Chapter 5 and 6

When communicating with other roadway users you can

Never assume that they understand your intentions

What is the proper way to search an intersection where a stop is not required

On approach to the intersection, search 45-degrees to the left, check the front, and 45-degrees to the right

What is the proper way to search an intersection where a stop is required

From the front limit, search deep 90� to the left, check the front, and search deep 90� to the right

Charging any closed front zone

Increases your closure rate and closes your space to the front very quickly, compromises vehicle balance because braking actions are late and hard, forces cars in the rear to brake hard and late and increases your chance of being rear-ended

When approaching an intersection that is closed by a red or solid yellow traffic light, you should

Check the rear zone and close in gradually

What should you be able to see when stopped behind a vehicle

The rear tires touching the pavement

What does while stopped in traffic monitor the rear zone for sand barrels mean

Keep an eye on the rear zone until 2 cars have stopped behind you

When you are the first in line in your red light changes to green you should

Delay your start two seconds and search the intersection before proceeding

What is the point of no return?

You don't have time to stop anymore.

You are the driver in the photo on the right. The traffic light in the target area is red. What is the best speed control option to use at this moment to time your arrival for a green light?

Decelerate, reduce speed gradually

You are the driver of car A. You intend to turn left and have a solid green traffic light. Where should you wait while yielding to oncoming traffic

Wait behind the crosswalk with your wheels straight

What 4 pieces of information do you need to gather while stopped and waiting to turn at a traffic light?

What color the light is, what is the condition of the rear zone, where is a hole or a gap, is the path open?

You are the driver of car B and your traffic light is a red arrow. a right turn on this light is

Allowed only after you stop, search, and yield to other traffic and pedestrians

A flashing yellow arrow like the one pictured on the right means that you are required to do what?

Yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians then proceed only when clear

What is the best speed control option to use when approaching a stale green traffic light?

Cover brake

You are approaching a stale green traffic light when the light turns yellow in most cases you should

Check the rear zone and make every reasonable effort to stop

You are the driver in the right lane. What communication options will you use as you prepare to change lanes?

Left signal, lien position 2, maintain speed

You are the driver in the photo on the right. Where should your central vision be focused as you change lanes to the left

Target area