5 Chimneys Ch. 1-10

What metaphor did the author use to describe the train cars at the beginning of Ch2

The cars of our train appear to me as so many coffins

Why did the people who were still alive lie on top of one another during their last night on the train car

to avoid contact with the decaying corpses

What question did Olga ask of her mother and father before they left the train car

she asked them to forgive her

How many languages did the Auschwitz-Birkenau commandant's interpreter speak?


Where did the ambulances take the sick and injured who got off the train

to the left, where the gas chambers were

after they disembarked from the train, who was immediately sent to the left

her mother and children

why did Olga assume when she saw the pitiful women in the cages

she thought they were insane

What did Olga hide in her boot

she hid her poison `

Why did Olga rip her own blouse and dress

she didn't want the Nazis to have her clothing in good condition

Why did Olga get in the line to have her hair shaved

She would rather stay with her companions than be singled out

What response did the old inmate give Olga when she asked about the red brick building with the chimney

she told her it was a bakery

what was the name of the building the became Olga's home while she was in Auschwitz

Barack 26

What was the ultimate purpose of Birkenau

to exterminate

what sign, posted in the camp, assured prisoners that they would be put to work

work is freedom

what was the original purpose of the building that became Olga's new home

a stable for horses

what name was given to the barrack's "cages" into which the prisoners were divided


how long after their arrival did Olga and her fellow prisoners receive blankets

1 month later

how many people within the barracks had to share a single blanket

1 blanket for every 10 people

What did Olga and her fellow prisoners use as a mop?

The women with the longest dresses would give up a piece of their dress to act in place of a mop

What was the name given to the internee who was chosen as barrack chief?


Other than for eating, of what use were the twenty bowls issued to the prisoners in the barracks

they would use them to go to the restroom

how often were the prisoners allowed to go to the latrines

twice a day

what would happen to the prisoners if they tried to sneak to the latrines at night?

shoot first then ask questions later

How long after the arrival did Olga and her fellow prisoners receive their first morning meal

2 days after being there

what was the difference between the coffee that the prisoners were served and the tea they were given

no difference

Why did the prisoners eat the soup even though it was repulsive to them

it was necessary to live, they were starving

what ingredient in the bread irritated the prisoners' gums


how many prisoners were assigned to carry the 150 pound kettle for each meal


what name was given to the prisoner who was chosen o oversee the service within each block


why did Olga renounce her privilege to write postcards to loved ones outside of the camp

she was suspicious and refused to write postcards

How long had the Polish woman, Irka, been in the camp

4 years

Why did Olga's husband decide not to take her half of the poison

because he knew that she needed it more and it would be easier for him to find some rather than her

what happened the day after Olga met her husband in the camp

the men were removed from the camp

What did the green triangle on a prisoner's uniform indicate

German convict

what advice did the handsome German prisoner have for Olga when she was looking for her son

To not think about her son anymore

According to the author, why was the male German prisoner, who saved her from the SS treated better than other prisoners

because he was German born