civil liberties

individual rights protected by the Constitution against the powers of the government.

A(n) _____ is an order requiring that an official bring a specified prisoner into court and show the judge why the prisoner is being kept in jail.

writ of habeas corpus

A bill of attainder is a legislative act that

directly punishes a specifically named individual (or a group of individuals) without a trial

A(n) _____ punishes individuals for committing an act that was legal when it was committed but that has since become a crime.

ex post facto law

The Bill of RIghts became part of the Constitution in:


The first 8 amendments to the Constitution

reserve certain rights and powers to the people and to the states

no society has existed without some form of


Resolving conflicts over what society's priorities should be is the essence of


political scientist Harold Lasswell defined politics as the process of determinating

who gets what, when, and how" in society

Government can be best defined as

The individuals and institutions that make society's rules and that also prossess the power and authority to enforce those rules.

For a government to exercise authority, its power must be legitimate. In other words, its ower

is collectively recognized by society as legally and morally correct

In an ______, the power and authority of the government are in the hands of a single person


the devine right theory

held that God gave those of royal birth the unlimited right to govern other men and women.

Most modern monarchies are constitutional monarchies, in which the monarch shares governmental power with

elected lawmakers

A dictatorship is a form of


Kim Jong II in North Korea is an example of

a totalitarian dictator

The founders of the United States feared that a direct democracy

would deteriorate into mob rule

A representativ democracy is a system of government in which

The will of the majority is expressed through a smaller group of individuals elected by the people to act on their behalf

In a presidential democracy, the lawmaking and law-enforcing branches of government are

separate but equal

In a(n) _____, there is no separation of church and state. Rather, the government rules according to religious precepts.


John Locke was an English philosopher who argued that people are born with natural rights to

life, liberty, and property

Which of the following is nota fundamental principle on which American democracy is based?

economic equality

For Americans, ____ and the pursuit of happiness are closely related


In the _____, the Pilgrims set up a government and promised to obey its laws.

Mayflower Compact

In 1765, the British Parliament passed the _____ Act, which imposed the first direct tax on the colonists.


Thomas Paine's classic pamphlet, ____, presented one of the most rousing arguments in favor of independence.

Common Sense

The concepts expressed in the Declaration of Independence reflected European political philosophy. In particular, the theories of _____ provided philosophical underpinnings by which the American Revolution could be justified

John Locke

a confederation

is a voluntary association of independent states that are united only for the purpose of achieving common goals.

The Articles of Confederation, which served as the nation's first national constitution, established the ____ as teh central governing body.

congress of the confederation

Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had ___ the unicameral assembly of representatives

one vote in

Under the Articles of Confederation,

nine states had to approve any law before it was enacted, so most laws were difficult to enact.

Angry farmers in western Massachusetts seized country courthouses and disrupted debtors' trials in 1786. This uprising, known as ___, was an important catalyst for change because it helped to convince many Americans that a true national government had to

Shay's Rebellion

The Philadelphia meeting that became the Constitutional Convention was called the "sole and express purpose" of

revising the Articles of Confederation

Only ___ did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention

Rhode Island

The ___ Plan that was proposed at the Constitutional Convention favored LARGE states. It called for a legislature in which the number of representatives would be in proportion to each state's population.


________ became known as the "Master builder of the Constitution.

James Madison

The _____ Plan that was proposed at the Constitutional Convention favored SMALL states. It called legislature in which each state would have only one vote

New Jersey

The ___ Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise, called for a bicameral legislature in which one chamber would be based on population and the other chamber would represent each state equally


In a compromise reached during the Constitutional Convention, it was agreed that ____ of all slaves were to be counted for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives


The battle over ratification of the Constitution was fought chiefly by two opposing groups, the

Federalists and the Anti-Federalists

John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison wrote a series of essays in defense of the Constitution, collectively known as

the Federalist Papers

In Federalist Paper No. 10, Madison argued that the nation's size was actually an advantage in controlling


To gain the necessary support for ratification of the new Constitution, the Federalists finally promised to add

a bill of rights

The ninth state to ratify the Constitution, thus formally putting it into effect, was

New Hampshire

Implicityly, the principle of limited government rests on the concept of

popular sovereignty

____ is a system of shared sovereignty between two levels of government -- one national and one subnational--occupying the same geographic region


a system in which the national government can choose to delegate certain activities to subnational units and can also choose to take away powers that have been delegated is a

unitary system

in a unitarys system, any subnational government is a

creature of the national government

for the constitutional framers, the appeal of federalism was that it retained state powers and local traditions while establishing a strong national government capable of handling common problems, such as

national defense

one advantage of federalism in the United States is that state governments can

act as "laboratories" for public-policy experimentation

the most common type of governmental unit in the United States is the

special district

There are about _____ governments in the United States today


Which of the following is NOT a drawback to federalism?

