Ethics 3.2 Transcultural Psychiatry

1. Learned
2. Passed on
3. Set of Meanings have meaning (symbols, words, etc)
4. Template to shape future behaviors
5. Constant state of change
6. Contains both subjective and objective components of human behavior

What are the 6 essential components of culture?

1. cultural identity
2. cultural explanation of illness
3. cultural factors related to psychosocial environment
4. cultural relationship between patient and clinician.
5. cultural assessment for diagnosis and care

What are the 5 areas of assessment for culture?

Explanatory Model

Moral Model
Religious Model
Magical/Supernatural Model
Medical Model
Psychosocial Stress Model
These are all part of what model?

Moral Model

This type of explanatory model implies that the patient's illness is caused by a moral defect such as selfishness

Religious Model

This type of explanatory model implies that the patient's illness is caused by a punishment for religious failing or transgression

Magical/Supernatural Model

This type of explanatory model implies that the patient's illness is caused by sorcery/witchcraft

Medical Model

This type of explanatory model implies that the patient's illness is caused by a biological etiology

Psychosocial Model

This type of explanatory model implies that the patient's illness is caused by an overwhelming psychosocial stressor


What are the 4 possible outcomes of acculturative stress? (leaving one's culture for another)


What type of the 4 outcomes of acculturation is defined by the individuals' wishes to maintain their cultural integrity by resisting the other culture or disengaging from it?


What type of the 4 outcomes of acculturation is defined by both maintaining a firm sense of one's cultural heritage and not abandoning those values of one's culture of origin

Religious Cults

What is an example of rejection with acculturation?


What type of the 4 outcomes of acculturation is defined by the conscious and unconscious giving up of one's culture of origin in favor of another's culture.


What type of the 4 outcomes of acculturation is defined by the rejection/loss of one's cultural heritage while also rejecting/alienated from the other culture

African Americans

Which ethnicity is more likely to use the emergency room services and be hospitalized involuntarily.

Asian Indian Americans

Which ethnicity was 23.6% less likely to use prescription drugs?

Idioms of Distress

specific ways in which different cultures or societies report ailments

Social Desirability

similarities/differences among cultures in relation to the experiencing stressful events

Ethnographic Data

systematic study of people and cultures