AP Gov Chapter 11 Vocab

interest group

an organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence public policy


something of value one cannot get without joining an organization

solidary incentives

the social rewards (Sense of pleasure, status or companionship) that lead people to join political organizations

material incentives

money or things valued in monetary terms

purposive incentive

a benefit that comes from serving a cause or principle

ideological interest groups

political organizations that attract members by appealing to their political convictions or principles

public-interest lobby

a political organization whose goals will principally benefit nonmembers

social movement

a widely shared demand for change in some aspect of the social or political order.

political cue

a signal telling a legislature what values are at stake in a vote, and how that issue fits into his or her own political views on a party agenda


assessments of a representative's voting record on issues important to an interest group