
Why are phytoplankton important?

Photosynthetic protists that drift freely in the water and are important for filter feeders and carbon fixation

What are general characteristics of diatoms? Where are they found? How do they reproduce?

Inside a frustle (silica shell), found where light and nutrients are available, and reproduce asexually through secondary production.

What is a bloom?

Diatomic metabolism of nutrients and light, which allows them to reproduce and converts energies for other organisms.

What is diatomaceous ooze?

Bloom of diatoms, occurs especially in temperate and polar regions.

What are the general characteristics of dinoflagellates? Do they all photosynthesize?

Cellulose wall (Theca), two flagellates, some auto some hetero, not all photosynthesize. Ceratium.

What are red tides? How can they impact humans?

Caused by toxic dinoflagellates, and can be harmful if consumed or digested.

What are zoxanthellae?

Dinoflagellates that supplies nutrients for many marine organisms through photosynthesis. Usually toxic, and can be used as a defense mechanism.

What is bioluminescence?

The emission of light by an organism