Law and Ethics Chapter 5


legally responsible or obligated

What are the three things physicians have general liability for?

The practice's building and grounds, Automobiles, and Employee safety.

Standard of Care

The level of performance expected of a health care practitioner in carrying out his or her professional duties.

Duty of Care

The legal obligation of health care workers to patients and, sometimes, nonpatients.

Reasonable person standard

That standard of behavior that judges a person's actions in a situation according to what a reasonable person would or would not do under similar circumstances.


The act of holding information in confidence, not to be released to unauthorized individuals.

Privileged communication

information held confidential within a protected relationship. (Attorney-Client) (Physician-Patient)

What is the most common liability in medicine?



The performance of an act


The performance of a totally wrongful and unlawful act


The performance of a lawful act in an illegal or improper manner


The failure to act when one should

The four Ds of negligence

Duty, Dereliction, Direct Cause, and Damages


The person charged with negligence owed a duty of care to the accuser


The health care provider breached the duty of care to the patient

Direct cause

The breach of the duty of care to the patient was a direct cause of the patient's injury


There is a legally recognizable injury to the patient

The burden of proof is always on the


Res ipsa loquitur is latin for

the thing speaks for itself" it is also known as the doctrine of common knowledge

Res ipsa loquitur

A situation that is so obviously negligent that no expert witness need to be called

Damage awards

Monetary awards sought by plaintiffs inlawsuits

General Compensatory

To compensate for injuries or losses due to violation of patient rights

Special Compensatory

To compensate for losses not directly caused by the wrong


To compensate for losses caused indirectly by a product defect


To punish the offender


To recognize that rights of the patient were violated, though no actual loss was proved

Wrongful death statutes

State statutes that allow a person's beneficiaries to collect for loss to the estate of the deceased for future earnings when a death is judged to have been due to negligence

Four phases of a lawsuit

Pleading phase, Interrogatory or Pretrial Discovery Phase, Trial Phase, and Appeals phase


Issued by the clerk of the court and is delivered with a copy of the complaint to the defendant, directing him or her to respond to the charges (Pleading Phase)


A legal document requiring the recipient to appear as a witness in court or to give a deposition (Pretrial Phase)


Sworn testimony given and recorded outside the courtroom during the pretrial phase of a case


A written set of questions requiring written answers from a plaintiff or defendant under oath

Subpoena duces tecum

The subpoena commanding a witness to appear in court and to bring certain medical records

Two types of depositions

Discovery depositions, and depositions in lieu of trial

Discovery depositions

cover material that will most likely be examined again when the witness testifies in court

Depositions in lieu of trial

are used instead of the witness's in-person testimony in court


Statements sworn to under oath by witnesses testifying in court and giving depositions

2 kinds of testimony

Fact and Expert

Fact testimony

this type of testimony concerns only those facts the witness has observed

Expert testimony

Only experts in a particular field have the education, skills, knowledge, and experience to give expert testimony

Alternative Dispute Resolution

also know as appropriate dispute resolution, consists of techniques for resolving civil disputes without going to court


is an ADR method in which a neutral third party listens to both sides of the argument and then helps resolve the dispute


is a method of settling disputes in which the opposing parties agree by the decision of an arbitrator


the mediator resolves the dispute if the two parties are unable to reach agreement after mediation