

the efforts of elected officials to look out for the interests of those who elect them

national lawmaking

the creation of policy to address the problems and needs of the entire nation


the voters in a state or district

policy representation

congressional work to advance the issues and ideological preferences of constituents

allocative representation

congressional work to secure projects, services, and funds for the represented district

pork barrel

public works projects and grants for specific districts paid for by general revenues


legislative work on behalf of individual constituents to solve their problems with government agencies and programs


the privilege of free mail service provided to members of congress

symbolic representation

efforts of members of congress to stand for American ideals or identify with common constituency values

congressional oversight

a committee's investigation of the executive and of government agencies to ensure that they are acting as congress intends


the reallocation of congressional seats among the states every ten years, following the census


process of dividing states into legislative districts


redistricting to benefit a particular group

racial gerrymandering

redistricting to enhance or reduce chances that a racial or ethnic group will elect members to the legislature

strategic politicians

office-seekers who base the decision to run on a rational calculation that they will be successful

incumbency advantage

the electoral edge afforded to those already in office

coattail effect

the added votes received by congressional candidates of a winning presidential party

midterm loss

the tendency for the presidential party to lose congressional seats in off-year elections

descriptive representation

the idea that an elected body should mirror demographically the population it represents

standing committees

permanent committees responsible for legislation in particular policy areas

rules committee

the committee that determines how and when debate on a bill will take place

select committees

a committee appointed to deal with an issue or problem not suited to a standing committee (

joint committee

combined House-Senate committees formed to coordinate activities and expedite legislation in a certain area

conference committee

temporary committees formed to reconcile differences in House and Senate versions of a bill


informal rules that govern behavior in Congress

legislative agenda

the state of proposals and issues that representatives think is worthwhile to consider and act on

policy entrepreneurship

practice of legislators becoming experts and taking leadership roles in specific policy areas


a practice of unlimited debate in the Senate in order to prevent or delay a vote on a bill


a vote to end a senate filibuster; requires a three-fifths majority, or 60 votes

roll call voting

publicly recorded votes on bills and amendments on the Floor of the House and Senate

veto override

reversal of a presidential veto by a two-thirds vote in both Houses of Congress

pocket veto

presidential authority to kill a submitted bill within ten days of the end of a legislative session by not signing it