actions in countless situations


aristotles notion of a virtue as a balance between two behavioral extremes
moral virtue is midpoint between excess and deficit
happy life comes from moderation of all things

Golden Mean

a perspective on moral issues that emphasizes close personal relationships and moral virtues such as compassion, love, and sympathy
contrasts with traditional moral theories
some think of it as a full-fledged moral theory in its own right but it is a big

ethics of care