AP Government Chapter 3

What principle did the landmark McCulloch v. Maryland case establish?

Congress may use all means "necessary and proper" to fulfill it's duties.

A person is suspected of murder in one state and is captured in another state. what is the procedure whereby he is returned to the state in which the crime was allegedly committed called?


How does federalism allow unity without uniformity?

National politicians and parties do not have to resolve all divisive issues; instead, there issues are debated at state, country, and municipal levels.

the framers intended to create which types of national gov?


Which of the following is an example of cooperative federalism?

A public policy program jointly funded, administered, and determined by both the national government and a state government

What can American federalism be seen as a response to?

Concerns about the potential abuses by a strong central government

Congress's so-called "implied powers" are directly derived from...

Enumerated powers

What was one of the major arguments in favor of devolution?

A substantial majority of Americans believed that state governments were more effective and more trustworthy than the national government

Together the states are sometimes referred to as a national laboratory. What does this refer to?

The fact that, working independently, the states have a high likelihood of developing innovative solutions

The largest category of federal grant-in-aid expenditures is in what area?


In practical terms, what was the most important result of the court cases Gibbons v. Ogden and McCullough v. Maryland?

They allowed Congress to directly affect national economic development and regulate the economy

Why might the federal government pay attention when the states work toward reforming public issues such as health care and education?

Because the states offer a laboratory in which public policies may be tested for future adoption by the nation as a whole

In contrast with federalism, the United Nations has no strong central governing body, and its power is derived from its individual member states. It most closely follows which type of government?


Political scientists have devised terms to explain various kinds of federalism. Which of these forms of federalism works to aid and to influence states and localities?

fiscal federalism

The Constitution grants citizens of one state comparable services to citizens of other states through the....provision.

privileges and immunity

Why did the Framers insert the interstate commerce clause into the Constitution?

To regulate all commercial activity between states

Which of the following forms of fiscal federalism allow the states the broadest financial discretion?

Block grants

the constitution grants congress the power to est. post offices and post roads. this is an example of

enumerated powers

in a confederation

power is held at the regional level, with the central gov exercising only such influence as the regional go gives it.

the fiscal relationship between the national and state gov involves complex relationships. which would LEAST likely be favored by state gov?

unfunded mandates

enumerated" powers are those given to

the national gov

The system of federalism that allowed states to do most of the fundamental governing from 1789 to 1937 was

dual federalism

the case of mcCulloch v. Maryland ruled that

-The implied powers in article one of the constitution allowed congress to create a nationally chartered bank
- neither states nor the federal gov could tax one another

dual federalism refers to the fact that

the constitution provides two layers of government in the nation

the power of the national government to regulate interstate commerce was expanded in the landmark case of

gibbons v ogden

the notion that when state and federal laws conflict, the national laws will prevail is the

supremacy clause

the founding fathers had successfully rebelled against a unitary form of goverment. they had tried a confederation which was not working. thus, they developed


The levels of government recognized specifically in the constitution are....

National and state

Federalism as a form of gov helps accommodate ....

Differences across states

NAtional polices override state polices when there is a conflict and the constitution gives the national gov peer in that policy area. This is a statement of ...

Supremacy clause

A major basis for congressional peer is the implied powers it holds. The basis for these implied powers is ....

The " necessary and proper" clause

The consituitional provision that makes same-sex marriage controversial is ...

Full faith and credit clause

Both the national and states gov can establish court systems. This is an example of ...

Concurrent powers

The constitution provides for the power of extradition. Extradition is an ex of ....

Interstate relations

A peer delegated to the national gov is the power to ....

Regulate foreign and interstate commerce

An example of a concurrent power is ...


All of the following statments are TRUE EXCEPT .....

most nations of the world have a federalist system of government

which generalization can most accurately be drawn from a study of Supreme Court cases Plessy vs. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education?

the supreme court has helped to determine public policy

which of the following is the MAIN purpose of the 10th amendment?

to define the division of power between the federal gov and the state gov

which of the following is the MAIN purpose of the 11th amendment?

to limit the power of federal courts to hear lawsuits against state governments

which of the following are the TWO key constitutional principles that came out of the McCulloch VS. Maryland court cases?

(b) the supremacy of the national gov over the states
(c) the national gov has implied powers under the necessary and proper clause

the commerce Clause gives congress the power to regulate interstate and international commerce.
American courts have said that Congress could do all of the following things under the Commerce Clause EXCEPT...

establish a federal Gun-Free School Zone in public schools

the full faith and credit clause means that ...

marriage licenses, divorces, driver's licenses and birth certificates are valid in all states

extradition means that...

states are required to return a person charged with a crime in another state to that state for trail

Privileges and Immunities means that...

one state cannot discriminate against the fundamental rights of citizens of other states

all of the following are considered privileges and immunities when you travel to other states EXCEPT


which of the following statements about dual federalism is TRUE?

the national and state governments are distinct as in a layer cake

which of the following statements about cooperative federalsim is true ?

it can be compared to a marble cake

devolution is the transfer of responsibilities for polices from......

the federal gov to the states

requirements that direct states and local gov to provide additional services under the threat of penalties or as a condition of the receipt of federal grant money are called.....


all of the following are consequences of federalism in the states EXCEPT...

states sign treaties with foreign countries when the national gov doesn't act e.g....

all of the following are ways that federalism has contributed to our democracy EXCEPT....

Federalism allows a candidate to win the presidency even when he doesn't receive a majority of the vote.

one of the most persistent questions in American politics has been the question of....

the appropriate scope of the national gov relative to that of the state gov

why did we have the two huge increases in federal spending on the graph above?

both were in times of war