Government 4.1 (types of powers: definitions and examples

Reserved Powers

Powers given only to the States by the 10th amendment

Delegated Powers

Term for powers given to the national Government

Concurrent Powers

powers held by both national and state governments at the same time

Denied Powers

powers that neither state or national governments are allowed to have

Expressed Powers

national powers that are directly written in the Constitution

Implied Powers

national powers not expressly written but inferred from the elastic clause

inherent Powers

national powers that are naturally needed for a government

Elastic Clause

Article I, section 8 of the Constitution which is the basis for implied powers

Supremacy Clause

Article VI of the constitution which states that all laws and treaties of the United States are Superior to those of states.

Make laws, levy taxes

examples of concurrent powers

Tax exports, grant titles of nobility

examples of denied powers

Declare War, Coin money

examples of expressed powers

regulate nuclear power plants, aircraft, and the internet

example of implied powers

Establish diplomatic relations with other countries

example of inherent powers

issue professional Licenses, set speed limits

examples of reserved powers