Government Chapter One


First student of Government


a political community thet occupies a definite territory and has a organized government with the power to make and enforce laws without the approval from any higher authority


any sizable group of people who are united by common bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion.


a country which the territory of both the nation and the state coincide


an agreement about basic beliefs


the supreme and absolute authority within territorial boundaries


the institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public service, provides for national security and a common defense, provides for and control the economic system

evolutionary theory

state evolved from the family

Force theory

government emerged when all people of an area were brought under the authority of one person or group

divine right

notion that a god or gods have chosen people to rule

Government purpose

maintain social order

Government purpose

provide public services

Government purpose

provide for national security and a common defense

Government purpose

provide for and control the economic system

unitary system

gives all key power to the national or cetral government

federal system

divides power of government between the national and state governments


a loose union of independent states


a plan that provides the rules for government

consitutional government

a government in which a consitution has authority to place clearly recognized limits on the power of those who govern


a statement in a constitution that sets forth the goals and purposes of government

constitutional law

law that involves the interpretation and appication of the consitution and state constitution


the effort ti control or influence the conduct and policies of government

industrialized nations

a nation with large industries and advanced technology

developing nations

a nation beginning to develop industrially


a system of government in which the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual

totalitarian dictatorship

a system of government where the ideas of leaders are glorified and the government seeks to control all aspects of social and economic life


a king, queen, or emperor exercises supreme powers of government

absolute monarchy

king or queen have complete power to rule their people

constitutional monarchy

king or queen share governmental power with elected legislatures or serve mainly as the ceremonial leaders of their governments


a system of government in which a small group holds power


government in which the people rule

direct democracy

poeple rule themselves by voting on issues individually as citizens; exists in small communities; meeting regularly

indirect (representative) democracy

people electrepresentatives and give them the responsiblity and power to make laws and conduct government


a government system in which voters hold sovereign power;elect representatives, resopnsible to the people, exercise that power; no monacrhy

political party

a group of individuals with broad common interests who organize to nominate canidates for office, win elections, condust government, and determine public policy

free enterprise

the opportunity to control one's own economic decisions

one person one vote

everyones vote carries the same weight

social consensus

when most people in a society accept democractic values and agree about the purpose and limits of government

civil society

a complex network of voluntary associations, economic groups, religious organizations that are independent from the government


an economic system providing free choice and individual incentive for workers, investors, consumer, and business enterprises

free market

economic system in which buyers and sellers make free choices in the marketplace

adam smith

scottish philosopher and economist, proveded a philosophy for this new system;capitalism


the philosophy that government should keep its hands off the economy

mixed-market economy

economic system ran by both people and government


an economic system in which the government owns the basic means of production, distributes the products and wages, and provides social services such as health care and welfare

democratic socialism

an economic system in which the people have control over government through free elections and multiparty systems, but the government owns the basic means of production and most economic decisions

karl marx

german thinker and writer, a socialist who advocated violent revolution;against capitalism


capitalists who own the means of production


a person who works to produce goods


an economic system in which the central government directs all the major economic decisions

command economy

an economic system in which the government controls the factors of production

characteristics of democracy

individual liberty, majority rule, free elections, competing political parties