SPIES by Michael Frayn - Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1

- Narrator and protagonist, Stephen Wheatley, recognizes a scent which prompts uneasy feelings about events 60 years ago
- Stephen finds out the scent is from 'liguster' or 'privet' in English
- He decides to visit London in hopes of addressing his unsett

Chapter 2

- Stephen goes to the Close
- Recalls what happened with his childhood 'friend' Keith, Keith's parents, his own parents, Auntie Dee, and everyone else in the Close
- Questions the accuracy of his memories
- Keith, at the end of the chapter, says his mum i

Chapter 3

- The boys begin to spy on Keith's mother, Mrs. Hayward
- They read Mrs. Hayward's diary and discover 'X' and '!' markings
- In their hideout, Keith makes Stephen swear that he will not reveal details from their investigation (holding a 'bayonet'), writin

Chapter 4

- During the school week, the boys cannot spy on Mrs. Hayward
- On Saturday, they follow Mrs. Hayward to Auntie Dee's house
- For days they observe nothing strange, then Mrs. H vanishes again
-Barbara Berrill invades the camp

Chapter 5

- The narrator (old Stephen) returns to the present to explore how the landscape has changed and how the area has developed
- Back in the past, the boys realize that Mrs. Hayward is going through a tunnel in the embankment, where they go to find a large t

Chapter 6

- Stephen wakes up in the middle of the night, in the full moon, and goes to find the tin box, which has a sock and other clothing in it
- Stephen is then spotted by a man, but, being too afraid to look back, he takes the sock and runs away
- Keith taunts

Chapter 7

- Back in the present, Stephen observes the bushes where he used to hide
* Then, in the past, Keith and Stephen's relationship begins to change
- Mr. Hayward demands Keith to return a missing thermos flask, and Keith is later caned.
- Stephen tells Mrs. H

Chapter 8

- Barbara Berrill invades the hideout and kisses Stephen while smoking
- Police come to the Close
- Stephen decides that Mrs. Hayward is in love with a German spy

Chapter 9

- Mrs. Hayward comes to the hideout begging Stephen to take a basket to the 'tramp'
* Mr. Hayward makes Stephen give him the basket, Mrs. Hayward losing her freedom
- Stephen has nightmares

Chapter 10

- Stephen is forced to listen to the 'tramp' talk, who seems to know about the people of the Close
- The man gives Stephen a scarf to take to Mrs. Hayward
- Keith wounds Stephen in the throats with the 'bayonet' after discovering that the hideout has been

Chapter 11

- In the present, Stephen reviews the Close and the events of his childhood
- Adds more details about his childhood, revealing his German background (from his father)
- Reflects on the 'tramp' being Uncle Peter