AP Government: Chapter 15 The Media

mass media

the entire array of organizations through which information is collected and disseminated to the general public

news media

media providing the public with new information about subjects of public interest.

yellow journalism

a form of newspaper publishing in vogue in the late 19th century that featured pictures, comics, color, and sensationalized, oversimplified news coverage.


a form of journalism, in vogue in the early twentieth century, concerned with reforming government and business conduct

print media

the traditional form of mass media, comprising newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and journals

broadcast media

television, radio, cable, and satellite services.

new media

technologies, such as the internet, that blur the line between media sources and create new opportunities for the dissemination of news and other information


an association of broadcast stations that share programming through a financial arrangement.


Local television stations that carry the programming of a national network

wire service

an electronic delivery of news gathered by the news services correspondents and sent to all member news media organizations


targeting media programming at specific populations within society.


web based journal entries that provide an editorial and news outlet for citizens.

content regulation

government attempts to regulate the substance of the mass media

equal time rule

the rule that requires broadcast stations to seel air time equally to all candidates in a political campaign if they choose to sell it to any

fairness doctrine

rule in effect from 1949 to 1985 requiring broadcasters to cover events adequately and to present contrasting views on important public issues.

press release

a document offering an official comment or position

press briefing

a relatively restricted session between a press secretary or aide and the press

press conference

an unrestricted session between an elected official and the press

on background

information provided to a journalist that will not be attributed to a named source.

deep background

info provided to a journalist that will not be attributed to any source

off the record

info provided to a journalist that will not be released to the public

on the record

info provided to a journalist that can be released and attributed by name to the source.

New York times Co v Sullivan

The supreme court concluded that "actual malice" must be proved to support a finding of libel against a public figure.

media effects

the influence of news sources on public opinion

agenda setting

the constant process of forming the list of issued to be addressed by government


the process by which a news organization defines a political issue consequently affects opinion about the issue