AP Gov Possible FRQ'S For Congress

Two ways in which the Supreme Court is insulated from public opinion


Explain how two factors work to keep the Supreme Court from deviating too far from public opinion


Two reasons why Congress gives federal agencies policy-making discretion in executing federal laws


Choose one of the bureaucratic agencies listed below. Identify the policy area over which it exercises policy-making discretion AND give one specific example of how it exercises that discretion.
-Federal Reserve Board


Describe two ways in which Congress ensures that federal agencies follow legislative intent


Discuss two reasons why the framers created a bicameral legislature


Identify one power unique to the House of Representatives and explain why the framers gave the House that power


Identify power unique to the Senate and explain why the framers gave the Senate that power


Define congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states


Define congressional redistricting

The drawing/redrawing of district lines for House districts

Explain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting


Describe two limits that the Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting


Describe two advantages the majority party in the House of Representatives has in lawmaking, above and beyond the numerical advantage that the majority party enjoys in floor voting


Describe two differences between House and Senate rules that make it more likely that legislation may pass in one chamber and not the other

Senate: Filibuster, less formal hierarchy, holds, no germaneness agreements
House: No filibuster, more hierarchical, no holds, germaneness agreements, rules committee

Explain how the differences identified in (b) can lead to passage of a bill in one chamber and not the other

Senate can kill with filibusters, stop bills with holds, can add irrelevant information.
House may object to non-germane agreements, Rules Committee can hinder passing

Define judicial review

The ability of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of legislative or executive action

Explain how judicial review empowers the Supreme Court within the system of checks and balances


Describe the process through which the Court grants a writ of certiorari

Rule of four

Explain how each of the following influences decisions made by individual judges when deciding cases
-Stare decisis
-Judicial activism


Describe two of the following provisions of the Constitution and and explain how each has been used over time to expand federal power:
-The power to tax and spend
-Elastic clause
-Commerce clause


Explain how one of the following has increased the power of the federal government relative to the power of state governments:
-Americans with Disabilities Act
-Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Clean Air Act


For each of the presidential powers below, explain one way that congressional decision making is affected by that power
-Veto power
-Power to issue executive orders
-Power as commander in chief


For each of the congressional powers below, explain one way that presidential decision making is affected by that power:
-Legislative oversight power
-Senate advice and consent power
-Budgetary power


Describe the primary constitutional conflict between Congress and the President over the decision to go to war

Congress has power to declare war, President is commander in chief of armed forces

Describe two provisions of the War Powers Resolution that were designed to limit the President's power over war making

-President has power to deploy troops, must notify Congress within 48 hours.
-Conflicts are limited to 60 days unless Congress takes action (extend or withdraw, with notification of President)

The War Powers Resolution has received mixed reviews, but Congress has other powers over war making. Other than the constitutional power that you described in (a), identify and explain two other formal powers Congress has over war making


Describe one key characteristic of the merit system


For each of the following, describe one factor that contributes to bureaucratic independence:
-The structure of the federal bureaucracy
-The complexity of public policy problems


For each of the following, explain one constitutional provision that it can use to check the bureaucracy:
-The courts
-Interest groups