chaper 7/8 review


a closed political meeting

closed primary

closed primary is an election when only party membars can vote every one can vote in an open primary

election laws

restriction made for elections

when elections are held

the first tuesday after the first monday

coattail effect

The boost that candidates may get in an election because of the popularity of candidates above them on the ballot, especially the president.

the australian ballot

a secret ballot


groups that collect money for political candidates


Federal Election Commission, issues regulations & adviosry opinions that control PAC activities

public opinion

a belief or sentiment shared by most people

public agenda

the public issues on which the people's attention is focused

precincts and polling places

the smallest political subdivision of a U.S. city, town, or county for voting purposes and for political party organization

campiagn spending

money spent by canidates to advertise themselves

5 ways people are nominated

The Caucus, Self-Announcement, The Convention, The Direct Primary,Nomination by Petition

Factors that shape public opinion

Family, Schools, Opinion Leaders, The Mass Media, A Mix of Factors

Why the media's influence is limited

because alot of times they give off bad vibes when they shouldent be

What is the oldest form of the nominating process in the U.S.?


What is an open primary?

any voter can vote

Describe the office group ballot?

groups the canidates for each office together

What does the party-group ballot allow people to do?

lists each parties canidates in a column under the party's name

What is the difference between the precinct and the polling place

precinct is the district ,polling is the building

How much money was spent overall in the 2004 presidential campaign?

two billion dollars

Name four things candidates use campaign money for.

buttons,posters,t.v. time, pamphlets,polling

What is the problem w/campaigns costing so much money?

not all canidates that realy should be president cant afford to advertise themselves

How much money may PACs contribute towards a candidate's campaign?ip

no more than $5000 per campaign

What is the most expensive item in a typical campaign budget?


What is the most accurate way to measure public opinion?

opinion polls

Where do most Americans get their (political) information from?

tv, radio