The lack of uniformity of state laws can complicate business transactions that cross state borders

Powers that are not delegated to the national government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states, are

enumerated powers

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution

does not specify what powers are reserved to the states

The supremacy clause in the Article VI of the constitution

makes the Constitution and federal laws superior to all conflicting state and local laws

Most people acquire their political attitudes, opinions, beliefs, and knowledge through a complex learning process called political


political socialization usually begins during

early childhood

the family's influence in political socialization is important because

a child first sees the political world through the eyes of his or her family

which of the following media has the greatest influence on political socialization?


____ continue(s) to be a leading source of political and public affairs information for most people


the problem with straw polls is that

the opinions expressed usually represent only a small subgroup of the population, or a biased sample

A literary digest poll incorrectly predicted that Alfred Landon would win the presidential election in 1936 because teh

pollsters used an unrepresentative sample

a sample in which each person within the entire population being polled has an equal chance of being chosen is a ____ sample


a campaign tactic used to feed false or misleading information to potential voters, under the guise of taking an opinion poll, is a(n) ____ poll.


In the United States today, citizens who are at least ____ years of age have the right to vote.


The twenty-fourth Amendment to the Constitution outlawed ____ in national elections

poll taxes

The ____ Amendment to teh Constitution guaranteed suffrage to the African American males.


Literacy tests

were used in many southern states to restrict African American participation in elections

Grandfather clauses in state laws had the effect of restricting the franchise to those

Whose ancestors had voted before the 1860s

The ___ banned the use of white primaries

Supreme Court's decision in Smith v. Allwright (1944)

In most states, voters are required to ______ before voting.

register with the appropriate state or local officials

Since 1888, all states in the United States have used the ___ ballot- a secret ballot that is prepared, distributed, and counted by government officials at public expense.


____ are representatives from each political party who are allowed to monitor polling places to makes sure the election is run fairly and to avoid fraud

poll watchers

the electors are selected during each presidential election year by the

states' political parties

Each state has as many electoral votes as it has

U.S. senators and representatives

The District of Columbia has

three electoral votes

The electoral college system is primarily a winner-take-all system, in which

the candidate who receives the largest popular vote in a state is credited with all that state's electoral votes

In December, after the general election, electors meet in ___ to case their votes for president and vice president

their state capitals

a candidate must win at least ___ electoral votes, cast by the electors, to become president through the electoral college system


The total number of electoral votes available is


If no presidential candidate receives the required number of electoral votes

the house of representatives votes on teh candidates, with each state delegation casting only a single vote

If not vice-presidential candidate receives the required number of electoral votes

the Senate chooses the vice president, with each senator casting one vote

Beginning in 1800, members of Congress who belonged to the two political parties held caucuses to

nominate candidates for president and vice president

a delegate is

a person selected to represent the people of one geographic area at a party convention

in a(n) ____ primary, only party members can vote to choose that party's candidates, and they may vote in the primary to their own party


The majority of the states hold presidential ____, beginning early in the election year.


In late summer of a presidential election year, delegates gather at each party's national convention to declare their support for the party's ticket. In addition to nominating the party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates, delegates

adopt the official party platform

The ____ Committee of each national political party evaluates teh claims of national party convention delegates to the legitimate representatives of their states


the ___ has been called the first "television war

Vietnam War

Of all the media, ____ the greatest impact

television has

In televised news reporting, a brief comment, lasting for only a few seconds, that captures a thought or a perspective and has an immediate impact on the viewers is referred to as a(n)

sound bite

Today, televised political advertising consumes at least ___ of the total budget for a major political campaign


according to an estimate by the research firm PQ Media, spending on political advertising for broadcast TV in 2008 reached

$2.3 billion

political advertising first appeared on television during the ___ presidential campaign


A(n) ___ ad is a negative political advertisement that discredits the character of an opposing candidate


In 1800, an article describing Thomas Jefferson as having a "weakness of nerves, want of fortitude, and total imbecility of character" appeared in the Federalist Gazette of the United states. this is an example of

an attack ad

a negative ___ ad focuses on flaws in an opposing candidate's position on a particular topic


The "daisy girl" ad, which aired during the 1964 presidential race, is an example of a(n) ____ ad.


