Foreign Gov't & Politics Quiz Questions

The most favored electoral systems in the world are:

simple plurality systems and list PR systems

Voting turnout can be measured as a percentage of the voting age population or as a percentage of:

citizens on the electoral registers

In the established democracies, turnout as a percentage of the voting age population:

declined slightly to around 70 percent in the 1990s

Turnout in PR voting systems is:

higher than in other systems

Strong patterns of class voting are especially found in:

Norway, Denmark, Austria

The "Columbia school" of voting theories is based on the idea that:

people vote according to their membership of social groups, and that social groups vote for the party that best serves their interests

Change in voting patterns from any one election to another is called:


A "protest vote" is a vote:

for a party not because it is supported, but because it opposes other parties

Rational-choice theories of voting are also known as economic theories of voting because:

voting decisions are considered to be similar to those of consumers and producers in the economic market who calculate the costs and benefits of political alternatives

Party identification" is:

a relatively stable and deep-rooted feeling of attachment to and support for a political party

the main function of politically appointed administrators and policy advisors is

to enforce control bureaucracies by politicians

an ideal type as defined by Max Weber is

an analytical construct that simplifies reality and picks out its most important features

the total size of the public bureaucracy is relatively small in

Japan turkey and Greece

bureaucracies are supposed to administer their services

based on rationality, legality, hierarchy and formal rules

he fact that the state bureaucracy is not a single organization with power to control the smoothly working machine concentrated at the very top is called


a system of government and politics based on relationship between Patron and client is called


the new public management reforms sought to into public administration insights from

the private sector

rational choice theorists who study bureaucracy (public choice scholars) argued that bureaucrats are

pervasively self-seeking

the new public management first became influential during

1980s to 1990s

open government is about

transparency and accountability

the main characteristic of an empirical political theory is that

analyzes how the political world actually works and why it works that way

the core features of a state are

issuing and enforcing rules that are binding for the people in a given territory

the legitimate use of power refers to the use of power that is accepted because

it is in accordance with the norms and values of citizens

according to the theory of Stein Rokkan, the last two broad stages of the development of modern States involve

Mass democracies and welfare states

emphasis on the capacity of the state to reconcile and integrate the interests of different social groups is a characteristic of

pluralist theories of the state

which of the following were the main catalyst for the development and growth of the modern state, according to the text

welfare and capitalism

the number of states between 1945 and 2004

rose from about 50 about 191

a state based on the acceptance of a common culture, a common history and a common fate is called

a nation-state

According to Aristotle a state is

a political community aiming at the highest good

democracies that accept responsibility for the young and old, the sick and disabled, and the unemployed and poor are called

welfare states

human beings are naturally organized into political states as dominate the world today


the persistent involvement in wars in the promotion of capitalism

contributed strongly to the emergence of modern states, but they are not direct causes