AQWF Vocab

Requisitioned (v)

to demand or take, as by authority, for military purposes, public needs, etc.

Martinets (n)

strict disciplinarians, especially military ones.

Vortex (n)

a whirling mass of water, especially one in which a force of suction operates, as a whirlpool.

Insatiable (adj)

not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased.

Trench (n)

a long, narrow excavation in the ground, the earth from which is thrown up in front to serve as a shelter from enemy fire or attack.

Heedless (adj)

careless; thoughtless; unmindful.

Adapt (v)

to adjust oneself to different conditions, environments, etc

Wretched (adj)

in a very unhappy or unfortunate state

Armistice (n)

a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties; a truce.

Exprit De Corps (n)

a sense of pride shared by the members of a group

Iron Youth (n)

a propaganda term used to encourage German youth to enlist in the army.

Non Com (n)

an enlisted military member holding a position of some degree of authority who has usually obtained it by promotion from within the non-officer ranks.

Billet (n)

a private dwelling that is required to house a soldier.

Agitated (adj)

feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.

Groping (v)

moving or going about clumsily or hesitantly; stumbling

Skirmish (n)

a minor fight in a war, usually incidental to larger movements

Front (n)

the front edge of a battlefield area

Bombardment (n)

An attack by artillery fire

Canteen (n)

a water container or a cafe restaurant or cafeteria provided for the use of soldiers at a military base.

Rootless (adj)

having no basis of stability; unsteady.