The first televised presidential debate took place in

1960, between Kennedy and Nixon

Candidates' campaign managers and political consultants have shown increasing sophistication in creating newsworthy events for journalists to cover, an effort commonly referred to as

managed news coverage

a political candidate's press advisers try to convince reporters to give a story or event concerning the candidate a ___ (as it has come to be called), or interpretation, that is favorable to the candidate.


Ever since ___ held his first "fireside chats" on radio, politicians have realized the power of radio.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, an expert on politics and the media, suggests that media bias plays a role in shaping presidential campaigns and elections. It is a bias

against "losers

Which of the following statements is accurate?

No state can impose a residency requirement of more than thirty days as a qualification for voting

among the factors affecting voter turnout, ___ appears to be the most important


The framers of the Constitution designed the House of Representatives to represent the

people as a whole.

The framers of the Constitution designed the Senate to represent

the states

____ is the distribution of House seats among the states on the basis of their respective populations


Each state is guaranteed at least ____ seat(s) in the House of Representatives, no matter what its population


The District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands all send ____ to the House of Representatives.

nonvoting delegates

a congressional district

is the geographic area that is served by one member in the House of Representatives.

Today, the House of Representatives has a fixed membership of ____ members.


a state has thirty-five congressional districts, it sends ____ representatives to the House.


The lines of the congressional districts are drawn by the authority of

state legislatures

The Supreme Court has ruled that congressional districts must contain, as nearly as possible, an equal number of


is a condition that results when, based on population and representation, the voting power of citizens in one district becomes greater than the voting power of citizens in another district.


____ is the drawing of a legislative district's boundaries in such a way as to maximize the influence of a certain group or political party.


A ____ district is a congressional district whose boundaries are drawn so as to maximize the voting power of minority groups


The ____ of representation requires representatives to mirror the views of their constituents.

instructed-delegate view

____ view of representation holds that representatives should serve the broad interests of the entire society, and not just the narrow interests of their constituents.


Which of the following is a constitutional requirement for becoming president of the United States?

must be a natural born citizen of the US

The most common previous occupation of the U.S. presidents has been

the legal profession

the youngest person elected president was

John F. Kennedy

the ___ is the head of the executive branch of the federal government


Which of the following statements is not accurate?

When the framers of the Constitution created the office of the president, they were following the model of a democratically elected chief executive that was characteristic of many countries in the world at that time.

As ____, the president can grant reprieves, pardons, and amnesty.

chief executive

the president

can grant a pardon for any federal offense except in cases of impeachment

congress can override a presidential veto with a

two-thirds vote by the members present in each chamber

the result of a veto override is that the bill

becomes law against the wishes of the president

the fifteen executive departments, which are directly accountable to ___, are the major service organizations of the federal government

the president

each executive department was created by ___ as the perceived need for it arose


except for the Department of Justice, the head of each executive department is known as the


Each executive department head is appointed by the


after being appointed to the position, each executive department head is confirmed by the


which of the following is not an executive department

arts and humanities

the oldest executive departments are

state and treasury

the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Prisons are subagencies of the ___ Department


The Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Mint are subagencies of the ____ Department.


By law, the president is required to inform Congress within ____ of making any executive agreement.

sixty days

the U.S. constitution gives ___ the power to declare war


congress has declared war

in only five different conflicts

____ law is the body of law developed from judicial decisions in English and U.S. courts.


A(n) ____ is a court decision that furnishes an example or authority for deciding subsequent cases involving identical or similar facts and legal issues.


Under the doctrine of ____, judges normally are obligated to follow the precedents established by prior court decisions.

stare decisis

The ___ is the basis of all law in the United States.

U.S. Constitution

____ law is the body of law enacted by legislature


federal states

are laws enacted by the U.S. congress

Government agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, create ____ law in the form of rules and regulations


The importance of ____ law is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the common law tradition


____ law spells out the duties that individuals in society owe to other persons or to their governments, excluding the duty not to commit crimes


____ law has to do with wrongful actions committed against society for which society demands redress


___ is the authority of a court to hear and decide a particular case


the federal trial courts are called

district courts

Since 1945, the president, as ___, has been responsible for deciding if and when to use nuclear weapons.

commander in chief

Today, the president travels at all times with the "___," the briefcase containing the codes used to launch a nuclear attack
