Test 5


Mania, melancholia, phrenitis (confusion) caused by an imbalance of "humors"/bodily fluids
father of Western medicine
Hippocratic oath
Mental illness is a disorder of the brain
Mental illness is just like physical illness
Coined hysteria


movement of moons and stars influenced behavior"lunatic"

Franz Anton Mesmer

one of first people to use hypnosis to treat MI (made magnetic field normal again)


Freud's teacher
used hypnosis to learn if a disability is real or hysteria
Psychosomatic illness

Richard Von Krafft-Ebing

Discovered connection between syphilis and paresis

moral therapy

Based on belief that that environment played vital role in treatment of mentally ill

moral therapists

Philippe Pinel
William Tuke
Benjamin Rush (founder of psychiatry)
Dorothea Dix
Emil Kraeplin

Emil Kraepelin

Believed that psychological disorders had a biological
base and were due to brain pathology.
He introduced the scientific approach to the diagnosis
and classification of psychological disorders.
He discovered there were many disorders with different

Historical Periods

1920-1960 institutional era
1950s &60s Drug revolution
1960s&70s patient rights era
1980s neoconservative era
Reagan shut down programs due to tax cuts, so mental patients ended up in the
Criminal justice system
2000 to present drug companies era

Rosenhan's study

People pretended to be "insane", got admitted, and then
Acted sane once they entered but weren't released. Point was to see what
It's like in an asylum and how long it would take for them to find out they weren't insane

Insidious onset

develops gradually over an extended time


incorporating different approaches. You can be a cognitive-behaviorist but use insight somewhat

Triangle of anxiety

cognitive appraisal, ans response, fear

Kinds of anxiety disorders


How is DID treated


Kenneth Bianchi

Hillside Strangler; tried to fake dissociative identity disorder by telling investigators that his other personality "Steve" committed the murders

Somatoform disorders

Conversion disorder-physical issue that can't be explained
Munchausen's syndrome
Pain disorder

What treatment is best for anxiety and for OCD

CBT, CBT and antidepressants

Depression has

various treatments

Bipolar is treated with

Lithium and atypical antipsychotics

positive symptoms of schizophrenia

delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

the absence of appropriate behaviors (expressionless faces, rigid bodies)

Schizophrenia drugs


How to diminish schizophrenia relapse

Family therapy and social skills

Who coined the term schizophrenia


Three features of schizophrenia

Fragmentation of thought process
Split between thoughts and emotions
Withdrawal from reality

Undifferentiatied schizophrenia

fit into more than one subtype

Residual schizophrenia

history of at least one episode of acute positive symptoms but currently no prominent positive symptoms

What test determines if you have a personality disorder


What axis are they in


Theories of causes of personality disorders

Object relations-Study of how children incorporate memories, and the values of the persons who are important to them
Melanie Klein and Otto Kernberg

Cluster A general description and types. Genetic component?

paranoid, schizoid-doesn't want to hang out with other people, schizotypal-scared of being around other people
yes, and can develop into schizophrenia

Cluster B general description and types. Genetic component?

antisocial, borderline, histrionic-any attention and dependent on other people, narcissistic-positive attention and don't depend on others

Cluster C general description and types

avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive

Which personality disorders are now categorized as traits

histrionic, schizoid, passive aggressive, dependent

pattern of personality disorders manifested in

cognition, affect, and impulse control

Neurodevelopmental Disorders and their treatment

Intellectual disabilities
Communication disorders
Structured behavioral treatment
Various treatments: Drugs + behavioral therapy
Specific learning disorders
Motor disorders

Transference and Countertransference

client to therapist, therapist to client


cognitive triad consisting of Future (timelessness-will last forever), Situation (helplessness, lack of motivation), Self-personal defects all influence each other and dictate perception

Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)

a method that defines basic aspects of functioning and considers them across multiple levels of analysis, from genes to brain systems to behavior

Diathesis-stress model

a diagnostic model that proposes that a disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability (genetics or childhood trauma) is coupled with a precipitating event

Virgina Satir/Family systems model

all problems arise from context of the family, everyone plays a particular role

Parenting styles

Parental schism
Parental skew-one is passive, one active


Interviewed people who were seeking counseling, and then interviewed them again
64% who got counseling improved, 72% who didn't got better
People who didn't go to counseling didn't realize all the problems you have
Or bad counselors-humanistic and psychoa