AP Gov. Chapter 1


territories of a government which together make up a federal nation


the territory or a country itself


majority of agreement


complete political authority; dictator


the governing body of people in a state or community ; administration

Social Contract

a mutual agreement which benefits the community and government as a whole

Unitary System

complete power is with the national government and the states and localities are dependent on its will

Federal System

system where sovereignty is shared, so that the national government has a majority of power in some matters and the state has the majority of power in other matters


an ally; one who assists in a plot


the system of fundamental principals according to which a nation, state is governed

Constitutional Government

a government that follows a constitution


the introductory paragraph in the Constitution of the USA

Constitutional Law

the body of rules and laws that govern a nation


the art of good sense applied to public affairs; the administrative control on a nation's external and internal affairs

Industrialized Nation

countries that have a high level of development according to some criteria such as GDP

Developing Nation

country with low level of material well-being


government with uncontrolled authority over others


supreme power or sovereignty held by a monarch


government where the power is vested in a few dominant people


governed by the people; supreme power is in the hands of the people


supreme power is vested in the people whose power is exercised by representatives chosen by the people

Political Party

an organization to gain political power

Free Enterprise

a doctrine that states that an economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market without government interference


the study that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services


an economic system in which the means of production, distribution and exchange of wealth is maintained by individuals or corporations

Free Market

economic system in which the price and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses with minimal governmental interference

Laissez- Faire

the belief that the government should be involved in the economic affairs as little as possible


the theory that supports the idea of the ownership and control of production and distribution in the community


the class concerned with property value


the class who earn their living by manual labor; the working class


a system of organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a dominating political party

Command Economy

an economy that is planned and controlled by a central administration


the ability of one person to get another person to act in accordance with the first person


the right to use power


political authority conferred by law or by a state or national convention

Direct Democracy

most or all citizens participate directly in holding office or making policies

Representative Democracy

small number of elected councilors make decisions


people who posses a disproportionate share of some valued resource, like money or power

Marxist view

view that the government is dominated by capitalists

Power Elite View

view that the government is dominated by a few top leaders, most of whom are outside of government

Bureaucratic View

view that the government is dominated by appointed officials

Pluralist View

the belief that competition among all affected individuals shapes public policy